Chapter 239: Twenty-sixth Episode: Chapter 4 (1/2)
Chapter 239: Twenty-sixth Episode: Chapter 4
Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation
If one would like to understand the soul of the fall, then they should visit the north of the empire. Find a quiet and peaceful countryside to observe the hard-working peasants or volunteer in the labor of fruits picking.
The vast territory of Titan Empire was tormented by the scorching sun during the 9th month. However, in the northern part of the empire, the sky seemed to have stretched to infinity and leaves had begun to change color. Paddies and wheat were ready for harvest. Golden waves of wheat that billowed in the cool fall breeze appeared as if they would break in any given moment.
The idyllic countryside expanded as far as the eyes could see and woods divided the different crops into several groups. Among the golden, green and bright purple crop fields, the spires of farmers' wooden huts were scattered in well-proportion. Cooking smoke occasionally curled up from the chimneys of these small houses painted in distinctive colors. Other times, the area was filled with sounds of people shouting at livestock.
A small creek in the northwest of the forest was running slowly. Craftsmen of the countryside built a waterwheel where the river bent and dug a ditch on the other side of the mechanism. The canal flowed straight through an estate which was the smallest administrative unit of the Titan Empire, with only a handful of households at most. To guard against uninvited guests, these few households built their wooden houses together with the walls and roofs connected which looked like a massive family house from afar. Perhaps these different households might even actually become a massive family after living together for a century.
For instance, Old Man Hartzer's ordinary but extremely affluent Hartzer Village. The black earth territory within the radius of a few miles was the public property of this estate. Old Man Hartzer was the household head of the current generation. Although it was only a ridiculously small role, it was registered in the list of prefecture officers and even province governors.
Hartzer and his family lived in the estate for generations. They experienced natural disasters, plagues, riots, and bandits. They also seemed to have experienced wars. However, the family did not know exactly what the war was about. Only Old Man Hartzer who had gone to the army knew the meaning of this word.
In response to the upcoming war, Old Man Hartzer decided to hold a family meeting. The last family meeting was held for the sale of piglets. ”How should I break the news to my people this time?” The old man who had been the head of the household for a long time murmured to himself. Could he straightforwardly ask the children to leave the land where they were born and raised?
There was only one main gate in the entire village. Children, siblings, and even grandchildren were all sitting in the yard outside the gate. Hartzer did a head count silently...21, 22!
Oh yeah! The little guy who was still in swaddling clothes...23!
The whole household gathered while the old man was smoking his ancient water pipe as usual. Anyone with any sense would know at first glance that it belonged to a noble lady but that was the only loot that the old man had won himself from the many years he had been in the army. It was confiscated from a noble home. Although several decades had passed, the old man still remembered the incident vividly. He and several other soldiers rushed into the home of a stranger to throw and smash things and insult the servant girls. The old man was very silly back then. He who came from the village had not seen anything like this before. He did not understand why he must behave wildly in a stranger's house, hence he stood there doing nothing. A captain noticed him and gave him a water pipe out of pity, not forgetting to tell him in a stern voice, ”Hold this! This is our right. This is our loot!”
Old Man Hartzer still could not figure it out after smoking that water pipe for so many years. ”This is our right. This is our loot!” But why? That was a stranger's house!
What right did they have to do such things in a stranger's house? How were their actions different from bandits and robbers?
It was similar to their current situation! According to the government's announcement, the Deiss across the border wanted to enter Titans' house. So, could this be called a war? The war as a conflict between soldiers and other soldiers. This old man was once a soldier himself and this was his understanding of the word. However, the bureaucrat of the province announced that the Deiss was going to break into his house! What rights did the Deiss have to do so?
”This is our current situation! Everyone, tell the old man what should he do?” The old man's eyes ringed with worries as he gazed out to the crop fields beyond his yard.
The family members of the household kept quiet. Women were knitting sweaters or rinsing vegetables, men hung their heads down as they smoke tobacco and the children who could not stay restless already begun to run around after sitting still for a while.
Hartzer's wife whispered, ”The fall is coming...”
The men and women's eyes immediately lit up, ”Yes, daddy! Fall is coming! As you can see, it is estimated that our harvest will be 10% higher than last year!” the youngest son of the old man shouted in delight.
The women laughed, ”The animals in the woods are growing now. If it snows in the 10th month - ”
”Alright, alright!” a man interrupted, ”They're just some hides and furs, stop thinking about them constantly!”
The old man knocked on the water pipe pot impatiently and the men and women immediately shut their mouth. The head of the household stared at his wife as if the old woman should not have mentioned this.
”The fall is coming and so is the Deiss!” Old Man Hartzer murmured. ”The children are right. This year's harvest is 10% higher than last year hence your old man here doesn't have to worry about food. If it starts to snow in the 10th month, your old man here can hunt for a few more skins so my old lady and the women at home can also be neatly dressed for a while.”
”This has nothing to do with the Deiss!” the stubborn old lady shouted. She had lived here all her life but never once had she suffered from the Deiss. In contrast, what terrified her more was the ruffians among the Imperial Guards, tax officer from town, and bandits in the mountains and forests! Oh, yes, also the wild boars and big wolfs. They were frightening.
”Ladies, go to the side!” it was rare to see Old Man Hartzer put on a stern face, ”What do you know? There will be casualties if the Deiss are here!”
The old woman's voice became softer, ”Then should we neglect the harvest in our fields? Stop hunting for badgers even if it snows in the mountains?”
Depressed and confused, the old man put away the water pipe. Although the ways of this world were difficult to comprehend, the family had lived a good life so far. Fall had always been the time for harvest, the time for the family to dress up and attend the harvest festival in town, the time where badgers full of fur rushed into the traps they had set up! How could things change so easily without warning?
Others did not know the cruelty of the Deiss but Old Man Hartzer knew it too well. However, he did not reveal it to the family. Besides, no one would boast about the number of people they killed during the time served as a soldier.
Old Man Hartzer put down the water pipe. He narrowed his eyes as he reminisced about the years he spent fighting at the border.
At that time, the Deiss devils were really terrible! With no armor and other extra weapons but sabers and axes, they slaughtered anyone that they encountered without a word.
The old man shook his head while he sighed. Then, he sent his children, grandchildren, and the shallow-minded women away, and locked himself away in a small hut.
The old man thought of his commanding officer. Although his commanding officer taught him to break into other people's home and taught him how to kill, his commanding officer was a good man! He rushed to the front line in war and remained last during the retreat. This kind of good man did not deserve to be hung on the spear for three days by the Deiss devil. From then on, Old Man Hartzer knew that the Deiss was exactly like how his comrades had described – barbarians! Barbarians who kill people and set fire for no reason!
Outside the wooden window, bellowing wheat fields glittered like gold under the shine of the setting sun as magnificent as the Imperial Guards' infantry phalanx. Although the old man could not understand, he still missed the times when he was filled with passionate young blood. He did not know what kind of power had supported himself to fight against the barbaric Deiss who kill without batting an eyelid. He did not know why the comrades around him would be willing to fall like trifle and never open their eyes again. He was enraged. He only followed orders and executed those killings and terrible tricks obediently.
The fall had arrived, and the magnificent sunset would soon disappear. Paddies and wheat in the fields were already ripe and ready for harvest. (They could start harvesting one part of the crops tomorrow!) The old man thought to himself. He could hear on the other side of the door that life was going on as usual – women preparing for dinner, little children playing fighting games, and his sons gambling. How good it would be if life could just go on like this!
But the Deiss was coming! Hartzer did not know whether the government's announcement was accurate but based on his years in the army if the commanding officer announced that the Deiss was coming, then these barbarians would surely come!
The old man lifted a hidden pull ring on the floor, which was an opening to a tiny storage compartment. An Imperial Guard private model armor was covered with dust and the spider webs wrapped on the double-edged sword was thick and dense. Only one gleaming little thing was looking new. The old man picked it up and blew some air on it as usual. Then he rubbed it several times with his greasy sleeves.
The small object made of metal was moved near to the window. The setting sun immediately made it glister. The old man narrowed his eyes as he felt its carvings and felt its weight. The old man was illiterate but he had studied these little fonts on the small object for over ten million times.
”Empire Warrior Medal...Moreiro Border Defensive War...Sergeant Pilar Hartzer...”
Memories came flooding into the old man's mind. The border defensive line of Moreiro, the setting sun, the starry night...the Deiss who fumbled their ways from the dark horizon, the Imperial Guards that met the attack fought bitterly, bloody battles, killings, sacrifices...the rising sun, dead bodies everywhere...the whole division, the entire group, the whole battalion...the remaining survivors were a sergeant and a dozen or so brazen privates covered in cuts and bruises...young Hartzer spat in the direction of the barbarians, his big bloody hands held on his organs as he pissed at the barbarians retreating silhouettes. What a great battle!
On the 20th day of the 9th month in Church's year 801 at nine in the evening, Moreiro borderline of defense, setting sun and a star-studded sky.
On the gigantic sand table of Titan Imperial Guards Northern Army Group Interim Field Command Center, the Moreiro borderline of defense located in the northwest coincided with the northern defense line of Steinberger. Marshal Alan had only placed a second-rate border defensive division on this defense line. Neither the headquarters staff officer or Silver Fox Alan himself think that the Deiss Kingdom Army would launch an offensive from this narrow border corridor.
Behind the Moreiro defensive line was rolling hills and valleys of extremely complicated topography. Even the Imperial Guards did not have a detailed map of this area. Most people just knew that the Moreiro hills and valleys were not the best places to launch a cavalry offense, not to mention a large troop formation.
Imperial Guards Commander Vann Hewitt Alan established the temporary command center in a small town Wakinra on the border shared with Deiss. Since the victory of winter battle last year, Imperial Guards Northern Army Group had firmly controlled the town and the defense line of two hundred kilometers extended beyond the town.
Silver Fox Alan still lived in the residence of Count Wakinra. He always remembered the famous ”Treaty of Afternoon Tea” whenever he worked in this massive house. The peace treaty was one of the few most absurd political agreements in the world. The peaceful environment only lasted a short span of 74 days.
Marshal Alan was still the same. Military life from the past months had caused him to be fatigue and slightly lazy. However, the spirit of the commander had not slacked in the slightest. He only slept for six hours a day. Other times, he worked tirelessly, endlessly.
He ranked the battlefield number for each division-level unit of the Northern Army Group. These numbered small flags scattered across the huge sandbox in one long line while the main Wakinra town area and nearby districts were protected by the main army group force consisted of eleven fully integrated corps.
According to Alan's predictions, the eleven fully integrated corps was not enough to resist the Deiss attack, but Anti-Titan Alliance offensive line was spread too long and too wide. In the case of the north alone, if the Deiss Kingdom Army wanted to maintain the pressure while meeting with Steinberger offense they would require at least 30 divisions or in other words 90,000 troop force. At the same time, in order to launch attacks on the Northern Army Group and open up a second attack route, the strength of the Deiss main army group force had to be between 200,000 people.
Judging from the forces integration, the analysis of the Military Intelligence Bureau was trustworthy. Although the Deiss could mobilize four divisions into the war, the experienced crack forces in defending the Olliers would never leave the north. The troops in the capital area would also not be mobilized around unless necessary. In this way, the Deiss could only invest around four divisions in the Titan front line, as they must reserve half the battle troops to resist the gradually powerful ice-cold kingdom.
Regardless of the parallelism, if the Steinberger and Military Intelligence Bureau had not missed out anything in their battle reports, then the 180,000 Deiss people should be waiting for the time in the northwestern battlefield in front of Blackwood Fortress.
Since the beginning of the fortress attack and defense battle, the devils did not move an inch. No one knew was it that they wanted!
However, Alan knew!
The battle report delivered by Steinberger was very interesting. Among the Deiss regular army was a large number of servants who had blended in. In other words, not all the 180,000 soldiers were their regular army forces. Marshal Stanbein, the highest commander of the Deiss Supreme High Command had secretly assembled the actual main force in another location. This old friend had only one goal – to completely defeat the northern line of defense managed by the commander of Imperial Guards.
Alan squinted his eyes to look better at the sand table.
Until the 14th day of the 9th month, his main army group was all set on the frontline, but there was still no trace of Deiss. This situation lasted for a month. It was already fall now and the northerners were about to start the busiest harvesting season. Then, it would soon snow in the 10th month. If the Deiss wanted to attack they must be planning to do so within half a month before the snow!
Alan's speculation was supported by most of the combat staff and generals. It was obvious to all what tricks Deiss had in mind. Attacking during the busy period could destroy the agricultural infrastructure in the north of Titan, and the Imperial Guards would lose a lot of material resources. Snowfall in the 10th month would place both parties in a passive state, but Deiss who had fought against Olliers in the snow for two hundred years were definitely more experienced in this domain than the Titan Imperial Guards.
Therefore, what Alan needed to worry about was how many people Deiss would deploy to join the army group in the northern frontline. Where would this huge cluster launch their first wave of attacks?
Alan admitted that he had already been in a passive position before the outbreak of the war. He had anticipated the situation as early as the time when Steinberger frontline was under strong pressure.
The current situation was threatening! No matter how long Steinberger's border defense area could last and even if Blackwood fortress crumbled, the Northern Army Group could not deploy its troops for reinforcement. The Deiss must have formulated a plan to siege the city and there was not much difference between retreating from the borderline defense and suicide.
Alan had been preparing for this decisive battle for the last ten years from the initial suppression of the Big Three in the North to the victory of the winter offensive in year 798 and uniting with Alpha III His Late Majesty to gather the northern army forces and the disintegration of the three major warlords! The Imperial Guards marshal had fully integrated the northern garrison area military forces and also incorporated the armed forces of the three major warlords into the original basis of Northern Army Group especially the Bron Fortress which was claimed to be the first bunker of the Westland and the elite heavy-loaded infantry corps originally belonged to Jebron House.
In general, the northern military region of the Titan Empire had never been as strong as it was now. After the reorganization of the local warlords' forces, the total strength of the three northern provinces rose to 210,000, which was basically the same as the Imperial Guards strength in the five southern provinces that had risen in recent years.
As such, there was no need for Alan to worry too much but look at his sand table! In order to operate the defense line centered in Brun Fortress, the Imperial Guards Commander positioned half of the troops behind himself. Excluding the defensive forces in each border garrison area, he could only deploy the remaining eleven troops to fight the decisive battle with Deiss. However, the enemy was able to gather 200,000 people at a single point to storm the front line!
”There are three possible situations!” Alan scanned the room filled with high-ranking officers of the Imperial Guards.
”First, Deiss will initiate the fight in Wakinra during late of the 9th month and early of the 10th month.”
The officers did not respond. Everyone just looked at Alan with confidence.
Alan pointed to a specific location on the tactical map.
”Second, Deiss will outflank us from the side. They are a massive troop hence they could fight or leave as they wish. There is only so much that we can do.”
The officers landed their sight on the flank of the main army group. It was a wide expanse of flat land after crossing the border. There was not a strategic position that the Imperial Guards could have been stationed. Therefore, it was the perfect spot to launch a surprise attack.
”The third...” Alan was hesitant. He was still suspicious of this third possibility.
”As we can see from the tactical map, there is a no-man's land in the most western part of Moreiro defense line. The terrain is complex and not the most appropriate for neither cavalry intrusion nor movement of a massive troop. Despite this, this place is the weakest link in the entire defense line, it's hard to say that Deiss will not attack from here.”
”There is only one border garrison division in the Moreiro area!” Lieutenant General Krasius, the chief of staff of Northern Army Group reminded his marshal worriedly.
”You're right, there is only one division!” Alan sighed helplessly at the unfavorable situation brought about by the three-line battle. There would always be a disadvantage at forces distribution and defensive state if he were to deploy only the Northern Group Army against the forces of Deiss Kingdom Army, albeit the defensive strength of Moreiro region was still weak. However, Alan was unable to change this situation as the soldiers needed to be deployed to more important locations. Moreover, if Deiss really attack from Moreiro area, the result of adding a division or a corps would not make much of a difference. Such a small unit could not obstruct the Yaran savages.
”Gentlemen, no matter where the enemy comes from, they will definitely hit our spears!” Alan laughed suddenly. This was the most he could say.
Before the First Defending War, Marshal Alan had several encounters with Marshal Stainbein, the highest commander of the other party, during the planning for the summer offensive against Deiss. It should be said that Alan did not win a complete victory. A majority thought he would lose, but he willingly withdrew from the battlefield after making a series of victories in the early stage of the offensive. The Deiss Kingdom Army who was still in good shape had no choice but to return without accomplishing anything.
But this time…Alan murmured to himself. Her Majesty the Queen of Deiss Kingdom paid great attention to the confidentiality measures. The report from the Military Intelligence Bureau regarding Deiss returned rather late. The Imperial Guards could only guess roughly from the fragmentary remarks about the movement of the Deiss regular military forces. There had been no improvement since the war.
The loss of opportunity, less understanding of the enemy's condition and slightly weaker strength on the Titan side. How should they fight this war? To tell the truth, Alan did not have much confidence, but he did not realize that he would lose. He just…he just did not want to be defeated too badly. At the very least, let it end like summer which started fine but ended poorly. The Imperial Guards could give up the border defense and retreat to the defense line centered in the Bron Fortress.
”Would you like to hear other battlefield reports?” a senior combat staff suddenly stood up.
”Of course!” Alan cleared his mind. He was the commander of the northern battlefield and also the commander of the Imperial Guards. There were too many things waiting for his decision.
The senior combat staff replaced the tactical map with the map of the empire. He first pointed to the Haussen Province in the northwest.
”Steinberger is still resisting but with much difficulty! The Blackwood Fortress has been holding up for one month. Ammunition was exhausted, and the troop forces were reduced by 40%. We have lost contact with the fortress and now only rely on a word or two delivered by an independent brigade that insists on guerrilla warfare.”
Alan nodded. This indicated that Steinberger Front first defense may fall at any time. It also showed that Deiss had still not yet reveal their hidden intention. If there was no conspiracy, why would it take a month for 180,000 people to attack a fortress guarded by 20,000 people?
”Vielonna!” the chief of staff tapped on the southern music capital, ”The Farans are doing well over there. There are advances and retreats, implementation of methods and strategies but they don't dare to thoroughly destroy Vielonna. Both sides have been locked in a confrontation.”
Alan understood even better now. The Farans only had a troop consisted of more than ten thousand people. If southern Vielonna really had any mishaps, his old friend Eugene would deploy his whole army to slap Farans in the face. The reason why the two sides were still locked in the confrontation was mostly because...
”Western Front!” exclaimed the combat staff in concern. ”Western Front is facing some troubles! Hoilland, Leblese, Weden, and Faran! The monarchs of the four nations are still increasing their troops at the borders of our country. They have assembled a massive army group of 400,000 people in the area manage jointly with Riel. It's estimated that they will expand their offensive troops to about 500,000 people.”
The northern officers looked at each other in surprise and began to discuss loudly. Who had seen or heard of an offensive army group consisted of 500,000 people? Including the enemies that the North and South defenses needed to deal with, the number of soldiers deployed by Anti-Titan Alliance would be close to one million. It did not seem like they were trying to divide Titan, but to entirely destroy Titan!
”Silence!” the commander of the Imperial Guards grunted coldly, and the war room calmed down immediately.
”Yes! The total strength of the enemy is close to one million, but we are not at a disadvantage,” the old Marshal threw out his chest as he stood up as if holding a bountiful harvest in his arms. ”Her Majesty the Empress has mobilized a large number of reinforcements from the Central Military Region to the Western Front. The Farans in the south are just making a false show of strength. Once Marshal O'Neil frees up his matters, he would resolve the enemy on the southern line.”
”Does everybody really think the inferior people who came from West are going to fight a decisive battle on the Western Front?”