Chapter 982 Blood Diamond (1/2)

After laughing, Rerew serious

He looked at Li Du with honest eyes and said, ”You et in touch with the If Re diaet a valuation, but the other side did not cooperate successfully with him,

it could only mean that his diamonds were problematic

The diamonds in his hand must be blood diamonds!

The diamonds on Remonin's property were blood diamonds, also known as black

dia them off

Many people around the world already knew theof the term 'blood dia has been carried out in the most brutal, bloody,

and barbaric way

This process consisted of unethical practices, fro the to what Li Du knew, there were still many small diamond mines in sub-

Saharan Africa, and about afor their


The miners often received no payer

enerations of miners had worked under conditions similar to slavery, for

little to no payan at the time when

European colonists were not held accountable to anyone and considered the lives of

native people to be dispensable commodities

However, over the years, as the diarew more transparent and Europeans

lost some of their dominance in Africa, companies based in Europe and the United

States have i workers to

receive contract pay andconditions safer

African blood diamonds were now supplied mainly by local warlords, ere equal in

ferocity and violence to the for the


Li Du looked up at Remonin and said, ”You have blood diamonds in your hands, don't


Re out of his pocket, opened it and threw it on the

table A pile of shi+ny stones rolled out

He said, ”Blood diamonds? Do you see any blood? Their color is snohite, so if

anything, they should be called snow diamonds”

”You knohat I mean If you produce blood diamonds here, it would be very difficult to

sell them off,” said Li Du

In May 2000, the World Diaram called the Kimberley

Process to stem blood diamond trade and make white diamonds more attractive

Two years later, the United Nations adopted the Kimberley Process International

Certification systeulate the diamond market in


The Kimberley Process Certification System was basically a supervision systeh diain was responsible for the

production and transportation of rough diamonds froh diae-proof

container with a Kimberley Process Certificate issued by the coovernment

Thus, diamonds could not be marketed without certificates issued by Kimberley Process

n state and succuh diaovernive a warlord such as Remonin the authorization to deal with dia Li Du's words, Rery expression and said, ”I know

what you mean, but it's not fair to me!”