Part 14 (1/2)
”Good. Then let's get to work.”
The man bowed slightly. ”This way. We were discussing the deployment of our troops.”
Crates and barrels littered the moist stone floor of the dank, musty cellar. In the far corner, barrels had been chopped in half to make seats and crates were set as tables. He led me through the murky, half-lit room to several maps scattered about on various surfaces. I had to strain my eyes in the dim candlelight to see the map of Pagnia on the crate between us. ”Are you opposed to my using my magic?” I asked.
”No. Since the death of Humphrey and the reappearance of Kric' tu, Thana now understands the need for the G.o.ds to use their power. It is no longer a simple matter of interference. Force must be fought with equal force, and I of all people would not be opposed to magic, for you see, I am a wizard.”
”Then I will shed some light on this little meeting,” I said, trying to appear unaffected by his statement. A wizard? wizard? I looked at the old man with his ruby red robe and thick white beard. He did indeed look like a wizard. But again I was at a loss. How did I looked at the old man with his ruby red robe and thick white beard. He did indeed look like a wizard. But again I was at a loss. How did magic magic fit into the scenario of this world? Apparently my perception of Vrin would have to continue to fluctuate as new facts became available. These thoughts filtered through my mind as I worked to create a simple wooden table and several large candles. The room lit up and I had my first clear look at the faces gathered around. ”There that's better,” I said, looking across at my new acquaintance. ”I'm sorry,” I said, realizing he had not told me his name, ”what do I call you?” fit into the scenario of this world? Apparently my perception of Vrin would have to continue to fluctuate as new facts became available. These thoughts filtered through my mind as I worked to create a simple wooden table and several large candles. The room lit up and I had my first clear look at the faces gathered around. ”There that's better,” I said, looking across at my new acquaintance. ”I'm sorry,” I said, realizing he had not told me his name, ”what do I call you?”
”My apologies, Mr. Tardin. I am Arganis.”
”Are you the leader of these people?”
”I am only their leader because they choose to follow me.”
”You are modest,” I said, looking down at the map. ”So, where are your troops?”
”There are some in Rath's attack force. They have been ordered to fight defensively only. Then there is Kaprisha's group. She has them concealed in this patch of woods off to the left of the battle area. And Fyousa has some men in the castle, maybe a few in town as well. Right now we have a messenger on his way to inform Armadon of our intentions.
”You've been doing your homework. Are your people ready to fight?”
”Some have been shaken by Kric' tu's arrival; they fear him more than The Ten.” He shook his head slowly. ”If there is a genuine deity in Vrin, it is Kric' tu. I curse the day my family released him from the pit.”
”Your family?” family?”
”Yes, I am a direct descendant of Alganah.”
”Fascinating. I have many questions I'd like to ask you. But I will wait until the troops are deployed.” I have many questions I'd like to ask you. But I will wait until the troops are deployed.”
”I will trade you, answer for answer,” he said with a smirk.
That made sense. According to the historical record, Alganah had exercised some form of magical talent when he opened the gateway to chaos, or whatever it was he had opened. If this man was truly a descendant of Alganah, he would most likely have inherited some sort of supernatural ability. If he were able to exercise that kind of influence on this world, his power could be comparable to ours. Fascinating! Fascinating! Before me stood a man who represented a link between these people and my own. --Yet, he was just a simulation. --Or was he? He had called Before me stood a man who represented a link between these people and my own. --Yet, he was just a simulation. --Or was he? He had called me me an enigma. But the term best suited him. an enigma. But the term best suited him.
I brought myself back to the matter at hand. Lorna needed the support these people offered. ”First things first,” I said. ”Your messenger will not find Armadon at the outpost. Lorna, the tenth, is holding our position while we tend to other matters.”
”Other matters?”
”The battle is just a distraction, a distraction that must be held, but the real war is taking place elsewhere. I cannot tell you more in the face of so many unknowns. Let me contact Lorna.”
”Yes. Tell her my troops will respond to the pa.s.sword faith faith. They will change sides immediately upon hearing that word.”
”Does the messenger know this?”
”Got it. Hold on.”
I tipped my head to the side. ”Lorna? How goes the battle?”
”It's still quiet here. Too quiet. Have you reached your destination?”
”No, I've met with a pleasant snag. I'm here now with SCAR. Are you familiar with them?” them?”
”I won't go into detail right now, but I'll say this. You can trust them. A messenger is on his way now and he will tell you the pa.s.sword to use is 'faith'. He will explain their position. Let him into the outpost.”
”They will provide extra troops.”
”Good, we can use them.”
”They may be able to help me gain access to Rath's castle.”
”All right, that's it for now. Good luck, Lorna, and thanks again.”
”Sure. You take care of yourself.”
I pushed her energy from my mind and refocused on Arganis. ”She will allow your messenger into the outpost.”
”Thank you.” He stood to address his group. ”You know what you need to do, men. May the Maker of Light be with you.”
They filtered out of the room with hopeful enthusiasm. I rose to stand beside Arganis. His face was thoughtful. I could tell he cared deeply for his people. When the last person left, I turned to my silent host. ”I will need entrance to the castle. If you are indeed a wizard, perhaps you can help.”
”I will do what I can.”
”I would also like to know more about your abilities so I may better understand my enemy.”
”You are puzzled. Have you no wizards where you come from?”
”I don't think so. Well-- only in storybooks. That's what bothers me, you are an inconsistency in the scheme of this place. Vrin is based on scientific fact taken from my world, yet you defy the very principles that make up my universe. It would be very useful to know how, and why, you are able to possess magical abilities.”
”It's simple.” He chuckled. ”I draw from a source outside the realm of the physical world.”
”Outside of Vrin?” Vrin?” I said, astonished. I said, astonished.
”Beyond the cognosphere lies the void.”
”You mean-- s.p.a.ce?”
He furrowed his brows. ”s.p.a.ce-?” ”s.p.a.ce-?”
”Never mind, it would take too long to explain.”