Part 7 (2/2)

A few days after, the parson going over to see the ladies, they asked him if a poor seaman had been at his house Yes, replied the parson, it was one Roger Pike, whose brother had a congregation in Tiverton, and whoive hiuinea: and we gave hier Pike, but as Mr Bareat hurry, and would scarce be convinced but that it was old Roger Pike Thus had Mr Carew the happy art of suiting his eloquence to every teood Mr Pike, of Tiverton, was as powerful a loadstone to attract the parson, as hisof Betty Larkey had been to Lady Tynte

From hence he went to parson White's, at cocker, where he found Justice Proctor: here he passed for an unfortunate sailor, who had been cast away co to his native place, Tintagel, in Cornwall Parson White asked as minister there, he replied, that one Atkins was curate, and that there was no other there at that tiht to have a pass, and asked where he landed He replied, at Dover Had you a pass, then, from the mayor there? We had one, said he, very readily; but soood health, I left the able to travel so fast Why then, says the justice, you are liable to be taken up as a vagrant, for begging without a pass: however, ill relieve you; and if you call upon gentlereat many thanks for this civility, and then went to a tanner's hard by, where he changed his story, and passed for a bankrupt tanner

Here he was likewise relieved, as he touched upon the right string; for had he passed here for an unfortunate sailor, probably his eloquence would have had no effect

From hence he went to the parson of East Chinock, and told hied to athen about dinner time, the parson asked if he could eat sea provisions, such as pork and peas, which he readily accepting of, they sat down together, and had a great deal of discourse about the lieutenant Next he went to Madam Philips, of Montacute, where happened to be Parson Bower, of Martock, who asked him if he knew Bael, in Cornwall, and know the Carews there very well, and have heard of the wanderer you speak of, who, I' stealer, but know not what has becoed, cried the parson, upon account of his family; and after so Montacute, he went forward to Yeovil, having appointed to n of the Boot, Sherborne, and from Yeovil to Squire hellier's, at Leweston, who treated hiht, but he excused hihter

As soon as he can of the Boot, where he inquired for his wife and daughter; but hoas he thunder-struck, when he was told they were in hold, at Webb's the bailiff! He inquired for what reason, and was inforh the town to take up all strangers, such as chimney-sweepers, tinkers, pedlars, and the like What could our hero do? he revolved it over and over in hiseither to free his wife and daughter, or else to share their fate When he came there, he asked to see the prisoners, and demanded upon what account they had apprehended his wife, as she had neither stolen nor begged in the town: this occasioned high words, and at last ended in blows Long did our herooverpowered with numbers, he fell, but not till his assailants had felt the force of his arht, and the nexttaken, with the rest of the prisoners, before Thomas Medlycott, Esq, at Milbourn Port, where they were all examined, and all maintained their professions to be extreed, he preserved houses fro fire, whereby he saved whole towns, and consequently was a useful ued on the usefulness of kettles, brass pans, frying-pans, &c, and of consequence, what use he was of to the public: and our hero declared he was the fa and country both by sea and land

The justice thought proper to send these useful men to their respective parishes, at the public expense: accordingly Mr Careith his wife and daughter, were ordered to Bickley, in Devonshi+re The Sherborne people waited upon them to Yeovil, where they were delivered to the care of the chiefprovided, they set out for Thon the pass, they proceeded to Axistrate refused to receive thened; upon which they would have left Mr Carew, but he insisted upon being accomodated to the end of his journey, they therefore adjourned to Mr Tucker's, about two miles from Axminster, who asked him if he had a mind to have his attendants dismissed, or chose to have their co that he did not choose to have thened the warrant, and our hero, with his wife and daughter, rode all the way very triumphantly into Bickley, where, as soon as they arrived, the bells were set a ringing, and the greatest joy spread through all the place

Mr Carew re every day of the progress of the rebels, that insatiable curiosity which had always actuated his breast, proo and see the ar his leave of his wife and daughter, though they entreated hio to the North, h

After soh, which lies in a sort of a valley, between two hills, one of which is called Salisbury Crags, the other ly walled, and is adorned with public and private buildings At the extremity of the east end of the city stands the palace of Holyrood house; leaving which, a little to the left, you coh a populous suburb to the entrance, called the Water-port Froht line through the whole city to the castle, which is above a est and finest street for buildings and number of inhabitants in Europe From the palace door, which stands on a level with the lowest of the plain country, this street begins to ascend very gradually, being no where steep; but this ascent being continued for so long a way, it is easy to understand that the furthest part h; for the castle, which stands as it were at the extremity, west, as the palace does east, makes on all sides (that only excepted which joins it to the city) a frightful and inaccessible precipice The castle is situated on a high rock, and strongly fortified with a great nunable In the great church they have a set of bells, which are not rung out as in England, (for that way of ringing is not non in this country,) but are played on by the hand with keys, like a harpsichord, the person playing having great leather covers for his fists, which enables hier bells there are treddles, which he strikes with his feet

They play all ives aupon them, from half-an-hour after eleven till half-an-hour after twelve every day, Sundays and holidays excepted On the south side of this church is a square of very fine buildings, called the Parliament Close, the west and south side of which are mostly taken up with the Parliament house, the several courts of justice, the council chaisters, the lawyers' library, the post-office, &c The great church makes up the north side of the square, and the east, and part of the south side, is built into private dwellings, very stately, lofty, and strong, being seven stories high to the front of the square, and the hill that they stand on having a very deep descent; soh backwards Holyrood house is a very handsoe; it was for David I for the canons regular of St Austin, who named it Holyrood-house, or the house of the Holy Cross, which was destroyed by Oliver Cro Charles the second, and of which his grace the Duke of Halected

The entrance froreat outer court is adorned with pillars of hewn stone, under a cupola, in form of an imperial crown, balustrated on each side at the top The fore part has tings, on each side of which are two turrets; that towards the north was built by King Jaold; and that towards the south (as well as the rest) by Charles II, whereof Sir William Bruce was the architect The inner court is very stately, all of free-stone, well heith a colonade round it, from whence are entries into the several apartallery is very re adorned with the pictures of all the Scotch kings, frous the first, done byno mind to join them, he pretended to be very sick and laentle on to Carlisle, he hopped after theht of the Pretender's son, and other commanders He afterwards accompanied them to Derby, where a report was spread, that the Duke of cue failing, though the Pretender's son was for fighting, they retreated back to Carlisle; upon which he thought it ti care to change his note to ”God bless King George, and the brave Duke Willia into Bristol, he met with one Mr P---, an apothecary, who had formerly known hilad to see him, and took him to a tavern, where he treated him very handsomely, and then sent for his wife, sister, and other friends, to cohly pleased to see asome hours very merrily with him, they would have him to try his fortune in that city, but to take care of the ly he went to a place of rendezvous of the brothers of the ood suit of clothes, and then went upon the Exchange, as the supercargo of a shi+p called the Dragon, which had been burnt by lightning off the Lizard point By this story he raised a very handsome contribution on thewell known that such a shi+p had been burnt in the manner he described He then returned to his friend Mr P---, the apothecary, and, knocking at the door, asked if he was at hoain in his supercargo's dress, made him a very lo, and desired him to walk in

Mr Carew asked him if he had any fine salve, as he had met with an accident, and burnt his elbow; upon which Mr P--- ran behind his counter, and reached down a pot of salve, desiring, with a great deal of co at his elbow; he then discovered himself, which occasioned no little diversion to Mr P--- and his fa back to his quarters, he laid aside his finery, and dressed hi mechanic; he then went into the street, and acted like ah he was disordered in hisin a furious in Mary, Pontius Pilate, and Mary Magdalen, and acting the part of a iously round, and then, of a sudden, he would break out into soreatly excited the curiosity and compassion of the people, so they said in a wild and incoherent enerally the forerunner of charity, he was relieved by the -gown, still acting the madman, and carried it so far now, as to address himself to all the posts in the streets, as if they were saints, lifting up his hands and eyes in a fervent though distracted estures, that he astonished the whole city Going through Castle-street, he met the Rev Mr B---c, a minister of that place, whom he accosted with his arstar; which frightened the parson soafter hi well recruited his pockets by this stratagem, he left the city next day, and travelled towards Bath, acting the madman all the way till he came to Bath As soon as he ca directed to his house, found two brother mendicants at the door; after they had waited soht each of them a halfpenny, for which his brother ave his halfpenny to one of theain, Tell your master, said he, I am not a halfpennyof thetold, the Dr caave hi of drink, for which he returned thanks

The next day he went to Mr Allen's seat, near Bath, and sent in a petition as froot half-a-crown From thence heat Mr Hooper's, and telling the servant who he was, the mistress ordered him in, and inquired if he was really the fas, and ordered him to be well entertained At Shepton Mallet our hero had the pleasure ofwith his beloved wife, to theirseveral brethren of the order there, they passed so near Rye, in Sussex, (where, upon account of their extraordinary merit, the two brothers L---d are perpetually mayors,) he met two of histhe town, but with extreme hazard to his person, upon account of the severity which the mayor exercised towards all of their co this, entreated him in the reat heart always swelled when any thing hazardous presented, and as he illing to show his subjects, by exaenuity to overcome, he was resolved to enter Rye; which he did with a very slow, feeble, and tottering pace, stopping every , whilst every li rather to be the property of so body: in thisto the ed soure, said he was indeed a real object of pity; and therefore gave hih the tohich he did with no little profit, and with great applause from thefroeness, he found a vessel ready to sail for Boulogne, on board of which he eed with English soldiers, (it being soon after the reducing of the arht hi him, cried out, Here's Ba with them to their quarters, and they passed the day very reat discontent at their being discharged, swearing they would never co, if they had not coed He then inquired how they lived in France? They replied, never better in their lives Froreatin

Whilst he was here, the Duke of Richlish soldiers, asked some of them why they came there? to which they replied, they should have been either starved or hanged if they had staid in England Mr Carew intended to have paid his respects to his grace, but had not an opportunity; and soon after, being taken very ill, was obliged to desist froh France, Gere in the packet-boat from Calais, and landed at Dover; froot a pass and relief from the mayor, under the name of John Moore, a native of St Ives, in Cornwall, who had been cast away on the coast of France, in a vessel co as suited his inclination, he ain, and appeared in quite a different shape He noore a full handsoood beaver hat, somewhat duffy; a fine broad-cloth coat, but not of the newest fashi+on, and not a little faded in its colour He was now a gentleood estate, but reduced by a train of uncommon misfortunes His venerable looks, his dejected countenance, the visible struggles between the sha and the necessity which forced him to it, all operated to enerally shown by handsoentleman of so ancient a family, and who had formerly lived so well; and indeed how reat in their prosperity, we are as ready to relieve the to be in the city of Wells, in Somersetshi+re, on a Sunday, was told that the bishop was to preach that -gown, and went out toin procession, and addressed himself to his lordshi+p as a poor unhappy man, whose ave hiewater, but did not appear in the day-tis upon his crutches, as a poor la known by any one till he discovered hi Lord Clifford, his first cousin, (who had just returned froton, about four ewater, he resolved to pay hi one whom nature had made up in a hurry without a heart, Mr Carew had never been able to obtain any thing of hi appearance of distress, but a cup of sone to Lord Clifford's, but being saluted at the door by a fine black spaniel, with almost as much crustiness as he would have been, had his er obligation of observing the strict laws of honour, than the parson did of hospitality; and therefore soon charmed the crossness of the spaniel, and ewater; for it is very ree and ill-natured brutes, which is generally attended with success; but it requires a her skill, and is but seldom successful, to soften the ill-nature and inhumanity of man: whether it is that the brutes areinstruction, or whether the ill-nature of man exceeds that of the brutes, we cannot well deterhtfor Lord Clifford's, and in his way called upon the parson again, who very crustily told hi had stolen him: to which Mr Carew very cal to him? if he would make him drink it ell, for he was very dry: at last, with the use ofleave of him, he went to the Red Lion, in the same parish, where he staid some time In the mean time down ran the parson to my Lord Clifford's, to acquaint him that Mr Careas in the parish, and to advise hi down i in his ar and another calling, and bothabout to seek after their favourites

Mr Carew asked s were cripples, because he saw several carried in the servants' arine he was come to steal any of them Upon which his lordshi+p told him, that parson C--- had advised him to be careful, as he had lost his spaniel but the day before It may be so, replied he: the parson knows but little of norant that with us ingratitude is unknown, and the property of our friends always sacred His lordshi+p, hearing this, entertained him very handsomely, and both hi about this tiewater, in the county of Somerset, our hero appeared there upon crutches as a poor miserable cripple, in company with many of his subjects that were full as unfortunate as hi ere his old friends and school-fellows Martin, Escott, and Coleman The mayor of that corporation, a bitter enemy to their community, jocosely said, that he would make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the la to this intended cure, he had thereatly terrified theht's repose in lieon of ht the keys of their reatly to befriend them, advised them, if there were any of them counterfeits, to make haste out of the town, or otherwise they must expect no mercy from the mayor, unknown to who the door, forth issued the disabled and infirm prisoners; the las, and ood use of their natural ones: the blind made shi+ft to see the way out of town; and the deaf thereat attention, hearkened to this their friend, and followed his advice with all possible speed The entlemen, planted themselves opposite to the prison, and were spectators to this diverting scene, calling out to stop them, not with an intention to do the a spur to their speed: however there were soh to lay hold on thele of this nature, left a skirt of his garht be done without much violence, as we may reasonably conclude it to have been none of the soundest; and Coleed into the river, and swam to the opposite shore: in short, so well did these cripples ply their li a real object, a lame man, who, in spite of the fear and consternation he was in, could not ht before the rant course of life, ordered hienerouskind to hi his ends our hero had peculiar to hireat intent to read the inscriptions on tombs and monuments in church-yards, and when the deceased person had a character for piety and charity, he would with the greatest i relations: and, if they refused an alinable, implore their charity for the sake of their deceased relation, praying they would follow the laudable and virtuous example of their dead husband, wife, father,there was the saion, and charity, still dwelling in the house as before the death of the person deceased

These and the like expressions, uttered in a most suppliant and pathetic voice, used to extort not only very handsome contributions, but tears from the person to whoed, at Burton, in Somersetshi+re, in the habit and character of a sea froreat severity, had rendered hi upon his perfect acquaintance with the country, ventured up to him, had the best entertainment his house afforded, and was honourably dismissed with a considerable piece of money Captains H---h and N---n, with both of whom our hero had sailed, were intimate acquaintances of this captain, of whom he asked many questions, and also about Newfoundland, which country trade he had used the ave very satisfactory answers This captain had detected so many i able to find Mr Carew in any one error, he was very proud of it, pitied and relieved him in an extraordinary manner, ith him himself to the principal people of the torote him letters of recommendation to his distant relations and friends, that lay in his road, and acted with such extraordinary kindness, as if he thought he could never do enough; it is to be reer than a seaman

In the same town lived Lord B---y, who had a son, as captain of the Antelope man-of-war, stationed in the West Indies, and who died on the passage; Mr Carew infor thereto, and made it his business to meet his lordshi+p as he caave his lordshi+p to understand, that he was a spectator of the burial of his son on board the Antelope; at the saave hireat veracity, so that his lordshi+p gave hiood entertainment frooing into the toas accosted by an apothecary, hispered hi, that he knew hirossly imposed upon the captain and the town, but at the same time assured him that he would not injure him, but faithfully keep the secret

In the athered the whole s than sense of argu then virtues of his pills, plasters, and self; and so far did he impose upon them, as to vend his packets pretty plentifully, which the apothecary could not forbear beholding with an envious eye, and jocularly asked Mr Carew if he could not help hionist of his; which he proot a little phial, and filled it up with spirits of turpentine; he thenauditory of this Irish itinerant physician, as in the midst of them, mounted on his steed adorned with a po reat deal of confidence and success, aesculapius like, distributing health around him: wethe stalls of orange and gingerbread lovers, and other such retailers

Mr Carew therefore approached hi his fingers with the spirits, rested his hand upon the steed, as an unconcerned personaside the hair, he rubbed the turpentine upon the bare flesh, which i to burn and san to express his sense of pain, by flinging his hinder legs, gently shaking himself, and other restless motions, which made the poor mountebank wonder what had befallen his horse; but the pain increasing, the disorderly behaviour of the steed increased proportionably, who now began to kick, prance, stand on end, neigh, i both his bridle and rider, and running a tilt against the stalls of oranges, gingerbread, gloves, breeches, shoes, &c, which he overthrew and tra the boys for the eatables, and there were sooods of the poor shoean to curse the doctor and his Rosinante, as all this while capering, roaring, and dancing as, &c, to the entire ruin of the hucksters, who now began to deal very heavy blows, both on the unfortunate horse and his distressed master This odd spectacle and adventure attracted the eyes and attention of the whole fair, which was all in an uproar, so pedlars,) so; to make short of the story, the doctor rode about the fair, without either hat or wig, at the pleasure and discretion of his horse, a the ruined and overturned stalls and the dissipated mob, who concluded both the quack and the steed to be either mad or bewitched, and enjoyed their frolicsome situation