Part 4 (1/2)
”Hurts,” Rowan said in a colorless voice. And it did-four hours after she'd been shot the agony was enough to draw a gray curtain over her vision. She was sweating, her cotton T-s.h.i.+rt sticking to her armpits and the small of her back. ”Better soon.”
”I hope so. You look like h.e.l.l.” Cath bit her lower lip, slid the car into ”drive,” and began to roll forward through the rest stop. The air-conditioning came on full-blast. Rowan managed to open her eyes.
The gray-green blurs pressing against the edges of her vision were trees hung with Spanish moss. The small brick rest stop, housing two bathrooms and a map proclaiming Georgia to be a Peach of a State!, receded as Cath accelerated onto the long driveway that would connect them to the freeway. It had taken most of Rowan's waning strength to simply stay conscious and boost Yos.h.i.+ as Henderson-with his trusty pendulum-found the Sigma check teams, and Yos.h.i.+ used his talent for electronics to long-distance trigger their equipment. Both the General and the slim j.a.panese man were in bad shape as well, having stretched their talents to the limit. Zeke would get them out, and Boomer and Brew were well on their way with Lewis and several pieces of gear, heading for the Canadian border. Rowan, for now, was Cath's responsibility-at least until the mind-numbing pain stopped and Rowan could think again.
She squeezed her eyes shut, tears trickling down her cheeks. ”Justin,” she whispered. He was back there, in the city they'd just escaped. Why did she feel like she was abandoning him again?
”It's okay, Rowan. If he's back there in the city, he's probably got his hands full. He'll find you.” Cath popped her chewing-gum, her violet eyes focused on the road.
”It's been three months.” I sound like an idiot. Her mouth was dry. The pain in her shoulder gave one more excruciating twinge and, thankfully, began to recede.
”And you just got proof he was still alive, right?” Cath smashed down on the accelerator and the car leapt forward, merging with heavy afternoon traffic. ”What do you want for dinner? We'll stop for something-oh, like Mexican. Mexican sound good?”
”Fine.” Rowan forced her eyes open. ”How are we for supplies?”
”Got plenty of everything, including ammo. There's the real Rowan. Nice to have you back.” Cath popped her gum again. ”Think of this like a vacation. We'll be Thelma and Louise.”
”Christ, I suppose I'm Louise.” It was a pale joke, but Cath giggled anyway.
”You better believe it, sweetheart. Now, if you're not still moaning, dig out that map and start naggervating me.” Cath began to hum as she felt around in her purse-a khaki army-surplus map bag that doubled as her kitbag-for a pack of cigarettes. ”And push the lighter in, will you?”
”Give me a few minutes, Cath. I got shot, for G.o.d's sake.” The pain receded quickly, leaving Rowan sweat-soaked and chill in the blast of cold air from the air-conditioning. Four hours of h.e.l.l, and hershoulder felt tender and dislocated. It would be better tomorrow, and in two or three days the scar would begin to shrink. Her old childhood scars-a small one on her right knee and the long one on the underside of her left arm from a bicycle mishap-had started to shrink too; a consequence of her breaking whatever psionic barrier she'd smashed the night Headquarters was breached.
”Yeah, but you're a quick healer. Look at you. Bet it's all closed up by now. That's some voodoo you got, baby.”
Rowan closed her hand tentatively over her wounded shoulder. It felt hot even through the corduroy jacket Yos.h.i.+ had made her take. He'd packed her clothes and kitbag, too. The canvas messenger bag rested between her hip and the center console. She was armed and dangerous, as the old police shows would have said.
Funny, she thought through the swell of pain. I wouldn't have known what to do with a gun a year and a half ago. Now I feel naked if I don't have one. And I understand so much more about Justin now.
Like what it might have cost him to drag a sedated Rowan across the country, eluding Sigma traps and nets to get her to safety. Like what it might have done to him to watch her sink further and further into grieving apathy.
Like how he must have felt when she'd insisted on becoming an operative. She'd thought he was being brutal, but he'd simply had to be twice as tough as the Sigs would be, to prepare her to face an enemy with no conscience and few scruples. It must have tortured him to act so coldly toward her in the practice room.
Rowan sighed, her hand tightening on her shoulder. A jolt of fading pain lanced across her chest. She was exhausted. ”I've got to get some sleep,” she said heavily. ”Wake me up for dinner.”
”Sure thing.” Cath's lighter clicked, she inhaled and then cracked a window to ventilate the smoke. The heavy smell of swamp and heat began to blow into the car's interior, and Rowan fell asleep thinking about juicy green vines and the life rioting wildly out of still stagnant water and sodden ground.
Chapter Eight.
He picked west because something too deep to be instinct stirred vaguely in him at the thought. Besides, it made no sense for her to go north, that would bring her closer to some of Sigma's thickest-scanned areas. South would pin her against the Gulf with no escape routes after a major brush with Sigma, and east would do the same with the Atlantic.
So west it was.
It had been absurdly anticlimactic to escape. All he had to do was push one heavily-armed guard at the bottom of the murderously unfinished stairwell. Apparently even Andrews thought only a suicidally insane person would brave the rickety, no, leap-over-gaps Delgado had done.
Maybe they were right. In any case, one bored guard smoking a cigarette was no match for Del. He wanted to take the man's wallet and gear, not to mention weapons, but for maximum confusion he needed to simply vanish without a trace.
Negotiating the security net on the ground floor and the three-block radius outside the building was another matter. It took him two precious hours to traverse those three blocks. To keep himself invisible from the psionics and their handlers, he had to use every shadow-skill he possessed-he had to avoid killing one of them and leaving a hole, too. The wet heat and slowly increasing need for a hit of Zed made it even more difficult to concentrate. He even crouched behind a Dumpster for a full twenty minutes, less than six feet away from a precog and her handler, only escaping when the handler needed to take the thin bald girl in to a 7-11 bathroom because she had started to moan softly and sway with her knees pressed together.
I could have ended up like that.
And maybe this faceless Rowan Price could have ended up like that. The thought of that clean, deep mind broken, and maybe a brutal handler to add to the fun, made sheer red protective fury rise in him.
What the h.e.l.l am I doing?
His first need was money. Thankfully, it was now in the prime hours of dusk, and he found himself in a bad part of town. He summarily relieved three crack dealers of their cash and left them with blinding headaches. He could have also taken a very nice Glock 9mm, but he wasn't sure if it was a clean gun.
Del broke it down and left the parts in two separate Dumpsters. A cab ride later, he found a small teriyaki shack unlikely to have surveillance cameras and put away three bowls of rice and chicken. He wanted to buy some ibuprofen because he felt as if something monstrous was being torn from the center of his brain, but he didn't have time. Hunger would slow him down, but he could live with pain for a while longer before needing to deal with it.
He made it out of the city with thirty-eight hundred dollars and a ride hitched in a DariMilk semi that was actually, according to the garrulous mutton-chopped man driving it, carrying grape mash for winemaking.
”Yeah, ain't no money to be had in carrying f.u.c.kin' milk,” the driver said as Del settled back in the seat and watched the asphalt slip away under the wheels.
”Guess not,” Del replied with a thin attempt at humor.
The driver was feeling chatty, and his rig reeked of cigarette smoke and old sweat. The initial push to make him friendly hadn't been hard. Larry the Truck Driver was a lonely man, glad for someone to talkto. Del made the appropriate noises, one part of him monitoring the chatter from the CB radio and the patterns of traffic in front of and behind the semi.
He'd done the easy part. Now he had to find Rowan Price.
Chapter Nine.
”This has got to be the bleakest part of the country,” Rowan complained the next day, leaning against the back of the car as Cath deftly smacked the gas pump nozzle into the car like a teat into a piglet's mouth.
”I mean, look at this.”
Rolling hills lay flat and pleated, covered with whatever grew on Oklahoma sod. The landscape stretched from horizon to horizon with nothing to break its monotony but the highway's dips. Deep blue sky was scored with the blazing eye of the sun, mercilessly beating down on humid black dirt and matted gra.s.s.
The faraway shape of a water tower lifted like a distant pregnant elephant, another welcome break in the flatness. Insects hummed in the fitful hot breeze and sweat lay like oil against Rowan's forearms, between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, against the curve of her lower back and behind her bare knees. She was glad she could wear shorts, even if she had to wear a T-s.h.i.+rt because of the glaring chunk taken out of her right deltoid. It was an angry bright red and didn't look like a normal wound should. Because it was healing too quickly, it looked weeks instead of days old and paradoxically fresh.
Cath glanced around. ”Nothing but sod, huh? But the hills break it up a little. Not like Wyoming. You ain't seen a whole lot of nothing until you see Wyoming.” She scratched at her cheek, the tails of her Dr.
Who scarf stirring in the low, warm breeze. At least it wasn't the cloying heat of the city; this heat was fractionally less muggy.
But the insects are worse. Rowan slapped at a bite on her forearm. The sky was a deep venomous blue, no trace of a cloud except in the south, where a thick band of black smudge promised a thunderstorm later in the day. I never thought I'd miss Saint City rain. Rain four days out of every five, rain until you grow mold between your toes. G.o.d. ”How are you feeling, Cath? Want me to drive for a while?”
”We should make Amarillo late-late tonight, and we'll stop for some real food and a real bed. We've made good time. Wish we didn't have to go through New Mexico, even for a minute. How's your arm?”
The sign proclaiming Gas-Food-Ice squealed as the restless wind mouthed it. ”My arm's okay.” Rowan ma.s.saged her left shoulder, feeling only a slight twinge-probably psychological. ”We have made good time. I wish we could know how the others are doing.”
”They're probably fine. Worry about us first.” Cath popped her Juicy Fruit gum again and the gas pump clicked off. ”I'm going to go get my change and some Doritos. You want anything?”