Chapter 11 (1/2)

Chapter 11

Tang Xin Lian looked at Anna suspiciously. ”You addressed him as Boss. Are you his subordinate?”

”Yes.” Anna replied, smiling.

Anna is a dazzling beauty. Although she is a westerner, she has the type of small face, fine facial features, brown hair and crystal blue eyes that Asian men love. Paired together with her tall and slender figure, her pet.i.te waist, her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s and wide hips- when men are together with this kind of dazzling beauty, how can their hearts not be moved?

Anna, despite being under Tang Xin Lian's unwavering scrunity, felt completely natural and at ease.

”You are very beautiful.” Tang Xin Lian said.

”Thank you.” Anna accepted the praise with poise and grace.

”May I be so presumptuous as to ask you a personal question?”

”Please ask, Miss.”

Tang Xin Lian hesitated for a while. How should she phrase it to prevent her question from being too brusque? She didn't want to damage Anna's pride.


reality however, Anna could already tell what Tang Xin Lian was thinking. Seeing her hesitation, Anna decided to prompt her.

”Were you trying to ask me if there was any kind of romantic relations.h.i.+p between Boss and I?”

Tang Xin Lian couldn't help but feel awkward as her inner-thoughts were exposed. However, seeing Anna's nonchalant expression, she nodded her head in admission.

Anna replied smiling, ”The relations.h.i.+p between Boss and I is purely that of a relations.h.i.+p between a boss and a subordinate. There is no love or anything else.”

”How is that possible?” Tang Xin Lian gasped, shocked. However, she quickly realised her mistake and hastened to correct herself. ”I mean, you are so beautiful, how can that giant pervert not waver in the face of your beauty?”