Part 15 (1/2)
Their prisoner pointed deeper into the dark alley. ”This is the way,” he said woodenly.
Lorn glanced at Darsha. She nodded. Lorn took the lead.
Darsha couldn't believe she'd missed the relays. She'd been so focused on the idea of living enemies that it hadn't occurred to her to check for mechanical ones. She had to make sure that it didn't happen again.
She sent her senses questing out ahead of them, feeling for living and nonliving eyes. Just around the corner was a security cam. Lorn stepped around the bend before she could call out, but it didn't matter-she had it handled. It took a little more concentration to defeat a mechanical device, but it certainly wasn't beyond her abilities. She simply jammed the lens aperture control shut.
She, the Raptor, and I-Five caught up to Lorn in short order. He was looking at the security cam.
”Don't worry,” she said, ”I rascaled it.”
He glanced at her. ”It was live? I figured it was a dummy they'd set out to keep their trail clear.”
”There were, you'll remember, two active power relays back there,”
I-Five said.
Lorn glanced at him, shrugged, then nodded thanks to Darsha. The gesture came from him easily and naturally. It was hard to believe that less than a day ago he'd resented her for saving his life.
They continued on. It was a twisty path that Green Hair led them down, even for Coruscant-through dark alleys and back utility routes grown vermicularly complex over the centuries. At times the way was so narrow and the darkness so complete, it was hard to believe that they had returned to the surface. Darsha kept her senses sharp, but other than an occasional mendicant or vagrant huddled shapelessly in dark corners, they met no one on the route. After another ten minutes they came to a large round tube, identified as a thermal conduit. Faded signs all around it gave warnings in various Republic languages as well as universal pictograms about the dangers of the pipeline.
Green Hair indicated an access hatch on the side of the pipe.
”Through there,” he said.
Lorn stared at the access hatch on the side of the conduit, then at Green Hair. ”You're sure the whammy you put on him is still working?” he asked Darsha.
Darsha nodded. ”He's not lying,” she said. ”He believes this is the route. Unless he's delusional, this is the way they use to go uplevels.”
I-Five tapped the pipe. It rang hollow. ”My sensors can't penetrate the insulation. It could be safe, though.”
”Fine,” Lorn said. ”You open it.” He stepped back and let I- Five take his place.
”I live to serve,” the droid said sarcastically, gripping the access wheel. He twirled it easily and popped the hatch. No clouds of boiling steam poured out, and the droid looked inside.
”It appears to go up ten levels, at least. There's a ladder on the inside. Anyone ready?”
Lorn glanced at Darsha. Green Hair waited placidly beside them. ”Do we bring Fas.h.i.+on Plate here with us, or leave him?” he asked her.
Darsha turned to the youth. ”Are there any other traps or codes we need to know to get through the tube?”
The Raptor nodded. ”Only the door access code at the other end.
The Padawan looked at Lorn. ”Leave him.”
Lorn nodded and untied their captive. Darsha laid her hand on the youth's shoulder and spoke to him one more time. ”You will forget all about us.”
”I will forget all about you.”
”Be on your way. If danger threatens, you will come to your senses immediately. Otherwise, you will become yourself again after an hour. Go.
And,” Darsha added as he turned to leave, ”get a haircut.”
Green Hair nodded and wandered off, still in his Jedi- induced daze. Lorn couldn't help smiling at the Padawan again. Not bad, not bad at all. He glanced at I-Five and saw the droid watching him, his blank expression somehow even more noncommittal than usual. Lorn cleared his throat and motioned the droid into the pipe. He wasn't looking forward to climbing a ladder ten stories.
Darsha followed Lorn and I-Five up the ladder. It was a long, claustrophobia-inducing climb, and on top of all the other exertions she had been through, it was fairly grueling. But the thought of finally leaving the lawless abyss that was the Crimson Corridor helped propel her upward.
There was another access hatch at the top, which I-Five popped open easily. They followed him through.
They were in a large chamber that, by the look of it, once had been a central power-dispensing agency for several blocks' worth of buildings.
It was two stories high and filled with conduits of all types, a bewildering array of catwalks, and what looked like several old thermal generators. At some point the plant must have been closed down and turned into a storage facility. At the far end of the room was a thick durasteel storage chamber designed for hazardous wastes. I-Five took a look inside it.
”More junk,” he reported, ”including a small carbon-freezing chamber.” The droid looked around the room, noticing the various containers of fuel and tanks of gas for welding stacked all over the place. ”I wouldn't fire any blasters if I were you,” I-Five said to Lorn.
”If I have anything to say about it,” Lorn said with heartfelt intensity, ”I'll never fire a blaster again.”
Darsha looked at I-Five and would have sworn the droid was smiling.
Across the room was a door. There were several windows in the upper walls, and through them streamed bright sunlight. She grabbed Lorn and hugged him.
”We made it!”
He looked surprised, then uncertain-then surrendered to the moment and returned the hug. Before he could say anything, however, Darsha felt her joy wash away in a flood of dread.
She could feel him before she could see him. She let go of Lorn and spun toward the door, lightsaber already in her hand.
The door opened.
The Sith was there.
Darth Maul stood in the doorway and gazed upon his quarry, feeling the surprise and horror of the two facing him ripple across the room.
They were trapped. He knew it and so did they, and it made this moment all the more glorious. He grinned slowly.
He had arrived at the lower end of the conduit quickly, using the patrol speeder's strobes to clear a path through the traffic. He had missed them, of course, but a quick reconnaissance of the conduit had revealed the only logical destination of the group. All the while he had acted with just the barest awareness of the Force, cloaking himself from its embrace. He had lived within the powerful boundaries of the dark side for so long that to not do so had left him feeling naked and blind at first, but it was necessary in order to not provide any warning to the Jedi apprentice who had sided with his quarry. He had circled the building, seeing only a few high transparisteel windows and one main doorway to the interior. He could not have devised a better trap had he tried.
Still further removed from the Force than he had been in years, he had extended the tiniest tendril of awareness to the edge of the door leading into the building. There he had stood, waiting for confirmation that his prey was at its final destination.
After a time, it had come, and he had stepped back into the Force, enjoying the sensation as the dark side enfolded him. Immediately he had felt the Padawan react, and then he had opened the door.
Now Darth Maul stepped forward, igniting both blades of his lightsaber. The moment had been perfect, but like all such, it was fleeting, already over. It was time to create another, far more satisfying one: the triumph of finally completing his mission.