Part 33 (1/2)
To eneration, full of ecclesiastical loves and hatred Considering what he really was, it is wonderful what a space he has filled in the eyes of mankind In speculation he was habitually untruthful and not much better in practice His conscience had been taken out, and the Church put in its place Yet he was adisinterested Truth is very often troublesoet on without it
Here is the posture as the tax-gatherer
May you have good sleep and pleasant drea you with Lady Wemyss
Believe me always,
Yours affectionately,
Your kind letter was a very sweet consolation to me It was like you to think of a friend in trouble
Poor Nettleshi+p, e have lost, was a man who cannot be replaced--certainly not in Oxford He was a very good enius in hiuides not to be cowards, but to save their lives He also sang to the (this was so like him) that he had no voice, but that he would do his best
He probably sang that song of Salvator Rosa's which we have so often heard froraduates, because they knew that he cared for the else in the world
Of his writings there is notessay on Plato in a book called ”hellenis to write, and I think would have written well He was also an excellent speaker and lecturer--Mr Asquith would tell you about him
I have received many letters about him--but none of them has touched me as much as yours Thank you, dear
I see that you are in earnest about writing--no slipshod or want of connection Writing requires boundless leisure, and is an infinite labour, yet there is also a very great pleasure in it I shall be delighted to read your sketches
BALLIOL COLLEGE, Dec 27th, 1892
I have been reading Lady Jeune's two articles I alad that you did not write the of that sort
These criticisms on Society in which so” are mistaken In the first place, the whole fabric of society is a great ht not to take liberties, and which should be spoken of only in a whisper e compare our experiences, whether in a walk or tete-a-tete, or ”over the back hair” with a faithful, reserved confidante And there is also a great deal that is painful in the absence of freedo from one place in it to another I a not to be spoken of; e can do to ie at Oxford, or a young lady of fashi+on (I know that you don't like to be called that)--must be done quite silently
Lady Jeune believes that all the world would go right, or at least be a great deal better, if it were not for the Nouveaux Riches
Soree with our dear friend, Lady Wemyss, that the truth is ”the old poor are so jealous of the Society as a whole, not clinging to any one class of it--what is possible and desirable to what is impossible and undesirable
I hope you are none the worse for your great effort You know it interests me to hear what you are about if you have time and inclination to write I saw your friend, Mr Asquith, last night: very nice and not at all puffed up with his great office [Footnote: The Home Office] The fortunes of the Ministry seem very doubtful There is a tendency to follow Lord Rosebery in the Cabinet Some think that the Ho, then dropped, and a new shuffle of the cards will take place under Lord Rosebery: this seems to me very likely The Ministry has very little to spare and they are not gaining ground, and the English are beginning to hate the Irish and the Priests
I hope that all things go happily with you TellMr Milner's book with great satisfaction-- and very i epistle
Ever yours,