Part 8 (2/2)
Was sweet as _April_; I'le be guilty too, If these be the effects.
[_Enter Melantius_.
_Mel_. Good day _Amintor_, for to me the name Of Brother is too distant; we are friends, And that is nearer.
_Amint_. Dear _Melantius_!
Let me behold thee; is it possible?
_Mel_. What sudden gaze is this?
_Amint_. 'Tis wonderous strange.
_Mel_. Why does thine eye desire so strict a view Of that it knows so well?
There's nothing here that is not thine.
_Amint_. I wonder much _Melantius_, To see those n.o.ble looks that make me think How vertuous thou art; and on the sudden 'Tis strange to me, thou shouldst have worth and honour, Or not be base, and false, and treacherous, And every ill. But--
_Mel_. Stay, stay my Friend, I fear this sound will not become our loves; no more, embrace me.
_Amint_. Oh mistake me not; I know thee to be full of all those deeds That we frail men call good: but by the course Of nature thou shouldst be as quickly chang'd As are the winds, dissembling as the Sea, That now wears brows as smooth as Virgins be, Tempting the Merchant to invade his face, And in an hour calls his billows up, And shoots 'em at the Sun, destroying all He carries on him. O how near am I
To utter my sick thoughts!
_Mel_. But why, my Friend, should I be so by Nature?
_Amin_. I have wed thy Sister, who hath vertuous thoughts Enough for one whole family, and it is strange That you should feel no want.
_Mel_. Believe me, this complement's too cunning for me.
_Diph_. What should I be then by the course of nature, They having both robb'd me of so much vertue?
_Strat_. O call the Bride, my Lord _Amintor_, that we may see her blush, and turn her eyes down; it is the prettiest sport.
_Amin_. _Evadne_!
_Evad_. My Lord!
_Amint_. Come forth my Love, Your Brothers do attend to wish you joy.
_Evad_. I am not ready yet.
_Amint_. Enough, enough.