Part 16 (1/2)

_Evad_. My much abused Lord!


_Amin_. This cannot be.

_Evad_. I do not kneel to live, I dare not hope it; The wrongs I did are greater; look upon me Though I appear with all my faults.

_Amin_. Stand up.

This is no new way to beget more sorrow; Heaven knows I have too many; do not mock me; Though I am tame and bred up with my wrongs, Which are my foster-brothers, I may leap Like a hand-wolf into my natural wilderness, And do an out-rage: pray thee do not mock me.

_Evad_. My whole life is so leprous, it infects All my repentance: I would buy your pardon Though at the highest set, even with my life: That slight contrition, that's no sacrifice For what I have committed.

_Amin_. Sure I dazle: There cannot be a faith in that foul woman That knows no G.o.d more mighty than her mischiefs: Thou dost still worst, still number on thy faults, To press my poor heart thus. Can I believe There's any seed of Vertue in that woman Left to shoot up, that dares go on in sin Known, and so known as thine is, O _Evadne_!

Would there were any safety in thy s.e.x, That I might put a thousand sorrows off, And credit thy repentance: but I must not; Thou hast brought me to the dull calamity, To that strange misbelief of all the world, And all things that are in it, that I fear I shall fall like a tree, and find my grave, Only remembring that I grieve.

_Evad_. My Lord, Give me your griefs: you are an innocent, A soul as white as heaven: let not my sins Perish your n.o.ble youth: I do not fall here To shadow by dissembling with my tears, As all say women can, or to make less What my hot will hath done, which heaven and you Knows to be tougher than the hand of time Can cut from mans remembrance; no I do not; I do appear the same, the same _Evadne_, Drest in the shames I liv'd in, the same monster.

But these are names of honour, to what I am; I do present my self the foulest creature, Most poysonous, dangerous, and despis'd of men, _Lerna_ e're bred, or _Nilus_; I am h.e.l.l, Till you, my dear Lord, shoot your light into me, The beams of your forgiveness: I am soul-sick, And [wither] with the fear of one condemn'd, Till I have got your pardon.

_Amin_. Rise _Evadne_, Those heavenly powers that put this good into thee, Grant a continuance of it: I forgive thee; Make thy self worthy of it, and take heed, Take heed _Evadne_ this be serious; Mock not the powers above, that can and dare Give thee a great example of their justice To all ensuing eyes, if thou plai'st With thy repentance, the best sacrifice.

_Evad_. I have done nothing good to win belief, My life hath been so faithless; all the creatures Made for heavens honours have their ends, and good ones, All but the cousening _Crocodiles_, false women; They reign here like those plagues, those killing sores Men pray against; and when they die, like tales Ill told, and unbeliev'd, they pa.s.s away, And go to dust forgotten: But my Lord, Those short dayes I shall number to my rest, (As many must not see me) shall though too late, Though in my evening, yet perceive a will, Since I can do no good because a woman, Reach constantly at some thing that is near it; I will redeem one minute of my age, Or like another _Niobe_ I'le weep till I am water.

_Amin_. I am now dissolved: My frozen soul melts: may each sin thou hast, Find a new mercy: Rise, I am at peace: Hadst thou been thus, thus excellently good, Before that devil King tempted thy frailty, Sure thou hadst made a star: give me thy hand; From this time I will know thee, and as far As honour gives me leave, be thy _Amintor_: When we meet next, I will salute thee fairly, And pray the G.o.ds to give thee happy dayes: My charity shall go along with thee, Though my embraces must be far from thee.

I should ha' kill'd thee, but this sweet repentance Locks up my vengeance, for which thus I kiss thee, The last kiss we must take; and would to heaven The holy Priest that gave our hands together, Had given us equal Vertues: go _Evadne_, The G.o.ds thus part our bodies, have a care My honour falls no farther, I am well then.

_Evad_. All the dear joyes here, and above hereafter Crown thy fair soul: thus I take leave my Lord, And never shall you see the foul _Evadne_ Till sh'ave tryed all honoured means that may Set her in rest, and wash her stains away.


_Banquet. Enter King, Calianax. Hoboyes play within_.

_King_. I cannot tell how I should credit this From you that are his enemy.

_Cal_. I am sure he said it to me, and I'le justifie it What way he dares oppose, but with my sword.

_King_. But did he break without all circ.u.mstance To you his foe, that he would have the Fort To kill me, and then escape?

_Cal_. If he deny it, I'le make him blush.

_King_. It sounds incredibly.

_Cal_. I, so does every thing I say of late.

_King_. Not so _Calianax_.

_Cal_. Yes, I should sit Mute, whilst a Rogue with strong arms cuts your throat.

_King_. Well, I will try him, and if this be true I'le p.a.w.n my life I'le find it; if't be false, And that you clothe your hate in such a lie, You shall hereafter doat in your own house, not in the Court.

_Cal_. Why if it be a lie, Mine ears are false; for I'le be sworn I heard it: Old men are good for nothing; you were best Put me to death for hearing, and free him For meaning of it; you would ha' trusted me Once, but the time is altered.