Part 16 (2/2)
MARGOT: ”Over here I suppose that sort of thing land”
BARON HIRSCH: ”How can you say such a thing to me? London society cares more for money than any other in the world, as I know toirl he likes”
MARGOT: ”I doubt it! English girls don't marry for money!”
BARON HIRSCH: ”Nonsense,that can afford to despisefor a very long ti): ”I don't think you will ever be disappointed in that hope; but surely you wouldn't like to be a poor man's wife and live in the suburbs? Just think what it would be if you could not hunt or ride in the Row in a beautiful habit or have wonderful dresses from Worth! You would hate to be dowdy and obscure!”
”That,” I answered energetically, ”could never happen to me”
BARON HIRSCH: ”Why not?”
MARGOT: ”Because I have too many friends”
BARON HIRSCH: ”And enehtfully): ”Perhaps I don't know about that I never notice whether people dislike me or not After all, you took a fancy to me the first time we met; why should not other people do the same? Do you think I should not improve on acquaintance?”
BARON HIRSCH: ”How can you doubt that, when I have just asked you to irl is there that you would like for a daughter-in-law?”
BARON HIRSCH: ”Lady Katie Lambton,[Footnote: The present duchess of Leeds] Durham's sister”
MARGOT: ”I don't know her at all Is she like me?”
BARON HIRSCH: ”Not in the least; but you and she are the only girls I have ed to knohat my rival was like, but all he could tell nonne, to which I said:
”But she sounds exactly like h:
”I don't believe you know in the least what you are like,” he said
MARGOT: ”You mean I have no idea how plain I am? But what an odd man you are! If I don't knohat I'm like, I am sure you can't!
How do you know that I ahthis interests, as you suggest, keep hiall your ht fall in love with htful, clever man And then Lucien's happiness would be over”
BARON HIRSCH: ”I do not believe you would ever cheat your husband”
MARGOT: ”You never can tell! Would Lady Katie Lambton many for money?”
BARON HIRSCH: ”To be perfectly honest with you, I don't think she would”
MARGOT: ”There you are! I know heaps of girls ouldn't; anyhow, _I_ never would!”
BARON HIRSCH: ”You are in love with some one else, perhaps, are you?”