68 Answer to the Crown (1/2)


”When will he wake?” The same question had been asked thousands of times since returning to the castle. Jonathan had long since grown tired answering the questions a king was required to answer.

”No matter how many times you ask, you cannot put a timer on someone's consciousness.” Jonathan replied to the man with his hand raised in the crowd. It seemed that as Aremesis lost power within the land, the people of Ebonhart had grown bold in their questioning. Jonathan had a hard time believing that only a week ago, all of the streets were barren. It was equally hard to believe that all of the people within the city were hiding within their homes for years while the king had been held prisoner. Didn't they question anything? As the streets turned dark and a permanent curfew had been put in place, couldn't they have come out and noticed the difference? Jonathan thought to himself.

”The King has returned,” another villager's voice rang out from the crowd in the courtyard. ”When are the gifts of the crown going to return to the people?”

”What gifts are you referring to?” Jonathan could feel his temper rising. He could already tell where the interrogation was going.

”The fire which was gifted to us by the first Ragnos.” The man who was clearly of noble blood yelled back from the crowd. ”It may have been years ago, but we still remember the Law of Ragnos.”

”Could you tell me for a moment then,” Jonathan could barely hold it in any longer. ”What exactly is the Law of Ragnos?” He ground his teeth in anticipation for what he knew the man would remember.

”To those in support of the Crown of Ragnos, righteous flame be gifted.” The man recited from memory, as if he were entitled the power of the crown.

”What exactly do you believe to be support, young lord?”

”To live here, of course. To follow the edicts passed from our king.”

”And who is your king?” Jonathan repeated for the second time since returning to Crystallia. ”What does he look like?” His voice began to boom at the crowd. ”Have you seen him walking the streets lately?”

”He's an old man with a red robe of course!” the noble man called out, his voice bordering on insolence. ”Until his son replaces him, as it always has been!”

”And that makes you entitled to what they have?” Jonathan roared. ”What have you done in support for the king while he's been rotting in a cage?” The noble backed down slightly, a vein pulsing on his throat. ”Did you stand to defend the king as we took back Ebonhart, or did you stay locked in your homes?” Jonathan raised a hand to stop anyone from interfering. ”I know the answer, no need to respond.” He waved his hand to the doors of the castle.

Men filed out of the double doors and positioned themselves where Jonathan indicated. The few remaining Crimson Knights that followed him into the dungeons to rescue the King filed behind him. The total number of men which remained was a flimsy thirty-five, plus forty villagers who followed the group into the Castle.

”Take a good look, Ebonhart.” Jonathan waved his hand dramatically behind him for the people to see. ”These are the only ones left of the brave men and women that saved our king.” As he laid his hand back to his side, the group summoned their aura for the crowd to witness. ”Is this the flame you were talking about?” he eyed the nobleman with distaste. ”What did you do to deserve this gift?” He pointed back at the knights and villagers. ”This!” he raised his voice. ”This is what the Law of Ragnos truly stands for!”

As he brought his hand forward once more, Jonathan sent a stern look across the courtyard. ”Now, leave!” His voice boomed over a quiet crowd. ”Leave until you are deserving of this gift, because that is truly what it is! It is not something that you just get because you live here, it's something you work for, something you earn!”

”His Majesty went into a deep depression and allowed his adviser to rule until he became well enough to continue.” Another man yelled out. ”How is that our fault?”

”Who is the Adviser?” Jonathan asked calmly. He couldn't fault them for not knowing all of the details, but he could fault them for having not questioned anything within the last decade.

”His name is Aremesis.” A woman from the front of the crowd said.

Jonathan looked down to her, a look of pity in his eyes. He knew it wasn't her fault, it wasn't any of their fault for what had happened. How were they to know that the man responsible for the slavery, the extortion, everything they blamed the king for was the one they had so blindly followed?

”Aremesis is a dark god.” Jonathan said simply. ”He is Ragnos's older brother who is in charge of the souls who depart this world. He is in charge of darkness.” He allowed the truth to sink into the people of Ebonhart. ”It's not your fault if you do not remember,” He spoke calmly.” Though it was written in the same pages as the Law of Ragnos, many only remember the promises of gifts over the warnings of the future.”

Jonathan could tell the courtyard meeting was over. Not one other person spoke as the men and women left quietly. He heard not even a whisper as they made their way back to their homes.

Turning around, Jonathan took one last look at the men and women the stood beside him as Aremesis blanketed them in his darkness. He looked one last time at the brave soldiers who remembered his training. ”Thank you.” Was all he said as he walked to the double doors and made his way back into the castle.


”Well that was subtle.” Michael said as he shut the door behind Jonathan. ”You do know it wasn't their fault, right?”

”Fault isn't the main concern.” Jonathan said. ”They gave up on the crown, now because the king has returned, they expect to become aura weilders again.” He suppressed a sigh as he made his way to the double stairway.

”It seems like a rift has formed between the crown and the people.” Michael said half to himself. ”I don't think the king will be the one to bring order back to the kingdom, but maybe after William is done with his training.”

”I would not put all the responsibility on that young man.” Jonathan turned from the stairs to meet his good friends gaze. ”He is someone who grew up away from all of this, it wouldn't be fair to just throw him in the middle and tell him to deal with these many problems.”

”I don't think we have to throw him.” Michael could see an argument forming in Jonathan's expression and swiftly lifted a hand requesting to finish. ”Look what he has already accomplished. Just a few months of being here and he has already abolished slavery and held the slavers accountable for their actions. He has banished Aremesis from Ebonhart and has been in the front of at least two major wars.” Michael's eyes glazed over while he thought if his nephew's many accomplishments. ”That's not even addressing what he has done on earth.”

Michael had long since told Jonathan about the Royal Flame Crusade's presence within New York. ”Soon the flame sect will spread into other states as well as countries.”