Part 35 (1/2)
”You'll see her again, lad,” Humphrey said, ”when we've finished our work.” He waved his hand and the funeral parlor dissipated, leaving us standing on the white bridge. Here we were enveloped in a light that was love. It eased the burden on my heart, and a feeling of complete peace washed over me.
Beings of light traveled in all directions, near and far. Two of them floated down to us. I stared open mouthed as they came in close. ”Where are you going, Humphrey?” said one, with unmoving lips. said one, with unmoving lips.
”To see Magnus,” replied Humphrey, in like manner. replied Humphrey, in like manner.
”Can we help?” he said, his voice like a song. he said, his voice like a song.
”You could give us a lift. Thomas doesn't completely remember yet.” Thomas doesn't completely remember yet.”
”Sure thing.”
They swooped down and grabbed us by the armpits. At the being's touch, a soothing warmth flowed through me, up into my face and out into my chest, soaking me in peace.
They lifted us high into the air, and in the distance I could see our destination beginning to take form; a brilliant crystal fortress with the base appearing as a frozen spire. --And beyond this, a darkness as black as night. Cries echoed from within, desperate voices crying out in tortured agony, pleading for an end to their torment. Holding the darkness in place was a transparent barrier. Powerful angels of light hovered before it, strengthening it with coils of energy from their hands. The sight of it made my skin tremble.
”Wh- what is that?” I pointed.
”That is the lost land.” is the lost land.”
If not for the calming effect from the being of light, I would have lost myself in panic. My eyes grew round. ”Is-- that that where we're going?” where we're going?”
Humphrey scowled with disgust and nodded.
The being leaned in close to my ear and spoke out loud. ”You are brave to return.”
My heart beat faster as we approached the fortress. The being gently placed me onto the translucent bricks at the entrance, then rose back up into the air. I lifted a hand toward him. It was meant to be a wave goodbye, but as I did it, I realized I was reaching for him, not wanting him to go, not wanting him to take away the feeling of peace. The love I'd felt back at the bridge was fainter here, and my own emotions were disconcertingly strong.
”Thank you,” I said, still reaching. My voice sounded faint in my ears.
”You are very welcome,” he sang. he sang. ”It is not often we get to help a prophet.” ”It is not often we get to help a prophet.”
A prophet? The word forced a memory to surface. I was The word forced a memory to surface. I was not not yet a man of G.o.d, but G.o.d had chosen me anyway. He'd sent his angels into the dark land to bring me out. I had been in Dantra-- but the struggles of life were weighing me down. I remembered the pain of being in the love of G.o.d. It was painful because I held on to destructive things. Thomas was a shrewd businessman, an overachiever driven by success-- but with success came difficult choices-- choices that effected the lives of thousands... yet a man of G.o.d, but G.o.d had chosen me anyway. He'd sent his angels into the dark land to bring me out. I had been in Dantra-- but the struggles of life were weighing me down. I remembered the pain of being in the love of G.o.d. It was painful because I held on to destructive things. Thomas was a shrewd businessman, an overachiever driven by success-- but with success came difficult choices-- choices that effected the lives of thousands...
Humphrey smacked me. ”Think while you walk, lad. If you stop every time you get a revelation, we'll never get there.” He turned and entered into an enormous engraved archway. Reluctantly, I followed.
Deep inside the courtyard of the crystal fortress, the light was much stronger than the light outside, and this light was also love. Love and light were the same. In my mind, words from Davata Notrals echoed: Good lives for the day and the brightness of the sun, but evil flourishes under the dim light of the moon. Good lives for the day and the brightness of the sun, but evil flourishes under the dim light of the moon. It was a metaphor. The sun was a representation of G.o.d's love. The moon was simply a reflection. Kric' tu was the moon. He was once the greatest of G.o.d's angels, but he was merely a reflection, a reflection that grew dimmer as he moved away from G.o.d. Some loved Kric' tu, because they loved darkness, they believed the darkness would hide their wicked deeds. It was a metaphor. The sun was a representation of G.o.d's love. The moon was simply a reflection. Kric' tu was the moon. He was once the greatest of G.o.d's angels, but he was merely a reflection, a reflection that grew dimmer as he moved away from G.o.d. Some loved Kric' tu, because they loved darkness, they believed the darkness would hide their wicked deeds.
At the end of the courtyard was another angel and the light reflecting from him him was blinding. Though the light was weaker here, this angel seemed to magnify its reflection. was blinding. Though the light was weaker here, this angel seemed to magnify its reflection.
He lifted his wings high into the air. ”WELCOME!” His voice was deep and resonating. ”I AM MAGNUS. I STAND IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ONE TRUE G.o.d. COME. I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU MUST DO.”
”Do we have have to do this?” I whispered. to do this?” I whispered.
”I don't,” said Humphrey.
My throat constricted. ”You're not coming with me?”
”I'm coming with you.” He scowled. ”I just don't have to.”
We approached the foot of Magnus.
Save my enemy? enemy? Thomas would have said no, he would have chosen his own needs. I did not like what Thomas had become, and was thankful that G.o.d had given me a second chance with Charm. He had learned the value of selflessness. I liked Charm. I chose Charm. Thomas would have said no, he would have chosen his own needs. I did not like what Thomas had become, and was thankful that G.o.d had given me a second chance with Charm. He had learned the value of selflessness. I liked Charm. I chose Charm.
”Yes. I will.”
I could see the portal behind him, swirling around in melted gold and silver spirals. But I did not see the sword he spoke of. I looked at Humphrey.
He let out an irritated sigh. ”Your sword sword is in your mouth.” is in your mouth.”
My tongue rolled in response.
”Words are our sword.” are our sword.”
I gave him an uncomprehending look.
”In Dantra, even in the lost land, truth truth cannot be denied. If you speak truth, it must be obeyed.” cannot be denied. If you speak truth, it must be obeyed.”
”And--” I looked at him sideways. ”What is is truth?” truth?”
”It is what sways the hand of G.o.d. He He is our weapon.” is our weapon.”
His reply did not answer my question, but I didn't press the point, partly because of the towering angel watching me with fierce eyes, and partly because Humphrey was already walking toward the portal. I hurried to catch up. He pa.s.sed through without hesitation, but I was not so comfortable with the idea. Although this was not my first trip to the lost land, it was was my first time entering with the understanding of what it actually my first time entering with the understanding of what it actually was-- was-- to an extent. The memory had not completely returned, but what I did remember made me realize that I did to an extent. The memory had not completely returned, but what I did remember made me realize that I did not not miss this place. miss this place.
I closed my eyes tightly, and pushed through.
On the other side, was darkness. And it was complete. My short nervous breaths sounded much louder than they should have, as if the sound was reflecting off a hard surface inches from my face. I reached out my hand. But there was nothing there.
”Humphrey!” I whispered. I whispered.
”What?” His voice made me jump, like he was right next to my ear.
”Why is it so dark?”
Something flashed in my face. The sound, and subsequent reduction of flash, told me it was a match-- before my heart could fully leap from my chest. Humphrey's face appeared in the orange glow, his wrinkles deepened by the harsh shadows.
My feet sloshed in water upon the hard obsidian surface we were standing on. I turned and squinted into the darkness, listening. There was no sign of life. Just me and Humphrey. In the middle of endless black. I should have been afraid, but I wasn't.
”--That's weird.” weird.”
”What?” The way he said the word, I realized he already knew what I was going to say.
”I didn't expect to feel G.o.d's love here.”
He nodded. ”His love fills Dantra, even in the lost land, but it is fainter here because the inhabitants cannot tolerate the light.”