Chapter 75 Horrific Tenant (1/2)
Chapter 75 Horrific Tenant
My fist clenched tightly, and I said to Feng Chunsheng, “That tree is going to harm someone.”
He said, ”Yes, this death tree is a death tree. Is it going to eat her?”
We saw that the death tree’s branch was directly wrapped around the pregnant woman. The branch rolled down to the roots, and then countless leaves covered her.
”Oh. Come on, let's go help,” I shouted at him.
He was a little afraid at the moment, and he wasn’t sure if he should rush to rescue the woman.
I patted his shoulder, and he just pulled me toward the door.
I said we had to hurry. I rushed to the kitchen and found two knives on a shelf. I gave him one, and then frantically ran downstairs.
We ran downstairs and cautiously walked up to the death tree, knives in hand.
I saw, under the roots of the death tree, the leaves wrapped around that pregnant woman. I also saw that the roots of the death tree were exuding a dark green liquid and white smoke.
Feng Chunsheng and I looked over and saw the pregnant woman's legs sticking out.
”Grab a leg and pull,” I said to him.
He nodded.
The two of us quickly rushed up and grabbed the pregnant woman's feet, straining to pull her out. When we got her out, I found that the pregnant woman's head had been melted by the sap of the death tree. Her melted skin smelled fishy and made us nauseous.
As we were pulling the pregnant woman out, her pajamas were rolled up a lot, exposing the shiny belly.
What did we see?
I saw the pregnant woman's belly had half of a cat’s tail sticking out of it.
Looking carefully, I saw a dense stitch on her belly.
It turned out that she was not pregnant, but someone had stuffed a cat in her belly and then sewed it in.
As for why the cat's tail was exposed, I was not quite sure.
When Feng Chunsheng and I saw that cat's tail, we were scared and stunned.
Then, two branches stretched down again, grabbed the woman, and pulled her up to the top of the locust tree. After a burst of flickering, branches opened again. Not a trace of the woman was left.
”The flesh was disintegrated, but what about the bones?”
I hastened to look at the tree. I found that at the top of the locust tree, in the lushest place, was the woman's skull. The tree secreted something, and the head bone quickly changed color.
In the end, the skull was completely connected to the death tree, forming something like a tumor.
Then the tumor-like thing quickly developed into a branch.
”No wonder the death tree is so dense. Whenever it eats a person, it grows a new branch.” I thought it had quite a lot of branches already… How many people did the death tree eat?
While I was thinking about this, a branch of the death tree suddenly started winding towards me.
”Idiot, don’t just stand there!”
Feng Chunsheng pulled me away, and the two of us dodged the branches of the death tree and ran back into the house.
I looked at the death tree. This thing… was really terrible. The death tree really ate people.
Before I entered this courtyard, the female ghosts that I saw were probably the ghosts of those who were eaten by the death tree.
And the formation of the cat ghost was probably because the cats were sewn into the bellies of those women.
I asked him, ”Why was a cat sewed up in that woman's belly? And why was half of its tail exposed?”
”Why would I know that?” he said. ”But... One thing’s for sure - the woman who had the cat sewn inside her was dead before the death tree dragged her down.”
Then he said, ”The woman was dragged out from the third floor of the windowsill. Was the person who killed the woman a tenant on the third floor?”
When he said that, I thought about Wei Xiaoyu and her boyfriend.
Earlier, Liu Qinghua had said that the programmer lived on the third floor.
Now, the programmer was playing outside with Wei Xiaoyu.
”I have to go to the third floor to see,” I said to Feng Chunsheng.
He nodded, ”Let's go together. That programmer doesn’t seem like a good person.”
A woman with a cat sewn into her belly appeared on the third floor. This definitely had something to do with that programmer.
Feng Chunsheng and I quickly ran to the third floor.
Because it was still dark - probably only around four o'clock in the morning - I turned on my phone's flashlight and took a look at the door of the third floor apartment.
When the light came on, I was scared. On that door was affixed a mask of a woman’s face.
Although it was only a handicraft, it was so pale it really frightened me.