Part 10 (1/2)

_Bus-napper_, a constable

_Bus-napper's kenchin_, a watchman

_Bye-blow_, a bastard

_Calle_, a cloak or gown

_Cank_, duue

_Cap_, to swear

_Captain Queernabs_, a fellow in poor clothes

_Caravan_, a good round sum of money about a man

_Case_, a house, shop, or warehouse

_Cassun_, cheese

_Caster_, a cloak

_Calfskin fiddle_, a dru the oath It is held by the St Giles's casuists, that by kissing one's own thu a false oath is avoided

_Canticle_, a parish clerk

_Canting_, preaching with a whining affected tone, perhaps a corruption of chaunting; some derive it fro ibberish used by thieves and gipseys, called, likewise, pedlar's French

_Catay woether, for saving shi+pwrecked persons

_Catch Club_, a member of the catch club; a bum bailiff

_Chanticleer_, a cock

_Charactered_, or _Lettered_, burnt in the hand They have palmed the character upon him, they have burned him in the hand


_Chats_, lice

_Chanter culls_, grub-street writers, who coers

_Cherubims_, peevish children, because cherubim and seraphim continually do cry