Part 9 (1/2)
A Disclosure
AFTER outlining her plan for the supper party, Nancy waited expectantly for Mrs. Swenson's response. During the moment of silence, she clearly read the woman's thoughts. She was battling with her pride.
”How kind of you to take an interest in us!” Mrs. Swenson said at last. ”I appreciate it more than I can tell you.”
”Then I may go ahead with my shopping?” Nancy asked eagerly.
”Yes, it will be wonderful to have a 'feast,' as you call it. We haven't had one since my husband left.” Mrs. Swenson caught herself quickly, and said, ”Joe is away looking for work. I'm sure he'll send me money in a few days and then I can repay you for-”
”Oh, but this is a special party,” Nancy interrupted gaily. ”You mustn't think of repaying me.”
During the ride to town, Mrs. Swenson seldom spoke. She leaned wearily against the cus.h.i.+on, a half-smile playing over her pale face. Her weary blue eyes were kind, but the privations brought on by poverty and worry had stamped grim lines about her mouth.
Nancy parked the convertible on the main street of Sandy Creek and insisted that Mrs. Swenson a.s.sist her in selecting the food for the feast. They chose a quant.i.ty of staples, then Nancy added as many luxuries as she could afford -ice cream, a thick juicy steak, fresh fruit and vegetables, cake and an a.s.sortment of melons.
”You're buying enough to last a week!” Mrs. Swenson declared.
That was exactly what Nancy had intended to do. Not until she had practically exhausted her funds would she listen to the other's protests.
”If it weren't for Honey, I never would permit you to spend money on us,” Mrs. Swenson said as they climbed into the car. ”We're not accustomed to accepting charity. When my husband was employed, we lived well. We should still be well off if he hadn't been cheated out of his rights!”
This gave Nancy an opening, and as they drove back toward Riverwood Cottage she diplomatically questioned the woman. Mrs. Swenson, however, revealed very little about her husband. She seemed eager to impress Nancy with his kindness, rather than his apparent irresponsibility.
”Joe has always been good to me and he adores Honey. Some folks say he's lazy, but that isn't true. He's always worked-harder than most folks. He's an inventor, and if he hadn't been cheated out of his patents, we'd be wealthy-”
She broke off as the convertible turned a corner and a voice called out, ”Hi, Nancy!”
”Ned Nickerson!” she exclaimed, and pulled to the curb behind Ned's parked car.
With a pleased grin which spread over his entire face, Ned jumped from behind the wheel and came hurrying toward the convertible.
”What are you doing here?” he asked.
”Oh, just prowling about.” Nancy laughed. She introduced Mrs. Swenson, then said, ”What are you doing in Sandy Creek?”
”On an errand for my mother. I'm about to rush home for something to eat. I'm nearly starved.”
”Better come with us,” Nancy proposed impetuously. ”We're having a feast at Mrs. Swenson's.”
Ned accepted the invitation without an instant's hesitation, and promised to follow in his car as soon as he had phoned home.
It was only a short distance to the cottage, and Mrs. Swenson showed no inclination to resume the interrupted conversation. Nancy had hoped that she would tell more about her husband's work, but the woman did not volunteer any additional information.
”I'll talk to Mrs. Swenson about it before I leave the cottage,” Nancy promised herself. ”I must get to the bottom of the mystery.”
The few hints that Mrs. Swenson had dropped only served to trouble Nancy further. Since Joe Swenson was an inventor, it seemed reasonable that he had gone to Mr. Raybolt to retrieve something of his. If no one were home, he might have become a housebreaker, then an arsonist. Nancy suddenly chided herself.
”I mustn't have such thoughts! Time enough to draw conclusions when I've heard Mr. Swenson's side of the story! Right now, I'll say nothing to ruin our little party.”
As Nancy parked in front of Riverwood Cottage, Bess, George, and Honey came running to see what she had brought. The little girl squealed with delight as she peered into the various packages.