Part 9 (1/2)

But she was a very tactful person and was about to drop the subject, when Isabel slowly turned her eyes. They looked so much like steel that for the moment they seemed to have lost their blue.

”I have made up my mind to do something to prevent this marriage,” she announced. ”I do not know what, as yet. I shall be guided by events.”

And Flora devoutly kissed her, then gossipped pleasantly about the other guests and the people in the neighborhood. Isabel was curious to know something of the d.u.c.h.ess she was to meet on the morrow.

”Does she really look like a d.u.c.h.ess?” she asked, so innocently that Flora laughed and forgot the Roman-American profile, and the fateful eyes that had given her an uncomfortable sensation a moment before.

”Well--yes--she does--rather. It is the fas.h.i.+on in these days not to--to be smart above all things, excessively democratic, animated, unaffected, clever. But our d.u.c.h.ess here is rather old-fas.h.i.+oned, very lofty of head and expression. She has a look of floating from peak to peak, and although pa.s.see is still a beauty. To be honest, she is hideously dull, but as good a creature as ever lived, and all that the ideal d.u.c.h.ess should be--so high-minded that she has never suspected the larkiest of her friends.”

”Well, I am glad she looks the role. I have artistic cravings.”

They drove for an hour through the beautiful quiet green country, past many old stone villages that might have been the direct sequence of the cave era. An automobile skimmed past and the pony sat down on its haunches. Isabel had a glimpse of a delicate high-bred face set like a panel in a parted curtain.

”That is the d.u.c.h.ess,” said Miss Thangue. ”She wouldn't wear goggles for the world, and only gets into an automobile occasionally to please the duke. There is nothing old-fas.h.i.+oned about him.”

”She looks as if her name ought to be Lucy,” said Isabel, to whom the pure empty face had appeared like a vision from some former dull existence, and left behind it an echo of insupportable ennui.


Isabel had looked forward all day to the promised talk with the somewhat formidable relative for whom, however, she had conceived one of those enthusiasms peculiar to her age and s.e.x. Her wardrobe was barren of the costly afternoon gowns smart women affect, but she put on an organdie, billowy with many ruffles, that consorted with the season, at least.

Blue cornflowers were scattered over the white transparent surface, and she possessed no more becoming frock. Had she been on her way to a tryst with Lord Hexam she would have thrust a rose in her hair, accentuated the smallness of her waist with a blue ribbon, the whiteness of her throat with a line of black velvet; but she had the instinct of dress, which teaches, among many things, that self-consciousness in external adornment provokes amus.e.m.e.nt in other women.

She had not the least idea where to find Lady Victoria's boudoir, although a casual reference by Flora Thangue suggested that it was on the bedroom floor. She lost herself in the interminable corridors and finally ran into Elton Gwynne.

”Your mother expects me--where is her boudoir?” she asked.

He was at peace with the world, and answered, good-naturedly: ”I'll pilot you. Her rooms are over on the other side.”

”You look as if you should be congratulated about something,” she said, demurely. ”There are all sorts of rumors flying about.”

She had half-expected to be snubbed, but he was not in the humor to snub anybody. ”You can congratulate me!” he said, emphatically. ”The most wonderful woman in the world has promised to marry me.”

”I hope you will be happy,” said Isabel, conventionally. She resented his sudden drop from his pedestal, for he looked sentimental and somewhat sheepish. Still, her youth warmed to his in spite of herself, and again he noticed with a pa.s.sing surprise that her eyes were both lovely and intellectual. He was hardly aware that coincidentally his Julia's eyes met his mental vision with a glance somewhat too hard and brilliant, but he caught Isabel's hand and gave it a little shake.

”Thank you!” he exclaimed. ”That was said as if you jolly well meant it.

There are my mother's rooms.”

He went off whistling, and Isabel raised her hand and looked at it meditatively; his own had been unexpectedly warm and magnetic. She had imagined that his grasp would be cold and loose.

He had indicated a private corridor, and she entered it and approached a door ajar. There was no response to her knock, but as she was expected, and Lady Victoria no doubt was still dressing, she pushed open the door and entered. The room was empty, but Isabel was instantly impressed with its reflection of an individuality, although of a side that had attracted her least. Here was none of the old-time stiffness of Capheaton, and there was a conspicuous absence of dead masters and their pupils. It was not a large room. The walls were covered with a j.a.panese gold paper to within four feet of the floor where it was met by a tapestry of Indian cashmeres, and from it was separated by a narrow shelf set thick with photographs in silver frames, and with odd and exquisite bibelots. On the walls were artists' sketches, and two or three canvases of the Impressionist and Secessionist schools, expressive of the ardent temperaments of their creators. In the place of honor was a painting of Salambo in the folds of her python.

There were several deep chairs and a mighty divan covered with gold-colored cus.h.i.+ons and a tiger-skin, whose mate was on the floor. The gloom of the afternoon was excluded by heavy gold-colored curtains, and the only, but quite sufficient light, filtered through an opalescent globe upheld by a twisted bronze female of the modern Munich school, that looked like nothing so much as Alice elongating in Wonderland.

Isabel suddenly felt herself and her organdie absurdly out of place in this room with its enchantress atmosphere. She wished that Lady Victoria had made the appointment for the library, which was equally in tune with another side of her.

She was even meditating a retreat, inexplicably embarra.s.sed, when an inner door opened and Lady Victoria entered. She wore a tea-gown of a sort, black and yellow, open over the soft lace of a chemisette, although a dog-collar of tiny golden sequins clasped her throat. In her hair a golden b.u.t.terfly trembled, and in that light she would have looked little older than her guest had it not been for the expression of her face. It was this expression that arrested Isabel even more than the toilette, as she moved towards the divan without a word of greeting. It looked as if it had been put on with the costume, both intended to express a mood of the wearer: which might have been that of a tigress whose ferocity was slowly awakening with the approach of the victim. The black eyes were heavy with the l.u.s.t of conquest, the points of the mouth turned up more sharply than usual; there was an insatiable vanity in the commanding poise of her head. She was as little like the woman of the morning as the sun is like the midnight, and Isabel experienced a positive terror of her.