Chapter 284: The Three Aristocratic Families (1/2)

Chapter 284: The Three Aristocratic Families

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ever since he escaped the trash planet, Ye Chong had never worried about money. This was firstly due to his shallow understanding of currency, and secondly, Mu and Shang had always dealt with this issue for him.

Now, the first problem he faced was actually about money. He knew next to nothing about ways to make more money. If it was just him alone, he would have acted with less worries; however, with so many with him, it was just not feasible to use more extreme methods.

Ye Chong turned to Sang Fan and asked, ”Any lavagold weapons?”

Sang Fan immediately responded, ”Only a lavagold dagger.”

”Hand it over.” Ye Chong reached out his hand, and Sang Fan quickly released the dagger secured on his thigh and placed it in Ye Chong’s hand. Sang Fan’s dagger was made by him, the sheathe made out of tough steelbat skin, simple and practical.

Hai Lian looked at the inconspicuous weapon with interest. Lavahold dagger? What a curious name.

Ye Chong took the dagger and headed towards one of the traditional weapons stores. The others quickly adjusted their formation accordingly, keeping Ye Chong at the center as he walked towards the store.

The discipline showed by the small group gathered a few interested glances, some of them with fear.

As Ye Chong entered the traditional weapons store, the storekeeper noticed the large group and greeted them warmly, anticipating good business.

The storekeeper smiled widely at Ye Chong as he said, ”How can I help you, sir? Please have a look around, if you see anything of interest, feel free to give them a try. If you need any special weapons, our store offers custom build services. Our main weapons craftsmith is Duo Lanmen, with the title Strange. He’s well suited for making more unique weapons.”

Hai Lian could not help but be surprised. He never imagined that a small store like this would have a weapons craftsmith with the Strange title. A weapons craftsmith with a title was much coveted by any powerful organization. The title denoted the specialization in their work. Duo Lanmen, for example, with the title Strange, would be specialized in unique weapons.

Hai Lian’s surprise pleased the storekeeper. Duo Lanmen was his store’s main star. He would make the same introduction to every new customer, and their look of surprise was something he enjoyed very much.

However, seeing the rest of the group unmoved, the storekeeper guessed that they must have been seasoned veterans who would not be impressed by the normal things he had on display. On the other hand, he also knew that this kind of customers were usually the ones who would spend more. Perhaps he had a huge opportunity here. Just when he was about to show them the best products from his store, the leader spoke.

”Do you buy weapons here?” The calm voice came from Ye Chong.

The storekeeper paused. They were not here to purchase anything. He was heavily disappointed, but kept the smile on his face as he said, ”Of course we do, what would you be selling, sir? Please give me a moment, for your reassurance, all authentication and valuation in this store is carried out by the weapons craftsmith Duo Lanmen himself. Will this be agreeable to you?”

The group seemed dodgy to him. Best if he let Duo Lanmen to inspect whatever they had to sell, since no one would actually doubt the decision of a weapons craftsmith with a title.

Ye Chong nodded and said, ”Alright.” He then turned his attention to the weapons on display in the store.

They were all unpopular or traditional weapons, and came in all types and shapes. It was definitely an eye-opener for him. Sang Fan and the rest were even more impressed. However, even in this store, they still kept their vigilance, with their formation unbroken. Their lives in Archipelago had taught them to never let their guard down.

A while later, a middle-aged man came out from a deeper part of the store. He was simply dressed and looked gaunt, with a thin face. However, his eyes sparkled with life, and his hands were broad and powerful, covered with calluses.

The storekeeper introduced, ”This is the craftsmith, Duo Lanmen. Old Duo, this customer wants to sell a weapon, please have a look.”

Duo Lanmen nodded, and turned to Ye Chong. ”Oh, what would you like to sell, young man?”

Ye Chong nodded in greeting and pulled out the lavagold dagger in his hand. ”This one.”

Duo Lanmen took the dagger, but did not unsheathe it immediately. Instead, he studied the sheath closely, and after a long moment, asked in confusion, ”What is this sheath made of, I wonder?”

Ye Chong replied, ”The skin of a kind of bird, called steelbat.”

Duo Lanmen rubbed the sheath with his right hand and praised, ”Tough but resilient, dark and practical. Excellent.” The storekeeper immediately felt much happier. Just by the dagger’s sheath made of animal hide that Duo Lanmen had never even seen before, the weapon was gold. Old Duo had high standards, and would rarely compliment.

Duo Lanmen suddenly unsheathed the dagger, with a flash of gold from the lavagold blade.

”Lavagold!” Duo Lanmen’s astonished declaration came in a trembling voice.

Lavagold’s beauty was apparent no matter where it was. The dagger was entirely covered in gold, shining like molten gold.

”What a pity …” Duo Lanmen muttered expressively.

”What?” The storekeeper could not help but ask, and everyone directed their attention to Duo Lanmen.

Duo Lanmen explained plainly, ”I don’t know which prodigal son did this, such a waste of material. The dagger’s design is unremarkable, entirely unsuited to be made with lavagold. More importantly, he’d used so much lavagold to make such an uninteresting dagger. What a prodigal son, what a truly wasteful heir! This is impossible, if that man is my student, hmph …” Duo Lanmen grew angrier as he spoke. The storekeeper quickly took the lavagold dagger from him, the precious weapon.

Sang Fan was now blushing like a cherry, but Duo Lanmen and the storekeeper did not notice him. The rest of the Sang family members looked at Sang Fan helplessly, while Sang Ling hid a smile behind her hands. For the moment, Sang Fan was in an incredibly awkward position.

Ye Chong asked, ”Then how much do you think this dagger is worth, sir?”

Duo Lanmen replied, ”At least 30 thousand credits.”