Part 10 (1/2)
_King_. What did you do?
_Amint_. No more nor less than other couples use; You know what 'tis; it has but a course name.
_King_. But prethee, I should think by her black eye, And her red cheek, she should be quick and stirring In this same business, ha?
_Amint_. I cannot tell, I ne're try'd other Sir, but I perceive She is as quick as you delivered.
_King_. Well, you'l trust me then _Amintor_, To choose a Wife for you agen?
_Amint_. No never Sir.
_King_. Why? like you this so ill?
_Amint_. So well I like her.
For this I bow my knee in thanks to you, And unto Heaven will pay my grateful tribute Hourly, and to hope we shall draw out A long contented life together here, And die both full of gray hairs in one day; For which the thanks is yours; but if the powers That rule us, please to call her first away, Without pride spoke, this World holds not a Wife Worthy to take her room.
_King_. I do not like this; all forbear the room But you _Amintor_ and your Lady. I have some speech with You, that may concern your after living well.
_Amint_. He will not tell me that he lies with her: if he do, Something Heavenly stay my heart, for I shall be apt To thrust this arm of mine to acts unlawful.
_King_. You will suffer me to talk with her _Amintor_, And not have a jealous pang!
_Amint_. Sir, I dare trust my Wife With whom she dares to talk, and not be jealous.
_King_. How do you like _Amintor_?
_Evad_. As I did Sir.
_King_. How's that!
_Evad_. As one that to fulfil your will and pleasure, I have given leave to call me Wife and Love.
_King_. I see there is no lasting Faith in Sin; They that break word with Heaven, will break again With all the World, and so dost thou with me.
_Evad_. How Sir?
_King_. This subtile Womans ignorance Will not excuse you; thou hast taken Oaths So great, methought they did not well become A Womans mouth, that thou wouldst ne're enjoy A man but me.
_Evad_. I never did swear so; you do me wrong.
_King_. Day and night have heard it.
_Evad_. I swore indeed that I would never love A man of lower place; but if your fortune Should throw you from this height, I bade you trust I would forsake you, and would bend to him That won your Throne; I love with my ambition, Not with mine eyes; but if I ever yet Toucht any other, Leprosie light here Upon my face, which for your Royalty I would not stain.
_King_. Why thou dissemblest, and it is in me to punish thee.
_Evad_. Why, it is in me then not to love you, which will More afflict your body, than your punishment can mine.
_King_. But thou hast let _Amintor_ lie with thee.
_Evad_. I ha'not.