Part 5 (1/2)

Wesley watched them.

Ridley gestured to the woman. ”When I'm finished, shall I send her to you?”

Wesley averted his eyes, shaking his head. ”No. Good night.” He left the room, pointedly looking away from the woman.

Ridley stared at the closed door for several seconds after his brother was gone. How very odd. He'd never seen Wesley with a woman-or even talk about bedding one. Perhaps this would be useful, once he understood what Wesley wanted. Perhaps he wanted a wife? Or his own woman. Or mayhap he didn't like women at all, but boys. Ridley rubbed his beard thoughtfully. Yes, this could be very useful.

He turned back to the la.s.s. She wore a starched cap, but he noted black locks escaping to curl at her nape. Ridley s.n.a.t.c.hed the cap off her head. Waves of ebony cascaded down her back.

Ridley darted a look at Gilford, who smiled and nodded hopefully. The fool! He thought he was being clever. Ridley gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were blue. The tension drained away. Not black, but blue. And she looked nothing like Mona, whose hair shone almost blue it was so black. This woman's was like a piece of coal. Her skin was rough and chapped. Not creamy and silky. She smiled hesitantly and the stained teeth repulsed Ridley.

”b.l.o.o.d.y Christ. Take her away.”

The girl's face fell and Gilford shoved her roughly from the room, speaking harsh words to her. Ridley went to the fire, rubbing his hands over his face. It was always this way. He wanted a woman, wanted release. And yet he could find none. There was only Mona.

His hands curled into fists as he thought of her, her head fallen back as that bone-headed knight rutted on her; small, pearly teeth, gleaming between soft lips. She'd chosen the filthy Scots prisoner over him. And he would kill her for it. But first, she would get him the Blood Stone and then she would pay for her perfidy.

But b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l! It enraged him that the knight had her. No one but Ridley should possess her-ever. They would both die. The entire Maxwell clan would die for her l.u.s.ts.

”Forgive, my lord. Should I find another la.s.s? One more pleasing?”

Ridley turned slowly, his eyes narrowing on the servant who had tried to bring him a Mona imposter. ”Why do you keep bringing me these hags?”

”My lord... I found her pleasing-”

”You brought me your s.l.u.t?”

”No-no! My lord, I only meant I thought her pretty as do many others-”

”I am no common rustic, you fool! I cannot rut on a dumb beast simply because it is female!”

The man cowered now, his face bloodless. Ridley was tempted to beat him, but there was dinner with Carlisle later and he needed this man to ready his garments.

”Prepare my doublet for dinner-go! Get out of my sight.”

When the man was gone, Ridley turned back to the fire, his heart an empty void.

Fayth was relieved when the meal she was forced to share with her future husband, her despised brother, and several others, was finally over. Not that anyone had paid much attention to her. Oh, Carlisle had groped at her beneath the table and Ridley had stomped on her foot a number of occasions, but mostly the men had been engrossed in discussions about the impending war and Red Alex. Fayth was heartily sick of both subjects. If there was to be a war, then she wished the men would just go fight it and stop blathering about it so much. It was especially repellent to hear Ridley's silver tongue wax on about how he would ensure Lord Carlisle's lands were spared any English incursions. And Carlisle, gloating like a swollen toad, believed him. Fayth promised herself that if she were actually forced to marry him, she would endeavor to convince him of Ridley's perfidy.

But she wasn't ready to concede defeat just yet. She'd made another escape attempt while being escorted to Carlisle's chambers, but it had failed. She'd almost made it to the great hall when she tripped over a cat and was hauled back to dinner.

Fayth sat on the bed, mulling over the meal. The dog, which she'd named Biddy, climbed onto the bed and lay her big head on Fayth's lap. Fayth stroked the silken fur absently. She'd been tempted several times to tell Ridley and Carlisle of Red Alex and what he'd said to her in the woods. Why she hadn't was a mystery that currently nagged at her. Red Alex was the worst sort of scoundrel and she would do well to rid herself of him. But who would believe her? Besides, he was the outlaw that held her bride price-Gealach, and therefore an obstacle to Ridley. And Fayth would do nothing to aid her brother. If anything she would work to construct as many obstacles as possible to thwart him.

Her mind turned back to the encounter in the woods. Following her, indeed. He obviously wanted to revenge himself on her for what occurred back at Annancreag. Her skin flushed at the memory. It was his own fault. Had he been doing his duty, rather than imbibing and looking for a wh.o.r.e, it never would have happened.

With great effort Fayth forced her mind to other matters, such as escaping before she was forced to say vows. She chewed her thumbnail, reviewing what she'd been able to discover about the castle's floor plan.

She was staring blankly at the far wall when the enormous carpet that covered the paneling bulged outward. Fayth leaped off the bed, Biddy right behind her. The dog's hackles rose and a low growl rumbled in her chest. Fayth scanned the room for a weapon, but before she found anything, the bulge moved. There was a clicking sound, as of a lock engaging, then a girl emerged from the side of the carpet.

She looked about until her gaze rested on Fayth and Biddy-who had stopped growling and now sat calmly on her haunches beside Fayth.