31 Oaths (1/2)

Will could only stare at his uncle as the words left his mouth. He had already lost so much within that world, it was hard to imagine he would leave so soon to continue the dark path of loss he embarked on seven months ago.

”It's about time,” Leo was the first one to speak, looking up from his laptop he had a half smile on his face. ”I've been wondering what this place is like.” Will envied his ignorance. Within only six months within his birth home, he had learned he was the Prince of Ebonhart, he had lost his first friend and found that the entire continent so far as he saw was corrupt.

Seeing how pale Will had become, Bianca could only imagine what was going through his head. She had been with him for only a month, but she had been around long enough to see the desperation he had been through. The image of him holding his sword to the wraith for the first time, the look of pure rage when it tried to take her. She knew it wasn't just because of his feelings for her, but also because of what he had already lost. Thoughts of Maya must always be present for him, which meant he would always be worried about protecting her and Leo as well. For the past month, she had been training as hard as she could so he wouldn't have to worry about her so much. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up with him though, it was as if he thought he needed to be stronger, as if no matter what, he still needed to improve. More than anything she wished to step out of his shadow and be able to walk side by side with him.

Michael studied his nephew for a moment before he continued, he could see the reluctance building. ”If you don't go back William, nothing will change.” Will looked toward his uncle, a complicated expression on his face. ”Think of how many people as of now are in Maya's position, how many people are going through the same injustices that you witnessed.” Michael's eyes narrowed as he saw a flicker of anger rise from Will's indecisiveness. ”You are the Crimson Prince, the only one who can break the chains within the kings mind. The only one of whom could open his eyes to the truth of his kingdom.”

Will took a moment to process everything. Putting his hand through his long brown hair, his hand lightly touched the chain around his neck. Looking down, he saw the cross Jonathan had given him snug against his white t shirt. The silver pendant he thought had just been a charm given for luck which turned out to be the lineage weapon in which he had slain many wraiths with.

Thinking back to the times he had used the blade, there was only one common feeling he had which it responded to, the need to protect. It was as if the blade itself knew his calling more than him, that he was meant to protect those who couldn't stand up for themselves. The time he spent in Crystallia taught him that there were others who needed the blade, that needed a way out of the tyrany in which they had been forced to live under.

Will got to his feet, no longer thinking of the plate of food on the table. He was instead thinking of those who didn't have the luxury of having such a thing. He wondered just how many people were actually in the same position Maya was in but didn't have him to save them. Looking up from the table, he locked eyes with Michael. ”When do we leave?” he asked as the others looked at him. This was not the friend they grew up with, this was not the quiet kid with a book in his hand. This was the Prince that was buried underneath, begging to be let free, to put an end to the injustices he witnessed and to finally reclaim his birthright.

Michael got up from his seat and looked at the three teenagers. A smirk appeared on his lips as he headed to the door. ”One week,” he said as he reached the door. ”Train as much as you can for one week, then I'll open the door to Crystallia.” With that said, he was gone.

The next few days went by as if just hours. The more Will sparred with Bianca and Leo, the more confident he became in their dependability. Both of their forms had drastically increased and within the second day they had finally gotten a point each against him.

Will felt both of his friends resolve through their training. Since the day Michael had given the deadline, he had seen Leo looking more for openings and Bianca was able to keep him busy long enough for Leo to find his mark. They had become a well oiled machine. They depended on each other as two arms of the same person.

Thinking back to the days in which he spent at Michael's cottage, he knew that the next part of the training would lead to Leo and Bianca's graduation, the final stepping stone to unlocking their true potential. Sitting in his room, Will took out the small box in which held the last test for his friends.

Opening the box, Will looked at the three rings inside. Each one was a plain silver, much like his own cross. The only thing different was a white looking stone in the center of each of the bands.

Three rings were supposed to be entrusted to his three friends upon their mastery of the flame. Looking at the final one, Will sighed. He knew Jake wouldn't be able to claim his own until he saved him from his own corruption. 'Hopefully one day he'll be able to take this.' He thought as he put the ring in his pocket.

Closing the box, Will walked out to the courtyard where Leo and Bianca waited to start their sparring. When they saw him with the box, confusion was evident in Bianca's expression where as Leo looked as though he was expecting the change in pace.

”You both have completed every challenge I've thrown at you,” Will said as he looked at both of his friends. ”You have even surpassed where I was when I was a new flame user, which is why I feel you are ready for the next step.” Will opened the box to show the two rings.

Leo's eyes went from the box back to Will, he had noticed the indentation in an unused slot where Jake's ring rested. ”Minus one graduate,” he said while looking his best friend in the eyes. ”We'll get him back mate, even if we have to drag him from Crystallia.” Will nodded to Leo as he took the first ring from the box and placed it in the others open palm.