Part 6 (1/2)

From Topsham Mr Carew proceeded to Exmouth, where he also succeeded, and from thence to Squire Stucky's, a justice of peace at Brandsob, about fourintroduced, acquainted his worshi+p with several discoveries he could er for Mr Duke, an officer in Sidmouth; in the mean time he entertained hiuineas, as a s hied to hi this discovery: and that, as a reward for his loyalty to the king, he would engage to get hi , Mr Duke, the sailor, and servant of the squire's, set forward towards Honiton, it being at Squire Blagdon's, near the tohere they were to find the hidden treasure Mr Careas ood horse of Justice Stucky's, and, while the officer and servant were very busy in searching the out-houses and stables, Mr Carew gave them the slip, and posted away to Honiton, and took so the justice's horse to answer for it, hasted away to Lime, in Dorsetshi+re; where he applied to Mr Jordan, the collector of the place, whom he sent upon the same errand some miles off, to Colonel Brown's, at Fra it proper for hi suspicion, left hi his servant orders to let hi hireater rehen he returned Mr Carew enjoyed himself very contentedly at the collector's house for several hours, both eating and drinking of the best, as he knew Frareat a distance for hihed his anchor when he thought the collector ht be on his return, and steered his course towards Weymouth, where hehandsoiven to him, sent the officers to Squire Groves's, near White-street, and Squire Barber's, on the Chase, both in Wiltshi+re And as soon as they were gone, he set out for Poole; and sent the collector and officers of that place to Sir Edward boobey's, who lived in the road between Salisbury and Hendon; they gave hiuineas in hand, and a promise of more upon their return with the booty; in the ave orders that he should have any thing the house afforded, and they would make satisfaction for it; but this adventure had like not to have ended so well for hi laid down upon a bed to nap, having drunk too freely, he heard soreat confusion there was in all the sea-ports in the west of England, occasioned by a trick put on the king's officers by one Baht to Poole by a Devonshi+re gentlehtly judged Poole was no proper place to er stay in; he therefore instantly arose, and, by the help of a back door, got into a garden, and withthereto, and made the best of his way to Christchurch, in Hampshi+re; here he assumed the character of a shi+pwrecked sea to Ringwood, he inquired of the health of Sir Thohbourhood, as a person of great hospitality; he was told that so abused his benevolence, in taking away a pair of boots, after he had received a handsome present from him, it had so far prejudiced Sir Thomas, that he did not exercise the sareatly surprised and concerned Mr Carew, that any of his subjects should be guilty of so ungrateful an action: he was resolved therefore to inquire strictly into it, that, if he could find out the offender, he ht inflict a deserved punishment upon him; and therefore resolved to pay a visit to Sir Thoht into the affair When he came to the house, it was pretty early in the day, and Sir Thomas had not come out of his chamber; however, he sent up his pass, as a shi+pwrecked seaman, by one of the servants, who presently returned with half-a-crown As he had been alont to receive a large present froht there was some unfair practice at the bottom; he therefore asked the foot Sir Thoht coreat a hurry, that he could not attend to draw any, but he was of too humane a nature to perave hi out of his own pocket to drink at the next public-house

This extraordinary generosity of the footman increased Mr Carew's suspicion; he therefore kept loitering about the door, and often looking up at the , in hopes of seeing Sir Tho up the sash, and accosted him in a free familiar manner, called him Brother Tar, and told him he was very sorry for his misfortunes, and that he had sent him a piece of money to assist him in his journey towards Bristol Heaven bless your honour, replied he, for the half-crown your honour sent own, and with great passion seized the footiven the sailor The felloas struck duue on the present occasion, as his looks, and the treuilt; however he at last owned it with his tongue; and excused hie bounties his honour gave Sir Thoed at the insolence of his servant, bestowed upon hireat care and integrity in not seeing his bounty abused; adding, he nohose villany he had lost his boots He then uinea to the sailor, and discharged him from any further service in his fareat thankfulness, and went his way, highly pleased with his good success in this adventure-Here we cannot forbear wishi+ng that there was no higher character in life than Sir Tho in passing through them; that there was no steho kept back part of his master's rent, because he thinks he has ers of charities, who retain part of the donors' benefactions in their own hands, because it is too much for the poor; nor officers of the public, who think they may squander the public treasure without account, because what is everybody's is nobody's

Mr Carew having laid aside his sailor's habit, put on a long loose vest, placed a turban on his head, dignified his chin with a venerable long beard, and was now no other than a poor unfortunate Grecian, whose e country He could not utter his sorrowful tale, being unacquainted with the language of the country; but his mute silence, his dejected countenance, a sudden tear that now and then flowed down his cheek, accompanied with a noble air of distress, all pleaded for hiuage could have done, and raised hiains; and indeed benevolence can never be better exerted than towards unfortunate strangers, for no distress can be so forlorn as that of a n country; he has no friends to apply to, no laws to shelter him under, no means to provide for his subsistence, and therefore can have no resource but in those benevolent minds who look upon the whole world as their own brethren

We have alreadyon board the Yarmouth man-of-war up the Baltic; it will not, therefore, be ie, which was as follows:-He and his friend, Cole to be able-bodied ht theed the this, Coleers, and other joints, and inflaht it to be the itch; he was therefore carried ashore, and put into the hospital, from whence he soon em, but too late; for the Lively and Successfrom Ireland with iether with the i at Spithead; they were first put on board the Bredau, Admiral Hosier, to choose who called over, the Irish declared hiue, to be a poor Irish weaver, and disabled in one ar whom he was now ranked, were carried from shi+p to shi+p, and none would accept of theed; but they were disappointed in their hopes, for they were put on board the Yar one of the squadron destined for the Baltic Mr Carew finding Captain O'Brien refused no Irished his note, and declared hilishman, but crippled in one ar a sword in his hand, made him stand sentry at the bitts, which easy post he liked very well; and during all the time he was on board, every one supposed hi froen, and then the king of Dener: the -shi+ps were covered with an infinite nu in the wind, ht: upon his departure, the colours were all taken down in an instant, and every shi+p fired eighteen or twenty guns

Sailing froen, they anchored next in Elson Cape, in Sweden; from hence they sailed to Revel, in a line of battle, in form of a rainbow, and anchored there: the sick an island, which Mr Carew observing, and burning with love to revisit his native country, counterfeited sickness, and was accordingly carried ashore to this island, which lies near Revel, belonging to the Muscovites, from whence boats calishman, as a boatswain to one of the Czarina's e in his boat from that island to Revel tohen he careat endeavours to persuade him to enter herresolved to return to his beloved country; the boatswain, therefore, having entertained hiave hilishmen of his acquaintance to do the sa of provisions, a bottle of excellent brandy, a tinder-box, and a few lines wrote in that country language, which he was to show to those he o; and then conducted his in the woods, and, by the help of his tinder-box, e fire all round him, to secure himself from any visits from the wild beasts, then broiled a piece of flesh, drank a dra the middle of sue woods and uninhabited deserts, the towns and villages lying very thin In thehis way out of the woods, he espied a lonely hut, to which he ave hioat's flesh, to eat, and sost those people, who are ion, and lead very sober lives; of soot small bits oflarger than a barley-corn, being of a penny value; he likewise frequently got dra worn-out by travelling, they gave hiood wooden ones, which sat very aardly on his English feet

After six or seven days' travel through this wild country he cae town and falish merchants and commanders of vessels, ere very kind to hia, to rest and refresh hilish s and other accos for hiood benefactors, he again pursued his journey, subsisting himself sometimes on the charity of the inhabitants of the country, and at other ti the cows upon the mountains or in the woods The next place of note he arrived at was the city of Dantzic, in the kingdolish merchants who traded to Exeter, and Bristol, and hadin those places, several of whoave a particular account of

Having been entertained here very hospitably for several days, he set out again, having first received solish lish brigantine bound for Copenhagen, but through stress of weather was obliged to put into Elson Cape, where he went on shore, and travelled by land to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, but in his road thither he lost his way in this wild and desert country, and for the space of three days and nights saw neither house, hut, nor hu could be more melancholy and dreadful than these three days' travel; his provisions were exhausted, and every step he took he was uncertain whether it ht lead him farther into the woods, as he couldthe light of every thing So at a little distance, to which he would direct his steps with eager haste, but when he caht, which ally hungry, when, to his great joy, he espied two she-goats fastened together with ropes of straw: he ran to theerness, and drunk very heartily of their an to consider that there oats could not have strayed in that reat distance; he therefore resolved to stay upon the spot for so up, he espied a hut just before hiot a belly-full of their homely fare, and directions to find his way to Stockhol chiefly Lutheran, he passed for the son of a presbyterian parson, and his na to have been cast away in a vessel bound for Revel The Lutherans at Stockholly kind to him and raised a handsome contribution for him

He likewise chanced there to entleman, that resided at Dartmouth, in Devonshi+re, who asked several questions about hiave very satisfactory answers, upon which account that gentle, with a letter to carry to his relation at Dartmouth

From Stockholm he went to Charles-town, and after a short stay there continued his journey to Copenhagen, the metropolis of Denmark; here he met with one Captain Thomas Giles, of Minehead in Somersetshi+re, who knew him, and was surprised to see him in that part of the world, and not only liberally relieved hilish commanders there, and also to several inhabitants of the city Froh, thence to Elsinore, where he got a passage for England, and onceat Newcastle-upon-Tyne, he visited his wife's relations, and then set forward for Devonshi+re, travelling all the way in the character of a shi+pwrecked sea at Exeter with his beloved wife, and likeith his friend Coleether for sohter; but as they found so helpless an infant a great hindrance to their travelling, Mr Carew contrived a stratageet rid of it, and at the same time advanced the fortune of the child

There was in the tohere they then were, a gay bachelor, who lived with his reat admirer of that order of female travellers called Cousin Betties Coleman's wife had been with him some months before in that character, was very well entertained, and, ast other favours, received a present of a silk handkerchief They therefore dressed up the babe very neatly, wrapped it up exceeding war care to put in the handkerchief Cole a large boar cat, in the dusk of the evening they tied it to the knocker of the door, setting down before it the basket with the helpless infant The cat, not liking the treat, rap, rap, rap, went the knocker of the door; out ran the gentlehbourhood gathered about the door to see what this noise couldtheeot free of the knocker, and ran away, only leaving part of the tail behind The basket alone now engaged the attention of every one, and being delivered to the gentleman to open, the feeble cries of an infant soon reached their ears The mother and sisters, alarmed at this unexpected salutation, snatched the basket from him, and upon the child's breast found a note in these words:

”Remember, sir, where you last met me, you have not been so kind as you often pros to you I have , and this handkerchief which you hter; and the unfortunate ive you

”Your's, &c”

The horrid squalling of the cat did not grate so disagreeably upon the gentle of these words; so that his hat and ere flung off, and he ran about sta that the child was none of his, neither did he know any thing of the mother On the other hand, hishis ears on every side with reproaches; so that he would at that tiht deafness preferable to any one of the senses ”Dost thou deny the child to be thine?” cried the mother: ”has it not thy very eyes, nose, and mouth? and is this not thy very handkerchief? this thou canst not deny, for I can safely swear it was thine” The poor gentleed to quit the field; the child was taken into the house, and brought up and educated there, and is at this day a very accomplished fine lady

Soe at Folkstone, in Kent, for Boulogne in France, where he arrived safe, and proceeded to Paris and other cities in that kingdorave, his behaviour sober and decent, pretending to be a Roland, his native country, out of an ardent zeal of spending his days in the bosoained belief; his zeal was universally applauded, and handsome contributions made for him; but at the same tie of habit, he used to address those English he heard of in any place as a protestant shi+pwrecked seaood fortune, in this character, to lish physician at Paris, to whom he told his deplorable tale, as so much affected by it, that he not only relieved him very handsomely, but, as more, recommended him to that noble pattern of unexhausted benevolence, Mrs Horner, as on her travels, frouineas, and from some other company with her, five ood heart, we cannot entertain thee better, than by drawing a true though faint picture of this generous lady; for, were benevolence and generosity real beings, we are persuaded they would act just like her; with such an unsparing hand would they bestow their bounties, and with such nificence reward desert; with such Godlike compassion cheer the afflicted, and just so make happy all around them: but thou canst forhbourhood of that noble mansion, the seat of Mrs Horner, at Mulberry, Dorsetshi+re, where benevolence has fixed her seat Perht with the delightful scene See, already, the parish church, rebuilt at her expense, strikes the eye; it is she that has erected it to the honour of her God Thou art surprised, I see, to behold an eminent physician, who is allowed a constant salary by her to visit the poor sick in her neighbourhood, co out of his chariot to enter the wretched huts of poverty; but know, she has already paid his fees: see here another cohbourhood; it is her bounty that has supplied theed and decrepid poor; they are going to receive their daily bread at her table But let us enter the poor cottage; see, here are the holy Scriptures and other books of pious instruction; and, hark! the lisping child is reading distinctly in one of theifts, and instilled instruction into that tender rief-swollen heart, hat a load of care, yon person enters the ed his aspect! joy sparkles in his eye, and thankfulness swells his exulting heart; content sits cheerful upon his brow, and he no longer bends under his care: onderfulonly of her beneficent hand has done it

What we are now going to relate will raise an honest indignation in the breast of every true lover of liberty; for all such know that the beauteous flower of liberty sickens to the very root (like the sensitive plant) at the lightest touch of the iron hand of power upon any one of itsin the city of Exeter with his wife, and, having visited his old friends there, he walked to Topsha his wife in Exeter Alas! little did he think this ould end in a long and cruel separation froine, that, in the land of freedorasp of lawless power: though poor, he thought himself under the protection of the laws, and, as such, liable to no punishht in this, let the sequel tell Going down to Topsha the beauties of a fine evening, er, he was accosted by merchant D---y, accompanied with several captains of vessels, in soht tio over for mine They then laid hands on him, who found it in vain to resist, as he was overpowered by nuistrate, but this was not hearkened to, for they forced him on board a boat, without the presence or authority of any officer of justice, not sohim to take leave of his wife, or acquaint her with his ed the favour almost with tears The boat carried him on board the Phillory, Captain Simmonds, bound for America with convicts, which then lay at Powderhah, I would put a blot of eternal infamy on that citizen of liberty, who usurped so much power over a fellow-citizen, and those who suffered a brother of liberty, however undeserving, to be dragged to slavery by the lawless hand of poithout the n justice Foolish wretch! dost thou not know that thou oughtest to bepoithin its bounds, than thou wouldst the raging sea ready to overflow and overwhelm them all; for thou who hast consented to see power oppress a fellow-heir of glorious liberty, how canst thou co iron hand should seize upon thyself, or whatever thou holdest most dear? then wouldst thou, too late, bewail that thou hadst ever suffered poantonly to set foot on the neck of liberty

But to return: Mr Careas no sooner put on board, than he was strictly searched, and then taken between decks, where he was ironed doith the convicts There was at the sa theht and day, was soon infected, and taken very ill; however, he had not the liberty of sending to his wife, nor any of his friends, though they lay three weeks in the roads for a fair wind In thefrom him, and uncertain as become of him, or whether he was alive or dead, abandoned herself to an excess of grief, for he had always been a kind and affectionate husband to her; she therefore sought him up and down, at all the houses of his usual resort, but in vain, for no news could she gain of her beloved husband

The wind colish coasts We need not describe what passed in Mr Carew's breast at this tirief prevailed by turns, so thus treated, fired his bosohts of his being thus unexpectedly separated fronominious slavery, filled him with sad and melancholy reflections; however, he had the pleasure, before it was long, of knowing he was not entirely deserted; for Captain Simmonds, the commander of the Phillory, a humane compassionate man, came down to him between decks, soon after they were under sail, and bid hih he had strict orders from merchant D---y never to let him return, yet he would be a friend to him, and provide for him in the best enerous and unexpected benefactor in as handsome a manner as he was able

Soon after this, he had liberty allowed hi upon deck, where the captain entered into conversation with hiht he could be at hoht he could, at least he would endeavour to be so; which the captain took all in good part

Thus did Mr Carew spend his tireeable a manner as could be expected under his present circu, and we scarcely taste the pleasure before it is ravished from us: and thus it happened to our hero; for they had scarcely been under sail five weeks before the good Captain Simmonds was taken ill, which increased every day with too ards alike the good and virtuous, and the bad and vicious, struck the fatal blow: but the approaches of the grisly tyrant were not so dreadful to this man, as the distress it would occasion to his wife and fa his whole illness Mr Careailed the loss of this generous benefactor within the vessel was now in confusion by the death of the captain; at length the e of the vessel and the captain's effects; but had not enjoyed his new honours before he was taken dangerously ill, so that the vessel was obliged to be left to the care of the co lost At last, after sixteen weeks passage, in the grey of the , they made Cape Charles, and then bore away to Cape Henry: at Ha several tireat difficulty; the pilot soon after brought theun, and Harrison, as now recovered, went on shore, near Annapolis, and ain with one Mr Delany of that place, for Mr Carew, as an expert gardener He was then sent on shore, and Mr

Delany asked hiet out of Harrison's hands, he replied in the affir hiative Then you are no gardener, replied Mr Delany, and so refused to buy him Then one Hilldrop, who had been transported about three years before fro, and had married a currier'sin Annapolis, had a ree about the price, whereupon he was put on board again, and they sailed froun, and the captain went on shore; in the mean time the men prisoners were ordered to be close shaved, and the women to have clean caps on: this was scarcely done, before an overseer belonging to Mr Bennet, in Way-river, and several planters, came up to buy The prisoners were all ordered upon deck, and Mr Carew aain, and cried out, ”Is not this the ht over, and put a pot-hook upon?” Yes, replies Mr