Part 65 (1/2)

The Boy vaguely thought it looked familiar, before the Sister, blus.h.i.+ng faintly, said: ”We hope you won't go before we have time to repair it.”

”Why, it's our old sled-cover!”

”Yes; it is very much cut and torn. But you do not go at once?”

”Yes, to-morrow.”

”Oh! Father Brachet thought you would stay for a few days, at least.”

”We have no time.”

”You go, like the rest, for gold?”

”Like the rest.”

”But you came before to help poor Nicholas out of his trouble.”

”He was quite able to help himself, as it turned out.”

”Why will you go so far, and at such risk?” she said, with a suddenness that startled them both.

”I--I--well, I think I go chiefly because I want to get my home back. I lost my home when I was a little chap. Where is your home?”


”How long have you been here?”

”Nearly two years.”

”Then how can you call it home?”

”I do that only that I may--speak your language. Of course, it is not my real home.”

”Where is the real home?”

”I hope it is in heaven,” she said, with a simplicity that took away all taint of cant or mere phrase-making.

”But where do you come from?”

”I come from Montreal.”

”Oh! and don't you ever go back to visit your people?”

”No, I never go back.”

”But you will some time?”

”No; I shall never go back.”

”Don't you _want_ to?”