86 The Cost of Freedom (1/2)

Will could not only see the thoughts of the young Alex, but feel what his life must have been like. He floated in the sky above Alex and his sister while they walked to the nearest inn. He could see the young girl's dress was big on her, even despite it being small. He could see her ribs from being malnourished.

Will's temper was flaring. He had just set up this city. He had made it as a safe haven from the world which enslaved. From the world which killed the elderly and poor.

His mind raced to the day he had met Maya. When the Crimson Knights were about to take her into captivity much the same way that Alex and his sister were now.

His eyes followed the siblings until they went into the entrance to the inn. Then he backtracked to the shelter doors he had seen them come out of.

Will descended from the air to the double doors. The moment his feet touched the ground, he rapped three times on the door.

The sliding panel slid open to reveal two aged eyes. ”Do you have crystals?” Mister Avory said mechanically, as he had hundreds of times before.

”No, but I was wondering if I might trouble you for a moment of your time.” Will said politely.

”Sorry young man. No crystals, no business.” The old man shut the sliding panel.

Will sighed inwardly. If he could help it, he'd want to find a reasonably peaceful end to the business. He saw the old man within Alex's mind and knew he was kind to him.

Regaining his composure, Will rapped on the door three more times. This time when the old man opened the slit in the door, he produced three empty stones.

”What are we going to do with those?” The old man chided through the door. ”Who is going to charge them, you?”

Will raised an eyebrow. With a half smile, he focused on his flame and wind element. They came to life instantly within his hand, the crystals greedily absorbed the power.

The old man's eyes reflected the storm which played out in the now energized crystals in Will's hand. ”How did you-” he started to question, but Will put his hand up to stop him.

”I think you know how I energized them. There's only one person alive that can.”

”P-prince Ragnos!” The old man stuttered as he hurriedly unlocked the door and swung it open, casting himself to the ground in a bow.

Will casted his eyes into the darkness within, taking in everything he could besides the old man. ”Enough of that, Mister Amory. Please get to your feet.” He beckoned the old man.

”How?” The old man stopped himself before asking a stupid question. There were only two people that called him Mister Amory instead of the Crystal keeper. ”Alex?” He raised his eyes to the Prince.