Part 40 (1/2)

3. How shall we determine what people shall do in group activity and what shall be left to private initiative?

4. How may our ideals of democracy be put to effective practice?

5. To what extent does future progress of the race depend upon science?

6. Is there any limit to the amount of money that may be wisely expended for education?

7. Public measures for the promotion of health.

8. What is meant by the statement that ”Without vision the people perish”?

9. Equalization of opportunity.



Abbott, Frank Frost: History and Description of Roman Political Inst.i.tutions.

Adams, George Burton: Civilization During the Middle Ages.

Amicis, Edmondo de: Spain and the Spaniards.

Aristotle's Politics: Translation by Welldon.

Arnold, Matthew: Civilization in the United States.

Bakewell, Chas. M.: Source Book of Ancient Philosophy.

Blackmar, F. W., and Gillin, J. L.: Outlines of Sociology.

Blummer, Hugo: Home Life of the Ancient Greeks.

Boak, A. E. R.: Roman History.

Boas, Franz: The Mind of Primitive Man.

Botsford, George Willis: Ancient History for Beginners.

h.e.l.lenic History.

The Story of Rome.

Bowman, Isaiah: The New World.

Breasted, J. H.: Ancient Times: A History of the Early World.

Brinton, Daniel G.: The American Races.

Bryce, James: The American Commonwealth.

The Holy Roman Empire.