Part 9 (1/2)

”I don't want to,” I said, clinging to the rope.

”Some G.o.d you are.” She laughed, reached down, and pulled up on the lever. Within seconds I was plummeting to my death. I could only hope she would remember to push the lever back down.

I seemed to fall for an awfully long time. It was much farther than I'd expected. But eventually the ground became visible, then more defined, then branches rushed by me until I touched down with a thud.

I sat for moment. ”Someone has to talk to Humphrey about this death trap!” I muttered to myself. ”I don't care what anybody says I will not not be returning this way.” be returning this way.”

In front of me on the face of the rock was the lever. Clearly marked above and below were the words, FULL and EMPTY. I pulled it down and counted to ten. Carefully I dismounted the contraption and stepped back. It rose up slowly and disappeared into the branches overhead. I scanned my surroundings and found nothing out of the ordinary. Many varieties of brilliant flowers blanketed the landscape. Their aroma was sweet. Humphrey's hand no doubt. The river flowed by not far from the site of the pulley system so I perched on a rock and stared off into the falling water. Such power and beauty. The waterfall's song was medicine to my tired soul. Its thunderous sound echoed off the cliff walls as it weaved its way down into the deeper forest to my right. I sat taking in the sights and listening to the playful chatter of the birds. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. For a brief moment I felt at ease, and the sensation was foreign to me. I'd had so few opportunities to relax in this strange world.

It wasn't long before Thana touched down with a thump. She held tight to the rope as she dismounted, then scooped up a metal hook that was buried under some leaves and secured the weight so it would not rise back up. ”I hope you enjoyed your ride.” She smiled.

”More than words can say.” I smirked.

She chuckled and headed down the path, I hopped off the rock and followed. We pa.s.sed over a wooden bridge and into a clearing. To our right the river poured into a lake, and on the lake's edge was a log home. As we approached I could see a man out front chopping wood. He was an old fellow in a red flannel s.h.i.+rt and green work pants. A long white beard dangled before him. Each swing of the ax was powerful and accurate; he was definitely not a frail man. Suddenly, seemingly unprovoked, he began jumping about and flailing his arms in the air with quick jarring motions, back and forth, like a madman. ”Go away!” he yelled. ”GO away!” Soon his wild motions brought him to the ground with a crash, then all we could see were the old man's arms and legs stabbing up into the air from the thick gra.s.s. ”Leave me in peace!” peace!” he yelled out. he yelled out. ”Go AWAY!” ”Go AWAY!”

For a moment I thought he was hallucinating, but then I spotted the object of his misery. It was a tiny bird, a humming bird. It hovered over his flailing body for a moment then turned and shot off across the lake. I guess the old man was too much of a challenge for the little creature.

”Humphrey?” I asked.

”Humphrey,” she stated.




The old man smiled when he saw Thana.

”Humphrey!” she called.

”Thana, precious girl, you've come back to visit!”

He was taller than he'd looked from the distance and there was a gentle power about him. His face was stern, yet kind, and although his leathery skin showed deep lines around his neatly trimmed white beard, he was far from feeble. I waited while the old friends shared an embrace.

When they separated Thana turned and introduced us. ”Humphrey, I'd like you to meet Jason Tardin.”

”Good to meet you, sir.” I offered my hand.

His eyebrows furrowed and his glowing eyes seemed to darken. ”What do you want with me?”

”I've come a long way, by horse and by foot, to speak with you. It is a matter of great consequence.”

He scowled at me and grunted.

Thana put her hand on his arm. ”He's all right, Humphrey. I promise.”

Still scowling the old man examined me with a critical eye. ”All right,” he said with a toss of his hand, ”but I'll not go on any fool crusades with you. I'm a man of peace. And a tired man at that!”

I tried to be diplomatic. ”All I seek is information. Whatever you are willing to share will be appreciated.”

He gave a slight nod. ”Then come in and rest your bones.” He offered his arm to Thana. ”And grab a few of them logs if you don't mind,” he said, pointing to the pile next to the chopping block.

I stacked some sticks in my arms and trailed along behind.

Humphrey's cabin was neat and orderly, and although spa.r.s.ely decorated, had all the comforts of home. A pleasant piney odor hit me as I entered. Instantly the warmth of the cabin's rustic beauty enveloped me. ”Where do you want these?” I asked.

”In the basket by the fireplace,” he said over his shoulder as he guided Thana into the kitchen. I figured he wanted to grill her with questions about me, but she came back out rather quickly, with thick slice of bread and a large gla.s.s of milk.

”What do you want in your coffee?” she asked.

”A spoon of sugar will be fine.”

”One sugar,” she called into the kitchen. ”I'm going to wait out here, okay, Humph?”

Humphrey returned with a, ”Yup!”

”He likes you,” she whispered.

”He does?” I said, completely surprised. ”What makes you say that?”

”He would have turned you away outside if he didn't. And he wouldn't offer coffee unless he wanted you to stay a bit. He used to make a cup for Gaza before their long discussions, but he even turned him away a few times before finally giving in.”

”Well, I am certainly honored.”

We stopped speaking as Humphrey rounded the corner.

”Mind if I take your bed tonight, Humph?” Thana asked.

”Not at all. You must be tired after your long trek.”

”You have a bed?” I asked.

”Yes. It doesn't get much use though. On occasion I try lying down to see if sleep takes me.”

”Any success?”

”No, but I keep hoping.”

Thana headed for the bedroom. ”I'll leave you two alone to talk about G.o.d stuff. I'm exhausted. I'll catch up with you in the morning.”

”Good night, Thana,” I said. ”Dream for us all.”

She nodded her head in the affirmative.

Humphrey handed me a cup of steaming coffee.