Part 22 (1/2)

”She seems to be very sorry that he is dead.”

”What did she say about Mrs. Langmore?”

”She does not seem to care much about her stepmother.”

”Have you discovered anything unusual, Mrs. Morse, that had to do with this tragedy?”

”Well, I don't know. I have looked around a bit, and among other things I found this. It was in Miss Langmore's dressing case.”

As she spoke the woman held up a small bottle. It was marked chloroform and was empty.

”Anything else?”

”With the empty bottle I found the half of a big silk handkerchief. It was wrapped around the bottle and had Miss Langmore's monogram in the corner. I went on hunting around the house and I found the other half of the handkerchief in a dark corner of the upper hallway, not far from where Mrs. Langmore's body was found.”

At this announcement there was a buzz of excitement. All present looked at the witness and then at Margaret. The girl had thrown aside her veil once more, and was standing up, with a face as pale as death itself.

”I--I--may I speak?” she faltered.


”I bought that chloroform a month ago and used it to put a sick canary and a sick parrot out of their misery. Mary Billings saw me chloroform the parrot.”

”When did you do the chloroforming?”

”About a week ago, on the parrot. The canary I chloroformed when I obtained the drug.”

”Sure, and that's roight, sur,” broke in the servant girl.

”Then you know all about using chloroform?” remarked the coroner dryly.

”The druggist told me.”

”Did it take all you had for the birds?”


”What did you do with what remained?”

”I threw it away, for I had no further use for it.”

”Hum.” The coroner turned to Mary Billings. ”Did you see her throw the chloroform away?”

”N--no,” stammered the servant girl. ”But if she says she did, she did,” she added stoutly.

”Now, Mrs. Morse, did you find anything else of value?”

”I did not, but Mrs. Gaspard, who was in charge downstairs, did.”

”Very well, you may step down. Mrs. Gaspard!” And the other woman came forward to face the coroner and his jury, and was sworn.