Part 35 (1/2)
Not only at the base of its great cascade, but throughout the greater part of its length, the Glacier du Geant is in a state of longitudinal compression. The meaning of this term will be readily understood: Let two points, for example, be marked upon the axis of the glacier; if these during its descent were drawn wider apart, it would show that the glacier was in a state of longitudinal strain or tension; if they remained at the same distance apart, it would indicate that neither strain nor pressure was exerted; whereas, if the two points approached each other, which could only be by the quicker motion of the hinder one, the existence of longitudinal compression would be thereby demonstrated.
Taking ”Le Pet.i.t Balmat” with me, to carry my theodolite, I ascended the Glacier du Geant until I came near the place where it is joined by the Glacier des Periades, and whence I observed a patch of fresh green gra.s.s upon the otherwise rocky mountain-side. To this point I climbed, and made it the station for my instrument. Choosing a well-defined object at the opposite side of the glacier, I set, on the 9th of August, in the line between this object and the theodolite, three stakes, one in the centre of the glacier, and the other two at opposite sides of the centre and about 100 yards from it. This done, I descended for a quarter of a mile, when I again climbed the flanking rocks, placing my theodolite in a couloir, down which stones are frequently discharged from the end of a secondary glacier which hangs upon the heights above. Here, as before, I fixed three stakes, chiselled a mark upon the granite, so as to enable me to find the place, and regained the ice without accident. A day or two previously we had set out a third line at some distance lower down, and I was thus furnished with a succession of points along the glacier, the relative motions of which would decide whether it was _pressed_ or _stretched_ in the direction of its length. On the 10th of August Mr.
Huxley joined us; and on the following day we all set out for the Glacier du Geant, to measure the progress of the stakes which I had fixed there. Hirst remained upon the glacier to measure the displacements; I shouldered the theodolite; and Huxley was my guide to the mountain-side, sounding in advance of me the treacherous-looking snow over which we had to pa.s.s.
Calling the central stake of the highest line No. 1, that of the middle line No. 2, and that of the line nearest the Tacul No. 3, the following are the s.p.a.ces moved over by these three points in twenty-four hours:
Inches. Distances asunder.
No. 1 20.55 } 545 yards.
No. 2 15.43 } 487 yards.
No. 3 12.75
Here we have the fact which the aspect of the glacier suggested. The first stake moves five inches a day more than the second, and the second nearly three inches a day more than the third. As surmised, therefore, the glacier is in a state of longitudinal compression, whereby a portion of it 1000 yards in length is shortened at the rate of eight inches a day.
In accordance with this result, the transverse undulations of the Glacier du Geant, described in the chapter upon Dirt-Bands, _shorten_ as they descend. A series of three of them measured along the axis of the glacier on the 6th of August, 1857, gave the following respective lengths:--955 links, 855 links, 770 links, the shortest undulation being the farthest from the origin of the undulations. This glacier then const.i.tutes a vast ice-press, and enables us to test the explanation which refers the veined structure of the ice to pressure. The glacier itself is transversely laminated, as already stated; and in many cases a structure of extreme definition and beauty is developed in the compressed snow, which const.i.tutes the seams of white ice. In 1857 I discovered a well-developed lenticular structure in some of these seams.
In 1858 I again examined them. Clearing away the superficial portions with my axe, I found, drawn through the body of the seams, long lines of blue ice of exquisite definition; in fact, I had never seen the structure so delicately exhibited. The seams, moreover, were developed in portions of the white ice which were near the _centre_ of the glacier, and where consequently filamentous sliding was entirely out of the question.
1. Glaciers are derived from mountain snow, which has been consolidated to ice by pressure.
2. That pressure is competent to convert snow into ice has been proved by experiment.
3. The power of yielding to pressure diminishes as the ma.s.s becomes more compact; but it does not cease even when the substance has attained the compactness which would ent.i.tle it to be called ice.
4. When a sufficient depth of snow collects upon the earth's surface, the lower portions are squeezed out by the pressure of the superinc.u.mbent ma.s.s. If it rests upon a slope it will yield in the direction of the slope, and move downwards.
5. In addition to this, the whole ma.s.s slides bodily along its inclined bed, and leaves the traces of its sliding on the rocks over which it, grinding off their asperities, and marking them with grooves and scratches in the direction of the motion.
6. In this way the deposit of consolidated and unconsolidated snow which covers the higher portions of lofty mountains moves slowly down into an adjacent valley, through which it descends as a true glacier, partly by sliding and partly by the yielding of the ma.s.s itself.
7. Several valleys thus filled may unite in a single valley, the tributary glaciers welding themselves together to form a trunk-glacier.
8. Both the main valley and its tributaries are often sinuous, and the tributaries must change their direction to form the trunk; the width of the valley often varies. The glacier is forced through narrow gorges, widening after it has pa.s.sed them; the centre of the glacier moves more quickly than the sides, and the surface more quickly than the bottom; the point of swiftest motion follows the same law as that observed in the flow of rivers, s.h.i.+fting from one side of the centre to the other as the flexure of the valley changes.
9. These various effects may be reproduced by experiments on small of ice. The substance may moreover be moulded into vases and statuettes. Straight bars of it may be bent into rings, or even coiled into knots.
10. Ice, capable of being thus moulded, is practically incapable of being stretched. The condition essential to success is that the particles of the ice operated on shall be kept in close contact, so that when old attachments have been severed new ones may be established.