Part 19 (1/2)

Her hands shook as she lifted them blindly, and her right hand smacked against the window.

Justin reached over and caught her left hand, gently. The touch sent another wash of crackling soothing energy over her skin, sinking in. ”Calm down, Ro. It isn't as if you had any G.o.dd.a.m.n choice. Now just get some rest. We got you out of the heaviest Sig installation in the country, and you may have killed their head of Operations right after I took out that blind b.a.s.t.a.r.d. They're in for a major bureaucratic shakeup.

Only good thing about the G.o.dd.a.m.n government is that they need paperwork to go to the bathroom.”

You don't understand. It soothed her to speak to him without words. Regular speech didn't have the tones, the shades of meaning, nuance blending into nuance. She wanted to slide into his mind and stay there, secure in his certainty. His mental house was clean, not like the diseased pit of Jilssen's brain or the squirming, twisted parasite that was Anton. And also, the fishhook maggot-squirm that was the blind man twisting in her head. She was never going to feel clean again.

”Revenge. I wanted revenge.” Her voice broke again. ”I still do. I thought I was better than that.”

”You are. Just rest, angel.” He sounded so G.o.dd.a.m.n sure. He slid his fingers through hers, holding her hand as he drove. ”Take it easy for a little while. Breathe.”

She stared out the winds.h.i.+eld while dawn came up. Despite herself, her terrified grasp on consciousness began to fade. The wheels of the car made a low soothing sound against the pavement, and she began to believe that she might almost be alive. And safe. Not that it mattered.

Her breathing hitched on a last broken little sob, and she pa.s.sed out gratefully, sliding into darkness.

The first night they stopped she thrashed into full terrified consciousness in the darkness, a sleeping weight on the mattress right next to her in the dark. For one vertiginous moment she thought she was strapped back in the chair, Jilssen tightening the restraints as he leered and cupped his crotch. Anton leaned on his cane in the background, the lab stretching and distorting like a funhouse mirror behind him.

A scream tore at her throat, and when Justin lunged into wakefulness and grabbed her wrists shestruggled, thinking he was someone else. But his hands were gentle, and he held her while she sobbed, the borders of her mind clean and intact. Even so, he reached through the link to her, calming her, his steadiness rea.s.suring and the last fading burn of Zed withdrawal skittering over his skin with insect feet that she felt against her own flesh. He reached to the bedside table and flipped the cheap green-gla.s.s lamp on before he pulled her into his lap and rocked her while she shuddered and sobbed.

She finally quieted, his fingers stroking her back through her tank top. She sighed and began to relax a little, though the s.h.i.+vers coming through her in waves didn't stop. The naked feeling of dampers soaked through her skin, familiar, helping to dispel the nightmare.

”Better?” he asked finally, his mouth against her temple. He didn't sound sleepy at all.

No, I'm not. This isn't going to get better. How can it get better? ”Better,” she whispered, and took in a deep hitching breath. ”My G.o.d. I could have given away Headquarters. If they'd tortured me-”

”You wouldn't have. You're stronger than you think.” The headboard, bolted to the wall, creaked as he leaned back against it. If he was uncomfortable with her in his lap, he gave no sign. As a matter of fact, when she tried to wriggle away he tightened his hold on her, and an almost-contest ensued, her trying to squirm free and Justin almost negligently keeping her still. They were both breathing hard by the time she stopped, and she leaned her head against his shoulder, cuddled against his chest. His heartbeat thudded under her ear.

”It's not ever going to stop,” she whispered. ”What are we going to do? When we get old, or if...” Stop it, Rowan. Just stop it.

”Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and inexperience,” he quoted solemnly. He actually sounded amused.

”That's not what I meant.” Her head hurt, but the tearing, ripping pain of a compulsion buried below the surface of her conscious mind had ceased. He touched her shoulder and lifted a slippery strand of pale hair. ”I can't do this.” It was a soft, despairing moan.

The volcanic anger had extinguished itself, leaving only a howling emptiness. The rage that had possessed her in Zero-Fifteen was gone, replaced by ashes and smoke drifting through her mental landscape-burning, wrecked pieces of trauma.

”Give yourself a little time,” he said into her hair. ”Don't worry so much. Even if it is a losing G.o.dd.a.m.n fight, at least we're on the right side of it. That's worth something, don't you think? Look.” He s.h.i.+fted a little, as if his legs had started to go to sleep, but his arms turned to iron when she tried to slide away.

”One day, sometime, somewhere, they're going to lose. They can't keep it up forever.”

She let out a choked half-sob. ”You know what Jilssen said? He wanted to breed us. He said if he could breed out the stubbornness, it would make a good soldier.”

Her lips moved against the bare skin of his shoulder, and she felt him take in a soft, deep breath. She s.h.i.+fted her weight a little, feeling a familiar insistent hardness pressing against the outside of her hip, and a wild panicked laugh rose behind her teeth. Well, at least I know he's still interested. Guilt slammed through her again. How could she even think about s.e.x at a time like this?

”He's probably right.” He paused. ”Of course, I can't see any child of yours lacking for stubbornness.”

He stroked her hair, untangling it with infinite gentleness.

The laugh jolted its way free. ”I'm sorry,” she whispered.”Don't be,” he whispered back. ”Take your time, angel. I'm not going anywhere.”

”I want to forget.” She somehow, somewhere, found the courage to lift her head from his shoulder, felt the heavy weight of her hair slide against her back. She was going to have to cut it, dye it somehow. It was too distinctive, even for a psion practiced at blending in. Thinking of expending the energy to redirect attention away from her hair made her feel even more tired. ”I wish I could forget everything.”

”Everything.” His face was closed, but his eyes were dark and finally alive again. He watched her face, his lips gone soft and somehow amused, the arches of his cheekbones perfect in their severity, one eyebrow slightly lifted in unconscious imitation of Henderson.

I wonder if he knows how much he copies the old man? she thought, and tried to hide a smile. It felt odd to smile, odd but also a relief.

”Everything except you. I missed you.”

That made the faint shadow of amus.e.m.e.nt leave his expression. His face turned solemn. ”I missed you too.” He let go of her, sliding his hands down her arms, callused palms gentle against her skin. ”And here we are.”

”Alone. n.o.body chasing us.”

”Yet.” Now he reached up and skated his fingertips over her cheekbone. The touch was so gentle it made the tears rise again. The fading echo of Anton's voice-Go ahead, Price. Pull the trigger-finally receded into the place nightmares went when faced by daylight. He tensed slowly, muscle by muscle, as she memorized his face over and over again. ”Don't ever do that to me again. You hear me?”

Relief made her slump backward a little. It was the closest to a statement of need she'd ever heard from him. ”I love you too.”

”Christ.” Was he actually sweating? He was trying to stay still as she moved in his lap again, deliberately teasing him. It had been a long, long time for both of them. ”Rowan...”

”Turn the light out,” she told him, and he reached out slowly as she found the hem of her tank top with trembling fingers and pulled it off over her head. His hand never found the lamp, because he traced the lowest curve of her ribs with shaking fingers. Their mouths met, and from there it was easy. He pulled her down into the tangled covers, his mouth on her throat and b.r.e.a.s.t.s until she made a soft pleading sound, his fingers hooking in the waistband of her panties. She had to lift her hips to get them off, for once not worrying about getting dressed if there was an emergency, only wanting to get the confining material out from between them. He tossed them over the side of the bed, and she kissed along his jaw as he struggled with his boxers, muttering a curse she laughed at before he finally kicked the offending material away and slid his knee between hers. She felt the sensations spilling through his nerves as acutely as if they were her own; the rougher silk of his skin against hers was exquisite torture magnified by the link between them.

Rowan. Christ, Rowan ... The words faded under the onslaught of pleasure echoing inside her head, cleaning away the fear and pain and hatred. The edges of his hipbones dug into the soft flesh of her inner thighs, he shoved the pillow away from under her head and wound his fingers in her hair.

He didn't want to hurt her, struggled to retain his control, but she pulled his head up to hers and kissed him, tasted the faint fading echo of toothpaste and the spice of him. She arched her back and rocked her hips up, pleading, her fingers tangling in his hair and his mouth exploring hers. Still, he tried to hold back, fear and caution warring with need. He was being so d.a.m.n careful she almost exploded with frustrationbefore he gave up, bracing himself on his elbows and easing himself slowly, so slowly, into her. She closed her eyes, linking her ankles at the small of his back, and sighed as he moved, settling in, the hard length of him pulsing as she s.h.i.+fted, a small sound of satisfaction caught deep in her throat.

Finally, the moment of connection. Her mind sank into his like water. He shuddered in her arms, on the fine edge of losing control, one thought beating through the red haze of pleasure his mind had become.

Home. I'm home.

So am I, she thought before all words were lost in sensation. He moved and she rose to meet him, relief and arousal and sheer heat blurring the borders between them. No longer two separate beings, she felt her own hand sliding down his back, tasted her own mouth through his. Two short, hard thrusts settled into a longer one. Faint stubble on his chin rasped against her cheek, and she kissed under his jaw, catching the hollow of this throat where the pulse beat and fastening on, wanting to leave a mark on him.

She felt the sharp point of almost-pain in her own throat, and when he moved again, thrusting into her, she felt her fingers driving into his shoulders, hard ridges of muscle tensing in his back, sweat stinging someone's eyes, hers or his? She no longer knew.

Rhythm caught her. Her body knew what to do, and it s.h.i.+fted instinctively to catch the feedback of pleasure from his. He whispered something broken in her ear as Rowan gasped, tilting her head back, curiously calm in the middle of her body's frenzied need to prove that yes, she was still alive.

More, she thought, the word becoming his, the need becoming shared. More, for G.o.d's sake, don't slow down- Speeding up, he was no longer so careful, plunging into her as if he was a drowning man. A cry caught in her throat, and he took her mouth and swallowed it. His voice, echoing hers, was lost in the connection between their hungry tongues. Volcanic heat spilled through her, tightening every muscle and nerve. She let it happen, wanting the release.

Then came the brief moment when their psyches overlapped, white-hot silence exploding through both of them. He stiffened in her arms, a low, hoa.r.s.e sound of agonizing pleasure spilling from his throat as her release tore through his nervous system and his crisis slammed through her in concentric rings of scarlet spurring flame. And if he used his talent gently, very gently, a featherlight brush of pressure against the surface of her mind to help her forget some of the horror and shock and guilt, it was no less an act of love. One she welcomed even as she forgot for a brief moment why it was necessary.

He never did get around to turning the lamp off that night, and when Rowan finally fell asleep there were no more nightmares.

Chapter Twenty-Eight.

Six months later.

Delgado set the gun against the man's temple. ”How many with you?” He sounded bored even to himself, but his pulse slammed inside his wrists and throat even as he shoved his knee more firmly into the man's back. Outside rain swept restlessly down. The winter storms had started. Soon the whole city would freeze, making Montreal looking like a gigantic sugar cake from above. Light would glimmer on the snow, but if they'd been found, neither he nor Rowan would see this city in another twenty-four hours.

Just when I was starting to like it here. Just when Ro was starting to relax.