Part 46 (1/2)
MATRON: ”Yes, there is one wo on the floor for the last three days and, except a little water, I don't think she has sed a mouthful of food since she cae I do not think you had better see her”
MARGOT: ”Thank you, I am not at all afraid Please takeht give you a shock Do you think you are wise to go in your present condition?”
MARGOT: ”Oh, that's all right, thanks! I am not easily shocked”
When we ca the matron she could leave me, as after this visit I should have to join my husband and I could find my way to the front hall by myself She opened the door in silence and leton the stone floor, in an animal attitude, I saoman She did not look up when I went in nor turn when I shut the door Her eyebrows almost joined above a square-tipped nose; and her eyes, shaded by long black lashes, were fixed upon the ground
Her hair greell, out of a beautiful forehead, and the red curve of her ave expression to a wax-like face I had never seen a y and a gentle recitative of why I had come, she turned what little I could see of her face away froreeted with impenetrable silence
At last I said to her:
”It is so difficult for round Won't you get up?”
No answer At this--being an active woman--I sat down beside her on the stone floor and took her hand in both of mine She did not withdraw it, but lifted her lashes to look at rey eyes; my heart beat at the beauty of her face
”Why don't you speak to reat deal for you”
This was greeted by a faint gleaed shake of the head
MARGOT: ”You look very young What is it you did, that brought you into this prison,”
My question seemed to surprise her and after a moment's silence she said:
”Don't you knohy I am sentenced?”
MARGOT: ”No; and you need not tellare you here for?”
THE WOMAN (in a penetrating voice): ”Life!”
MARGOT: ”That's impossible; no one is punished for life unless they commit murder; and even then the sentence is always shortened”
THE WOMAN: ”Shortened in time for what? For your death and burial?
Perhaps you don't kno kind they are to us here! No one is allowed to die in prison! But by the tione, your hair white and your friends are dead, your family do not need you and all that can be done for you is done by charity You die and your eyes are closed by your landlady”
MARGOT: ”Tell me what you did”
THE WOMAN: ”Only what all you fashi+onable women do every day ”
MARGOT: ”What?”
THE WOMAN: ”I helped those ere in trouble to get rid of their babies”