Part 5 (2/2)

_Evad_. No.

_Amin_. Come, come my Love, And let us lose our selves to one another.

Why art thou up so long?

_Evad_. I am not well.

_Amint_. To bed then let me wind thee in these arms, Till I have banisht sickness.

_Evad_. Good my Lord, I cannot sleep.

_Amin_. _Evadne_, we'l watch, I mean no sleeping.

_Evad_. I'le not go to bed.

_Amin_. I prethee do.

_Evad_. I will not for the world.

_Amin_. Why my dear Love?

_Evad_. Why? I have sworn I will not.

_Amin_. Sworn!

_Evad_. I.

_Amint_. How? Sworn _Evadne_?

_Evad_. Yes, Sworn _Amintor_, and will swear again If you will wish to hear me.

0 _Amin_. To whom have you Sworn this?

_Evad_. If I should name him, the matter were not great.

_Amin_. Come, this is but the coyness of a Bride.

_Evad_. The coyness of a Bride?

_Amin_. How prettily that frown becomes thee!

_Evad_. Do you like it so?

_Amin_. Thou canst not dress thy face in such a look But I shall like it.

_Evad_. What look likes you best?

_Amin_. Why do you ask?

_Evad_. That I may shew you one less pleasing to you.

_Amin_. How's that?
