82 Ember Clothing (1/2)

Will kept his eyes on the streets as he flew towards their new home. The narrow paved roads were full of activity. People walked on the sidewalk into various small buildings.

”The roads are black here.” Maya commented as she flew next to Will. ”Why are there no markets?” She looked at the many people walking in the streets. Will didn't blame her for not knowing, as far as she was concerned, stalls were for markets, not buildings.

”There are markets.” Will said with a half smile. ”They are in those many small buildings.” He pointed to the various buildings that had many people entering and exiting.

”Come on!” Maya started to descend from the sky. ”I want to see these stores!” She dropped onto the street and waved to Will, urging him to join her.

Will shook his head and sighed inwardly. ”She is such a girl.” He said to himself while he dropped from the sky.

No matter what Maya had been through. Whether it was dying, or the torture later on, she was still a girl.

Whether in his world or Crystallia, no one could separate a girl from shopping.

Will dropped onto the paved road and had to sidestep as a Ryder zoomed by. ”Hey! Watch it kid!” The man called back as he kept going.

Will smiled as he watched the man turn the corner hurriedly. ”Am I sure I'm not in New York?” He thought to himself. He looked at the busy streets and noticed something was different from the Ebonhart he was used to.

When travelling the kingdom with Maya last year, Will was used to seeing the plain white fabric clothing and malnutrition within the population. Either he saw families with skin and bone working out in the fields or toned muscled men working to join the Crimson Knights. He was used to seeing most of them clad in leather armor for their training.

What he saw around him was completely different. Looking around he saw people dressed in t-shirts and jeans. Most of the shirts had one thing in common, they had a gold crown with fire underneath as an emblem.

Others had a suit and tie on as they went in the various small buildings. Where there were men in suits, there were women in lavish dresses and skirts with designs Will recognized from shops in his own world. ”Michael must be having a good turn around for all of this.” He said to himself as he stared at the many differently clothed pedestrians. He thought of the exchange of fabric and clothing he knew his uncle was in charge of.

Sometimes when he had a break from training with Ragnos, Will checked up on his friends and family. Though he had never gone to the city, he noticed his uncle coming out of a portal door with loads of boxes. He didn't pry when it came to the contents, nor did he follow the many wagons that held the boxes which led to Ember. ”Maybe I should pay him a visit soon.” He said as he thought of his uncle.

Michael had become the family he should have been from the moment Will entered Crystallia. Though it was a rocky start and he wanted to kill the man in the business suit after Maya had been taken from him, he had come to love his uncle with all his heart. Without him, Will would still be flailing about trying to master his abilities.

”I'll have to see him soon anyway.” He said as he thought of his uncle's unique water aura.

When he met his uncle, Michael had an orange flame aura. It was the closest he had seen to his own ability. Will remembered the first time he had seen his uncle summon his sword from his own cross. He had thought Michael had just taken a sword out of his pocket. Only later did he learn that it was his 'lineage weapon.'

When the dark wraiths kidnapped Bianca, they had dealt a near fatal blow to Michael, which resulted in him losing his aura. They had first thought that him losing his aura was a side effect of such a blow, but then later they realized that he was undergoing a metamorphosis. His powers soon returned, yet not in a way they would have expected. Will remembered the surprise he felt when he saw Michael on the battlefield welielding an ice lance and daggers. He was using an aura that Will himself hadn't unlocked yet. Now his uncle was the only one who could train him in the ways of the element of water.

”Are you just going to stand there muttering to yourself, or are we going to explore?” Maya broke Will's train of thought and grabbed his hand. She dragged him to the nearest door, which to Will's surprise automatically opened for him. He looked up at the archway and noticed a crystal placed in the center of the frame on top. ”He found a way to make automatic doors?”

when Will entered the building, his jaw dropped. The building had tile flooring. He looked up at the ceiling and noticed crystals glowing as a source of light. There were isles upon isles of clothing on shelves and hangers.

People walked around wearing jeans and a t-shirt dawning a red vest with the gold embroidered kings emblem on the back. If Will hadn't remembered where he was, he would have sworn he walked into a store in his own world.

”This is incredible!” Maya gasped as she looked at the many fabrics, as well as the condition of the store. ”It's like those pictures you showed me.” She remembered when she had just met Will. He told her many stories of what his world was like. He used the pictures on his phone to give her an idea of what he was showing her.

Will had always been a bit of a photographer. Anything that caught his eye usually ended up on his phone. Pictures of air planes far off above him, theme parks he had visited, shopping malls he had been to and much more. Most of the pictures had one thing in common, he was with Bianca.

Lots of the pictures didn't include him. Some were of Bianca getting on a roller coaster while others were of her trying out outfits at the mall.

Will remembered the frustration he felt towards Bianca when she tried to get him to choose between her and all the people of Ebonhart which depended on him. The look of desperation on her face when she told him to give up, and the overwhelming sadness and defeat when she went through the archway he created without him.

Since Bianca didn't support Will, she left without any power. She wanted her normal life back, one with college and growth within her own world, so Will had given that life back to her.

In the final battle with Aremesis, Bianca had surprised Will much the same way that Michael did. She returned once more to Crystallia with a power unique only to her. She had become the only Saint aura wielder. Her white light was what Will used to banish Aremesis from Jake's body once and for all.

”For all of the people who have lost their abilities, I wonder how many have gotten different ones later.” Will pondered as Maya dragged him through the store. It made no sense. How can someone who denounced their gift come back with another even he didn't have? How did Jonathan have the earth aura?

”William Ragnos!” Maya abruptly stopped and gave him a dirty look.