Chapter 62 The Human Skin (2/2)
Of course, I couldn’t make the exact shade in such a short time.
After some toning, I went outside and picked up the tattoo needle with some pigment, then put a needle in the back of Feng Chunsheng’s hand.
“Ouch, Shui, are you crazy? It bloody hurts! Why don’t you tell me before you did that?” Feng Chunsheng growled at me.
I took Feng Chunsheng’s hand, held it up, and showed it to Chen Yuhao: “Take a look.”
Chen Yuhao gasped at the sight of the point on Feng Chunsheng’s hand. He nodded quickly and said: “Great. I could never imagine anybody could make a human skin tattoo.”
“Is that what you want?”
Chen Yuhao put his right hand over his heart and bowed to me respectfully, saying: “Sorry. We will talk about the signboard tomorrow, and I will also give you a present for the best tattooist.”
Then he turned back and left the tattoo shop: “I just thought I’d come and join you on that ghost house matter.”
After that, he carried his big wooden box and disappeared.
Chen Yuhao was a real man. Though he was a little rough at that time… He was open and aboveboard with others. He was highly responsible person accepted both wins and losses.
Feng Chunsheng was there carefully looking at that point on his hand, and said: “Well, Shui... l can’t understand why Chen Yuhao thought it was good and left, since it‘s so yellow?”
I told him that I had already showed my ability, though it was not the right shade of color this time. In any case, he knew about it… I am someone who could make that human skin tattoo.
“Awesome, that’s really awesome.” Feng Chunsheng gave me a thumbs up.
I looked at the smashed signboard, shaking my head, and said: “it is such a pity that it’s broken. It has been with me for so many years.”
“Don’t worry, Chen Yuhao will bring a new signboard tomorrow.” Feng Chunsheng comforted me.
Well, what should we do, since there was nothing else?
Luckily enough, Chen Yuhao promised to join us on the ghost house matter.
Chen Yuhao finally promised this.
On the other hand, I just thought… I could change the pattern for him, so that he could feel more satisfied, but I couldn’t do so just because I was in such a hurry.
Whatever, it was OK for this stage. I would think more about it next time.
After solving this matter, Feng Chunsheng and I went out drinking.
We felt happy.
We would solve the ghost house matter successfully for Mimi now that Chen Yuhao joined with us.
We were drinking excitedly.
After a few drinks, Feng Chunsheng began to complain: “When I was young, I worked with a few bad partners, then… Oh… So bad… my family was broken up and they all died. But you, Shui, you are really a good man. You have to stay upright, curious and kind-hearted, so that you can success in the near future in this Yin business.”
I also proposed a toast with him and said: “Well, Brother Chun… you are really my guide, when I get successful and earn a reputation in this business, I will share my money with you, and this is true at any time and any place.”
He clapped my hands and said: “Cheer up.”
Then we downed a glass of wine.
We were drinking happily there, when… a woman appeared behind him crookedly.
That woman was wearing a bubble sweater and staggered about.
She looked beautiful, with round breasts, and I glanced at her with appreciation.
But… she just rushed at Feng Chunsheng.
Then, she began to vomit…
A strong smell of alcohol, mixed with dirty things, all poured onto Feng Chunsheng's hair.
“Damn it!” Feng Chunsheng punched the table and lifted the beer bottle; he looked very angry.
I didn’t know what to do. Should I beat her up? She didn’t do that on purpose, and what’s more… She was a woman. How could we beat a drunk woman since we were men?
Actually, my first reaction was almost bursting into laughter.
“Damn it.” Feng Chunsheng cursed angrily: “I’m gonna be sick whenever I eat for the rest of the month.”
He didn’t know what to do; he wanted to touch his head but it was very filthy.
Finally, he took up a bottle of mineral water and poured it on himself, then he ran back to the tattoo shop: “Shui, watch that woman, don’t let her go! Damn, I have to cut my hair now. I’ll have to advance a claim for spiritual damages from her.”
One could imagine how rude Feng Chunsheng was at that time. It was a crowded restaurant, so everyone had to make way for him.
Then I looked at the woman on the ground. I took out some tissue paper and wiped her mouth.
I had to say, this woman was very lucky, she didn’t even lie on that mess.
I got her up and took her to a bench across the road… I had to wake her up.
It was dangerous for a woman to lie outside like that.
I thought for a while, then I went back to my shop, brought a big bottle of mineral water, and threw it to the ground next to her.
Flop, flop.
When the water dropped down, the woman woke up.
“Oh, oh, where am I now?”
The woman threw her hair back. She looked up and asked innocently: “Where am I? Who are you?”