42 The Crimson Knights (1/2)
As the two superpowers just outside of Ember prepared for their assault, a quiet storm brewed within the walls of Crystallia's crown capital.
Sir Christopher was never one to disobey a direct order from his superiors. He had always done his work to the best of his ability, and for years he was recognized for his hard work to Ebonhart. His formal uniform was decorated with rows upon rows of awards marking his past achievements.
He himself was in charge of countless soldiers back in his prime days. He raided enemy compounds with the flame wielders back in the day as well as holding the border of Ebonharts surrounding villages. He was used to keeping his beloved citizens safe from the tyranny beyond the border of home.
Ever since King Ragnos had lost his wife and heir, it seemed like he had been reduced to a lowly tax collector and added to his list of obligations of late, kidnapping.
When his king had felt the presence of a royal flame wielder, he had sent the knights on a blind hunt to find the cause of such an uproar. Wherever they went, it seemed they were just following calamity. Villages were uprooted, piles of ash in the corners of the many huts he had been forced to intrude upon.
Just steps in front of him at all times, it seemed as though the source of the anomaly knew it was being chased. After a brief time, Christopher had all but forgotten about his previous orders and set out on a hunt for the one who would set such destruction and ruin upon the land he had sworn to protect. He sent scouts ahead to the other villages to ensure their safety, yet none of them returned. When he reached each village, he only saw ash and destruction.
It was during such an investigation that he happened upon the earth sage. Following into Crystal Cove, he and his men were confronted with an awful truth. The king in his isolation had lost control of his kingdom. He had locked himself away in his room and only opened it for meals. The question that was on his mind and his men, who had been ruling the kingdom, had finally been answered.
The earth sage had placed himself in front of Christopher's men as if he were an unbreakable shield as they made their way back to Ebonhart. The gates were in view as they stopped and made camp to go over strategy. It was not an uncommon sight for anyone passing by to the gates. To them, it was as if the knights were training for an upcoming raid.
If anyone were to pay closer attention, they would see that no fire was made. No tent was pitched. Only one hundred warriors in which the earth sage himself collected were gathered in a circle around him.
The circle was in the middle of a muttered discussion on what might be happening when the earth sage raised his hand, commanding silence.
”I'm sure you all are more than a little confused as to the reason we are right outside of the gates To the place you consider home. Realize good and well that the question you are all confronted with is simple. That is not your home.”
Christopher looked around the circle to his brothers who wore even more confused expressions. He knew it would take more than that small explanation to quell their racing minds.
”I want you all to answer one important question. It may seem ridiculous but answer nonetheless. Who is your king?”
”King Ragnos.” Christopher heard from somewhere in the rear of the formation.
”Come up front soldier.” the sage said with a patient smile. From the rear Christopher saw a knight appear that was old enough to be his son, but no older. The knight now stood in front of the sage with a wary expression on his face. ”What is your name?”
”Anthony sir.” the knight answered instantly while his unwavering gaze fell on the sage.
”Good, now Anthony,” the sage said patiently as if he were talking to a toddler. ”Who is your king?”
”King Ragnos, sir.” Anthony boomed to the rest of the formation, as if he were answering for his brothers instead of the sage.
”What if I were to say you were mistaken?” the sage answered simply while Anthony's mouth opened along with most of the men. Before they could speak, the sage raised a hand to keep the silence. ”What if I were to say that you were serving under King Aremesis?”
Anthony's eyes narrowed to slits as he glared at the sage. Who was this man to dishonor his king so formally? Many others were put to death for such an act of disloyalty.
”Sir I don't know what land you believe yourself to be in, but this is the crown capital of Crystallia, Ebonhart. Through the ages since the beginning of civilization within these lands, the Ragnos line has always been sovereign and I will not stand for such insults towards our king.” the young soldier put a twitching hand upon the pommel of his sword.
The sage merely twitched a finger upward in a gesturing motion. A vine shot from the ground and wrapped around the young man's sword hand. ”Let's hold the theatrics for a later time, what do you say young man.” he said with a wink.
The circle became enraged by the sages actions as well as his words. Christopher could see movement from within the circle as the knights tried to close in. He also saw a twisting motion from the sages hand and felt a vine tightly around his ankle. He relaxed knowing the sage had a reason for everything. He was not the only one who knew this. All of the middle aged knights nodded in understanding while the younger ones struggled in frustration. The more they struggled, the more the vine crept upward, ensuring that they didn't move.
”When was the last time you saw King Ragnos?” the sage said loud enough for the group to hear him. ”When was the last time he was at a brief? When was the last time he accompanied you to dine? When was the last time you saw him walk the streets of Ebonhart?” with every question, Anthony stopped struggling little by little. Christopher could see the gears turning in his head. ”What does your king look like?”
”Tell me,” the sage continued. ”Who does the briefings?” he looked into Anthony's eyes as if he were looking into his soul. ”Who dines with you? Who do you see wandering the streets?”
Anthony looked down in frustration. The reality of the questions seemed to hit him with the force of a hammer.
”Your king has been locked away in his chambers since you were barely able to walk Anthony.” the sage said as he circled around the young knight. ”Advisor Aremesis has been in charge of the kingdom. You may have been given the task of finding the kings heir, but Aremesis has been one step ahead of you the whole time.” the sage featured for a bowl of water to be poured and placed in front of Anthony that took up the size of a round table.
”Christopher could you come here for a moment?” upon being summoned, the knight felt the vine fall away from his ankle. He moved purposely to the center of the formation where the sage stood. ”Good, I want you to think of all the towns and villages you have encountered on your journey. Leave nothing out.”
It wasn't hard to picture the collapsed huts or the intact ones with piles of ash. He remembered the rotting fields and destroyed vegetation. The sage made a gesture to the large bowl of water and the surface stilled. Within the bowl held the disturbing images swimming around Christopher's head.
One row after another of knights was hoisted in the air by their waists as the vines safely held them. The sage made sure everyone saw the calamity Christopher had witnessed and could easily hear the collective gasps from the crowd.
”Would your king allow this?” the sage whispered sympathetically to the knights. Although it was a low whisper, it carried to each individual ear. ”The king you all know and love would never allow his lands to fall into such destruction.” when the last of the men were cycled through and everyone saw the images, the contents within bowl returned transparent.