Part 22 (2/2)
_Evad_. In this consists thy happiness and mine; Joy to _Amintor_, for the King is dead.
_Amint_. Those have most power to hurt us that we love, We lay our sleeping lives within their arms.
Why, thou hast rais'd up mischief to this height, And found out one to out-name thy other faults; Thou hast no intermission of thy sins, But all thy life is a continual ill; Black is thy colour now, disease thy nature.
Joy to _Amintor_! thou hast toucht a life, The very name of which had power to chain Up all my rage, and calm my wildest wrongs.
_Evad_. 'Tis done; and since I could not find a way To meet thy love so clear, as through his life, I cannot now repent it.
_Amint_. Could'st thou procure the G.o.ds to speak to me, To bid me love this woman, and forgive, I think I should fall out with them; behold Here lies a youth whose wounds bleed in my brest, Sent by his violent Fate to fetch his death From my slow hand: and to augment my woe, You now are present stain'd with a Kings blood Violently shed: this keeps night here, And throws an unknown wilderness about me.
_Asp_. Oh, oh, oh!
_Amint_. No more, pursue me not.
_Evad_. Forgive me then, and take me to thy bed.
We may not part.
_Amint_. Forbear, be wise, and let my rage go this way.
_Evad_. 'Tis you that I would stay, not it.
_Amint_. Take heed, it will return with me.
_Evad_. If it must be, I shall not fear to meet it; take me home.
_Amint_. Thou monster of cruelty, forbear.
_Evad_. For heavens sake look more calm; Thine eyes are sharper than thou canst make thy sword.
_Amint_. Away, away, thy knees are more to me than violence.
I am worse than sick to see knees follow me For that I must not grant; for heavens sake stand.
_Evad_. Receive me then._Amint_. I dare not stay thy language; In midst of all my anger and my grief, Thou dost awake something that troubles me, And sayes I lov'd thee once; I dare not stay; There is no end of womens reasoning.
[_Leaves her_.
_Evad_. _Amintor_, thou shalt love me once again; Go, I am calm; farewell; and peace for ever.
_Evadne_ whom thou hat'st will die for thee.
[_Kills her self_.
_Amint_. I have a little humane nature yet That's left for thee, that bids me stay thy hand.
_Evad_. Thy hand was welcome, but came too late; Oh I am lost! the heavy sleep makes haste.
[_She dies_.