Chapter 802: Hidden Gemstones (1/2)

Chapter 802: Hidden Gemstones

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Within these rocks, Li Du found a lustrous piece of geemstone was approximately the size of a newborn baby's fist, had a pale black base color, was translucent, and had a colorful top

Generally, the gemstones were like painter's palettes that had been filled with a variety of colored piged in a e and eccentric charure out the identity of the geerade specimen that had a black base color

It was coenerally referred to opals that were black or grey, had play-of-color, and displayed vibrant colors within their dark-colored bodies

Although black opals were described as being black, they were not actually coht colored bodies of other types of opals, the bodies of black opals had darker colors

Despite that, there truly were opals that had naturally black bodies Due to the rarity of the patterns that black opals had, the prices of black opals were very high

Right now, Li Du had spotted a piece that was embedded in a wall

As he had already predicted so, he was not shocked by the discovery

Instead of being isolated like the fire opals in the national park, the black opals in Lightning Ridge were embedded inside rocks and were one with them

As such, it was much more difficult to find them Just like jade, black opals were encased inside rocks If a person wanted to find black opals, they would have to shatter the rocks

However, it was impossible to shatter every rock on this piece of land, as no one would have that , there was a pattern to the discovery of black opals Black opals were very rarely found alone and were usually found in groups that formed a black opal rich zone

Under such circueted at the black opal rich zone Once a piece of black opal was found, all the rocks in the surrounding area would be shattered

Despite that, not every black opal was located in a black opal rich zone Consequently, a lot of black opals that were hidden inside rocks had been overlooked Most of the tiory

Li Du knew that he would find black opals in open round However, he did not expect that the first black opal he spotted would be under such circuh he had found a black opal, he was not able to take it out frole Prince Castle, this infrastructure was also governible cultural heritage site and hence, no one was allowed to de along the wall, another piece of black opal appeared in his vision

Li Du knew that no emstones the infrastructure had, there was no way for hi, it would be best for hi under such circuy, it would also cause hiemstones

However, hu curious, Li Du wanted to take a look inside the infrastructure to find out exactly how many black opals there were and how unlucky the person who built the infrastructure was to have e in and out of the infrastructure, Li Du kept finding black opals: three, four, five, eight, ten pieces… so er be bothered to count The infrastructure contained at least tens of ean to realize that the owner of the infrastructure emstones were embedded near the surface of the rocks, and the rocks had been sether, it was ie the life story of the infrastructure's owner, Li Du suspected that the owner et rich but to vent his discontent with his fate