Chapter 56 The Ghost Tattoo Buddhist Monks Knife (2/2)
“Goo, now call Ruan Qinse,” he said.
I made a call to Ruan Qinse and told her to come to my shop in the afternoon, so that I could help her with the female ghost in her house.
After that, I told the story of Xu Yi to Feng Chunsheng.
Hearing that, Feng Chunsheng sighed and said: “I am eager for Ruan Qinse to do this business with us.”
“Why?” I asked him.
He told me: “The faster this business concludes… the faster Xu Yi can have his reincarnation.”
“So why didn’t Liu the Sixth release his soul for reincarnation? This amount of money is rather small for him,” I told him.
Feng Chunsheng smiled, saying that it was not a matter of money. Xu Yi gave the soul to Liu the Sixth, but Xi Yi would never get a reincarnation if Liu the Sixth didn’t give it to someone who needed it.
That soul was rather resolute, you must know about it. So how could you accept the rudely offered?
I nodded: “You are right… It was absolutely like that, and we should speed up and go back to the shop. We must make that tattoo and kill the female ghost.”
Feng Chunsheng and I rode the electric bike back to the tattoo shop.
When we arrived downstairs, he suggested I should buy a car since this electric bike was beneath my status.
Damn, I am a boss and don’t even think like that. How can you think like this since you were only a beggar a few days ago? Are you out of your mind?
We went upstairs, and rested on the tattoo couch.
It was around three o’clock in the afternoon when we heard a hoarse voice: “Mr. Yu, it’s me.”
I opened my eyes and found it was Run Qinse. I woke up Feng Chunsheng immediately, and we all sat beside the table.
I asked her: “Did you know that there is a female ghost in your house?”
“What?” Ruan Qinse seemed to be ignorant.
Then I continued: “It’s not your kid inside your body, did you know that?”
“This?” She shook again.
I was frank with her… “Actually, it’s a ghost fetus. That female ghost just borrowed your body and made you pregnant, did you know about this?
“How can it be like that?” Ruan Qinse’s face turned whiter than a piece of paper.
Then I continued: “You have to give up that child. You will die if you don’t kill that female ghost, and your husband will die too.”
“He must be OK, right? Because he only comes back home once a week.” Ruan Qinse was trembling and couldn’t say anything.
Feng Chunsheng interrupted immediately: “Ruan Qinse, you must know the truth. That ghost woman possessed you, and in the evening when you made love to you husband, you got pregnant, but this baby was from your husband and that female ghost… it is a ghost fetus.”
“So… what shall I do now?” she asked me.
I thought for a while and said: “We need to kill that female ghost and that ghost fetus, and the only way is to use a Ghost Tattoo.”
“Oh, my poor baby!”
“You want me to repeat myself? That’s not your kid, it’s a ghost fetus! My sister!” I really got angry. How could she be so foolish? She had to know the gravity of the matter.
Then she cried out.
After a long time, she talked to me: “I will take you suggestion… Kill that ghost fetus.”
“That’s right.” I told Ruan Qinse: “That ghost tattoo is very firm, so it must be on the most firm part of your body.”
“Where’s that?” she asked me.
I told her it would be on the forehead.
The top of the head was where a lot of Yang energy gathered. The tattoo should be there, so we had to take the second-best option after drawing it directly onto the brain, and put the tattoo on the forehead.
Ruan Qinse frowned: “Would it be very ugly?”
“No, just take it easy.” I told her: “I will use the spray method for the tattoo. Do you know about spray?”
She shook her head.
I told her, “A spray tattoo is actually a one-time tattoo that can be removed by special chemicals, and it might fade away by itself after a week, even without help.”
“So… give me that tattoo,” she said.
I told her: “By the way, yesterday, I mentioned the price as one hundred and twenty thousand… That was actually the labor cost for Brother Chun and me. Besides that, you need to pay an extra one hundred thousand for the material… Is that OK for you?”
It was impossible for me to give her that tattoo at the original price, since that soul cost me one hundred thousand.
Or else, Feng Chunsheng and I would only have earned ten thousand each.
Then Ruan Qinse made her decision: “I am willing to pay these two hundred and twenty thousand if you can save my husband’s and my lives.”
“That will be OK.”
I pointed to Ruan Qinse and said: “The Ghost Tattoo for you is named ‘Buddhist monk's knife’. It will surely kill the female ghost in your villa.”