Part 39 (2/2)
Gaza turned and strode back to The Circle. He reached out and touched the veil gently. ”Promise me I will see you in Ethral,” he said softly. It was clear in his tone, that he had made up his mind.
A single tear streaked down his daughter's cheek. ”I love you, Daddy,” she whispered.
His face hardened with grief. ”I love you too, baby.”
He turned and raised his hands into the air. The sky shook. The Circle of Ghosts s.h.i.+mmered and shuddered. For a moment, eternity held its breath. Then all at once, The Circle collapsed in upon itself, causing a violent shock wave to erupt from the structure. It ripped through the ranks of the enemy. After reaching its full distance, it drew back like an undertow. Below The Circle a whirlpool began to form. The energy of Dantra was being drawn out of Vrin. Like black sand, the dark figures began to come apart and were swept into the funnel of energy below.
Soon The Circle would be sealed, just as the scripture had predicted.
I stood over Gaza and my form tore away as the whirlpool of energy pulled at it, for I too was made from the energy of Dantra.
The creator of Vrin fell to the ground, weeping bitterly. His daughter was gone. But now he had a new hope, a hope that one day he would be reunited with her in Ethral. ”G.o.d forgive me,” he sobbed.
It was then that I noticed a ring forming on his finger. He looked at it with surprise.
I smiled. ”It is the very seal of G.o.d.”
He lifted his hand and examined it closely. There was an inscription upon it.
It read, ”Come home.” ”Come home.”