Part 19 (1/2)
Lorn hauled himself up another vertical shaft, moving as fast as he could with only one hand to aid him. It seemed he could feel the hot breath of the Sith on the back of his neck; he dared not look behind him in case he actually did see the latter's demonic face. To look into those yellow eyes one more time would, he felt sure, utterly paralyze him.
His one hope was to reach the s.p.a.ce station's main section, where he could find some kind of security personnel. Surely, with enough blasters between him and the Sith, he would be safe.
It seemed impossible now that he had ever seriously intended, even for a moment, to kill the black-robed creature. That he had even managed to take the holocron away from him now seemed a miracle. Not that he would keep it for very long if he didn't find help fast.
And then he shouldered his way through one final access port and found himself in a large solarium. As he pa.s.sed through the entry, Lorn felt weightfulness return with a rush.
He looked around. Plants and dwarf trees were tastefully arranged in a small garden setting. Half of the domed ceiling was made of polarized transparisteel, affording a magnificent view of the stars and a huge crescent of the planet. And standing in the garden were several people of various species, some of whom were wearing the robes of Republic Senate members, and others dressed in the dark, formfitting attire of Coruscant guards.
He recognized one of the senators. When he had worked for the Jedi, Lorn had heard him spoken of many times, always as a man of clear-minded practicality, a stranger to corruption and intrigue. If anyone could be counted on to protect the information on the holocron and see it safely reach the sanctuary of the Jedi Temple, it would be him.
Lorn staggered forward. One of the senators, a Gran, saw him coming and reacted with a bleat of fright. Several of the guards moved in to protect their charges, drawing blasters.
The command came from the senator whom Lorn had recognized. He stepped forward, his expression one of concern.
”What's the matter, my good fellow? What brings you here in this extreme state?”
Lorn pulled the crystal from his pocket and held it out. He saw the other's eyes narrow as he recognized it.
”A holocron crystal? ”
”Yes,” Lorn gasped, dropping it into the senator's ? outstretched hand. ”It must reach the Jedi. Very important.”
The senator nodded, and quickly tucked the holo-cron away in a fold of his robe. Then he noticed the stump where Lorn's other hand had been. ”You're in-jured!” He turned to one of the guards, summoning him with a quick, imperious gesture. ”This man requires hospitalization immediately! And protection from, as well, by the look of it.”
Lorn sagged into a chair. As the others came forward he risked a glance over his shoulder at the service port where he had entered. There was no sign of the Sith.
Relief flooded over him. The nightmare was over, at last.
He felt his consciousness starting to slip away and realized that for the first time in days he could allow himself the luxury of exhaustion. ”Make sure .. . the holocron ...,” he mumbled, but was too tired to finish the sentence.
His benefactor leaned over him and smiled. ”Don't worry, my brave friend. I'll take care of it. Everything will be all right now.”
Lorn managed to mumble, ”Thank you,... Senator Palpatine.” And then everything faded.
When Obi-Wan reached the Temple he could tell immediately that something was wrong. It wasn't just the ominous reverberations in the Force that pulsed invisibly all around him; the Padawans and messengers he pa.s.sed in the hallways all wore looks of concern and concentration. One of them saw him and stopped.
”Padawan, you are to report to your Master immediately.”
Then he continued on his way before Obi-Wan could ask what was causing the palpable air of tension.
He found the door to Master Qui-Gon's domicile open. The Jedi was inside, loading his utility belt with field items such as an ascension gun and food capsules. He evidenced relief when he saw Obi-Wan standing in the doorway.
”Excellent. You have returned just in time.”
”What's happened, Master?”
”The Trade Federation has blockaded Naboo. You and I have been selected as amba.s.sadors to the Trade Federation flags.h.i.+p to settle this.”
Obi-Wan felt stunned at the magnitude of this news. ”Surely the Republic Senate will condemn such an action!”
”I suspect the Neimoidians are counting on the senate's past record of being... less than effective in such matters. In any event, we must leave immediately.”
”I understand. But I must tell you-Master Anoon Bondara and his Padawan, Darsha a.s.sant, are both dead. There is no doubt of this.”