Part 25 (1/2)

Bernheim looked at the pistol in disgust.

”I never did have any patience with these toys,” he growled; ”three shots across a blanket, and only a touch!”

The Archduke pointed to the dead body.

”You did pretty well there,” he said.

”Luck, pure luck.” He went over to the stairs. ”I don't hear anything,”

he said; ”the chest seems to be very quiet-what about the lights; shall I turn them off?”

”First take a look at these gentlemen,” said Armand; ”do you know them?”

The Aide stooped over the one he had killed and jerked off the mask that covered his upper face-then did the same with the other, and shook his head.

”I never saw either of them,” he said; ”but they look the part-you hit this one exactly on the spot; he is paralyzed or dead.”

”We will leave him to find out for himself which it is,” the Archduke answered-”unless, Colonel, you wish to search further for the lady-as I remember, you promised her the first killing.”

Bernheim laughed.

”I rather imagine your lady is a man-I think we shall find her at the foot of the stairs.”

He ran quickly down, vaulted over the debris with the aid of the rail, and turned on the light.

The Archduke had followed him as far as the turn.

”It looks as though you got her, Colonel,” he remarked, pointing with his rapier to two men who lay among the fragments of the chest. One was dead-face and head mashed flat, the crimson splotch on the white wall marking where the heavy missile had crushed them. The other, both legs broken at the ankles, and half his ribs driven in, was pinned in the corner, unconscious-a singularly repulsive creature, with huge, protruding teeth, pimply face, an enormous red nose, and a mouth like a fish's.

Bernheim looked him over.

”Positively, I'd be ashamed to employ such carrion,” he remarked. ”I don't understand Lotzen; he is an aesthete, even in his crimes.”

The Archduke stepped carefully into the hall, and laid his rapier on the table.

”Let us be off,” he said; ”there is nothing more to do.” He turned toward the door-then stopped and reached for the sword.

”Others are coming,” he said;-”we'll fight it out right here.”

There was the quick tramp of feet on the porch, and a sergeant and two police entered. Their looks of bewildered surprise, as they recognized the Archduke and his Aide, were so comical that even Bernheim smiled, though his words were curt enough.

”Salute, men!” he said, ”don't you know His Royal Highness?”

The sergeant's hand went up.

”Your pardon, sir,” he stammered, ”but we heard shots-and this house is supposed to be unoccupied. I am sorry--”

Armand motioned him to silence.