Part 31 (1/2)

The explanation which I have given involves three considerations:--The transverse breaking of the glacier on the cascade, and the gradual acc.u.mulation of the dirt in the hollows between the ridges; the subsequent toning down of the ridges to gentle protuberances which sweep across the glacier; and the collection of the dirt upon the slopes and at the bases of these protuberances. Whether the periods of transverse fracture are annual or not--whether the ”wrinkles” correspond to a yearly gush--and whether, consequently, the dirt-bands mark the growth of a glacier as the ”annual rings” mark the growth of a tree, I do not know. It is a conjecture well worthy of consideration; but it is only a conjecture, which future observation may either ratify or refute.


[A] 'Travels,' page 162.

[B] In the large map of Professor Forbes the bearing of the valley is nearly sixty degrees west of the meridian; but this is caused by the true north being drawn on the wrong side of the magnetic north; thus making the declination easterly instead of westerly. In the map in Johnson's 'Physical Atlas' this mistake is corrected.




The general appearance of the veined structure may be thus briefly described:--The ice of glaciers, especially midway between their mountain-sources and their inferior extremities, is of a whitish hue, caused by the number of small air-bubbles which it contains, and which, no doubt, const.i.tute the residue of the air originally entrapped in the interstices of the snow from which it has been derived. Through the general whitish ma.s.s, at some places, innumerable parallel veins of clearer ice are drawn, which usually present a beautiful blue colour, and give the ice a laminated appearance. The cause of the blueness is, that the air-bubbles, distributed so plentifully through the general ma.s.s, do not exist in the veins, or only in comparatively small numbers.

In different glaciers, and in different parts of the same glacier, these veins display various degrees of perfection. On the clean unweathered walls of some, and in the channels worn in the ice by glacier-streams, they are most distinctly seen, and are often exquisitely beautiful. They are not to be regarded as a partial phenomenon, or as affecting the const.i.tution of glaciers to a small extent merely. A large portion of the ice of some glaciers is thus affected. The greater part, for example, of the Mer de Glace consists of this laminated ice; and the whole of the Glacier of the Rhone, from the base of the ice-cascade downwards, is composed of ice of the same description.


Those who have ascended Snowdon, or wandered among the hills of c.u.mberland, or even walked in the environs of Leeds, Blackburn, and other towns in Yorks.h.i.+re and Lancas.h.i.+re, where the stratified sandstone of the district is used for building purposes, may have observed the weathered edges of the slate rocks or of the building-stone to be grooved and furrowed. Some laminae of such rocks withstand the action of the atmosphere better than others, and the more resistant ones stand out in ridges after the softer parts between them have been eaten away. An effect exactly similar is observed where the laminated ice of glaciers is exposed to the action of the sun and air. Little grooves and ridges are formed upon its surface, the more resistant plates protruding after the softer material between them has been melted away.

One consequence of this furrowing is, that the light dirt scattered by the winds over the surface of the glacier is gradually washed into the little grooves, thus forming fine lines resembling those produced by the pa.s.sage of a rake over a sanded walk. These lines are a valuable index to some of the phenomena of motion. From a position on the ice of the Glacier du Geant a little higher up than Trelaporte a fine view of these superficial groovings is obtained; but the dirt-lines are not always straight. A slight power of independent motion is enjoyed by the separate parts into which a glacier is divided by its and dislocations, and hence it is, that, at the place alluded to, the dirt-lines are bent hither and thither, though the ruptures of continuity are too small to affect materially the general direction of the structure. On the glacier of the Talefre I found these groovings useful as indicating the character of the forces to which the ice near the summit of the fall is subjected. The ridges between the chasms are in many cases violently bent and twisted, while the adjacent groovings enable us to see the normal position of the ma.s.s.


The veined structure has been observed by different travellers; but it was probably first referred to by Sir David Brewster, who noticed the veins of the Mer de Glace on the 10th of September, 1814. It was also observed by General Sabine,[A] by Rendu, by Aga.s.siz, and no doubt by many others; but the first clear description of it was given by M.

Guyot, in a communication presented to the Geological Society of France in 1838. I quote the following pa.s.sage from this paper:--”I saw under my feet the surface of the entire glacier covered with regular furrows from one to two inches wide, hollowed out in a half snowy ma.s.s, and separated by protruding plates of harder and more transparent ice. It was evident that the ma.s.s of the glacier here was composed of two sorts of ice, one that of the furrows, snowy and more easily melted; the other that of the plates, more perfect, crystalline,, and resistant; and that the unequal resistance which the two kinds of ice presented to the atmosphere was the cause of the furrows and ridges. After having followed them for several hundreds of yards, I reached a fissure twenty or thirty feet wide, which, as it cut the plates and furrows at right angles, exposed the interior of the glacier to a depth of thirty or forty feet, and gave a beautiful transverse section of the structure. As far as my vision could reach I saw the ma.s.s of the glacier composed of layers of snowy ice, each two of which were separated by one of the plates of which I have spoken, the whole forming a regularly laminated ma.s.s, which resembled certain calcareous slates.”


Previous observers had mistaken the lamination for stratification; but M. Guyot not only clearly saw that they were different, but in the comparison which he makes he touches, I believe, on the true cause of the glacier-structure. He did not hazard an explanation of the phenomenon, and I believe his memoir remained unprinted. In 1841 the structure was noticed by Professor Forbes during his visit to M. Aga.s.siz on the lower Aar Glacier, and described in a communication presented by him to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He subsequently devoted much time to the subject, and his great merit in connexion with it consists in the significance which he ascribed to the phenomenon when he first observed it, and in the fact of his having proved it to be a const.i.tutional feature of glaciers in general.

[Sidenote: FORBES'S THEORY.]

The first explanation given of those veins by Professor Forbes was, that they were small fissures formed in the ice by its motion; that these were filled with the water of the melted ice in summer, which froze in winter so as to form the blue veins. This is the explanation given in his 'Travels,' page 377; and in a letter published in the 'Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,' October, 1844, it is re-affirmed in these words:--”With the abundance of blue bands before us in the direction in which the differential motion must take place (in this case sensibly parallel to the sides of the glacier), it is impossible to doubt that these infiltrated crevices (for such they undoubtedly are) have this origin.” This theory was examined by Mr. Huxley and myself in our joint paper; but it has been since alleged that ours was unnecessary labour, Prof. Forbes himself having in his Thirteenth Letter renounced the theory, and subst.i.tuted another in its place. The latter theory differs, so far as I can understand it, from the former in this particular, that the _freezing of the water_ in the fissures is discarded, their sides being now supposed to be united ”by the simple effects of time and cohesion.”[B] For a statement of the change which his opinions have undergone, I would refer to the Prefatory Note which precedes the volume of 'Occasional Papers' recently published by Prof. Forbes; but it would have diminished my difficulty had the author given, in connexion with his new volume, a more distinct statement of his present views regarding the veined structure. With many of his observations and remarks I should agree; with many others I cannot say whether I agree or not; and there are others still with which I do not think I should agree: but in hardly any case am I certain of his precise views, excepting, indeed, the cardinal one, wherein he and others agree in ascribing to the structure a different origin from stratification. Thus circ.u.mstanced, my proper course, I think, will be to state what I believe to be the cause of the structure, and leave it to the reader to decide how far our views harmonize; or to what extent either of them is a true interpretation of nature.


Most of the earlier observers considered the structure to be due to the stratification of the mountain-snows--a view which has received later development at the hands of Mr. John Ball; and the practical difficulty of distinguis.h.i.+ng the undoubted effects of _stratification_ from the phenomena presented by _structure_, ent.i.tles this view to the fullest consideration. The blue veins of glaciers are, however, not always, nor even generally, such as we should expect to result from stratification.

The latter would furnish us with distinct planes extending parallel to each other for considerable distances through the glacier; but this, though sometimes the case, is by no means the general character of the structure. We observe blue streaks, from a few inches to several feet in length, upon the walls of the same, and varying from the fraction of an inch to several inches in thickness. In some cases the streaks are definitely bounded, giving rise to an appearance resembling the section of a lens, and hence called the ”lenticular structure” by Mr. Huxley and myself; but more usually they fade away in pale washy streaks through the general ma.s.s of the whitish ice. In Fig. 39 I have given a representation of the structure as it is very commonly exhibited on the walls of Its aspect is not that which we should expect from the consolidation of successive beds of mountain snow.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 39. Veined Structure of the walls of]

Further, at the bases of ice-cascades the structural laminae are usually _vertical_: below the cascade of the Talefre, of the Noire, of the Strahleck branch of the Lower Grindelwald Glacier, of the Rhone, and other ice-falls, this is the case; and it seems extremely difficult to conceive that a ma.s.s horizontally stratified at the summit of the fall, should, in its descent, contrive to turn its strata perfectly on end.

Again, we often find a very feebly-developed structure at the central portions of a glacier, while the lateral portions are very decidedly laminated. This is the case where the inclination of the glacier is nearly uniform throughout; and where no medial moraines occur to complicate the phenomenon. But if the veins mark the bedding, there seems to be no sufficient reason for their appearance at the lateral portions of the glacier, and their absence from the centre.

[Sidenote: ILl.u.s.tRATIVE EXPERIMENTS.]