Part 27 (1/2)

”And you'll get me, doubly welcome.”... She lit a cigarette and pa.s.sed it to him; and lit another for herself. ”Now, how are we to contrive to set the trap?”

A footman entered and handed the Duke a visiting card, with something penciled on it....

”It's Bigler,” he said, ”and he asks to be admitted immediately-he's always in a rush. Tell Count Bigler I'll see him presently.”

She stayed the servant with a motion; she did not intend to lose Lotzen until he had told her the whole plot.

”Why not have him here?” she asked; ”and then let him go.”

”By all means, if you will permit,” and he nodded to the footman.

Most women would have called Count Bigler handsome; and not a few men, as well. He was red-headed and ruddy, with clean-cut features, square chin, and a laughing mouth, that contrary to Valerian fas.h.i.+on was not topped by a moustache. Since boyhood, he had been Lotzen's particular companion and intimate; and, as is usual in such instances, he was almost his antipode in temperament and manner.

He saluted the Duke with easy off-handedness, and bent with deferential courtesy over Mrs. Spencer's hand; but pressing it altogether more tightly than the att.i.tude justified.

She answered with the faintest finger tap and a quick smile, and waved him to a chair.

”If I'm de trop,” she said, ”I'll vacate.”

”Madame is never de trop, to me,” he answered, taking the cigarette she offered and smiling down at her, through the smoke, as he lit it.

When he turned to sit down, the left side of his face was, for the first time, toward the Duke, showing the ear bound with strips of surgeon's plaster.

”In the name of Heaven, man,” said he, ”what have you been doing with yourself?”

The Count laughed. ”Trading the top of my ear for a day or two more of life.”

”Duel?” Lotzen asked.

”Yes, after a fas.h.i.+on, but not exactly under the code.”

The primeval woman stirred in Mrs. Spencer.

”The story, Count, the story!” she demanded, coiling her lithe arms behind her head, and leaning far back in languorous gracefulness.

”It's the story that brings me here so early,” he replied.

The Duke was frowning. Duelling was a serious crime in Valeria, even in the Army, and it was a particularly unfortunate moment for Bigler to offend; and especially as only the Governor of Dornlitz or the Regent could save him from punishment.

”How did you manage to get into such a mess just at this time?” he asked sharply. ”Was any one killed?”

The Count nodded. ”Four, I think; I didn't stay to examine them.”

”Four! four! G.o.d, man, was it a ma.s.sacre?”

”Almost-I'm the sole survivor on your side.”

Lotzen's frown grew.

”On my side!” he echoed.