Chapter 125: Move Away (1/2)

Chapter 125: Move Away

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Seeing the gun, Hans’s eyes shi+ned even brighter He instantly exclaih it’s just a junk gun!”

Li Du had done some research on the mess of steel beforehand Just like those papers, this ed to the japanese military

It was famous in the battlefields in China; the notorious Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun

The chest contained a well-preserved optical sight piece for the gun Li Du placed his eye on the sight and looked outside The vieas clear and crisp

As he continued gazing at the scenery through the scope, he asked, ”Is this really a junk gun? This gun is really good It’s accurate and has a high killing ability See, it even has an optical scope”

During the designing of the Type 92 HMG, to achieve one of the un was equipped with an optical scope similar to sniper rifles

In addition, to prevent the loss of accuracy due to heavy recoil froun was also equipped with a strengthened tripod

The first tiun was put to use was in the battlefields in China, which caused the Chinese military to suffer under its fire

As un was to suppress the other arun to be accurate as long as it had enough presence

But the Type 92 HMG had a high accuracy With a standard accuracy of 30 percent and above, even when used as a firepower suppression, it was ets than other HMGs

After Li Du’s question, Hans laughed out loud ”What’s the point of being accurate? It’s firing speed was too slow The gun was also too heavy Once it was discovered, it was easy to destroy the range, even without artillery support, they could be destroyed with otherThe point of HMGs was to provide firepower to suppress the other army; if someone was to attack them with even heavier firepower at a further distance, do you think they could aiht too They were just speaking from different perspectives

In the battles in China, the equipment of the communist army was poor Their HMGs needed to be water-cooled Coupled with supply deficiencies, the soldiers could not properly solve their water rationing issues; how could they solve the issues of having to replace the water of the uns?

In such circumstances, the Type 92 HMG could mercilessly kill their opponents, and the Chineseabout it

When it came to the battles in the Pacific Ocean, when the japanese ed The A, M1919 series and even the tough M2HB Their firing range all exceeded the Type 92, so they could suppress the Type 92 on contact

Thus, Hans said that this was a junkin actual battles

There was nothing ed the topic and asked, ”Then is this gun worth ht?”

Hans nodded excitedly ”Yeah, this thing is worth quite a bit Although it’s a junk gun, due to its poor durability, there aren’t many of these left The rarer they are, the more expensive they will be!”

Li Du knew about this Once the japanese aruns In the war, only about 40,000 of these wereused in the battles in China

When they reached the borders of Auns becaun was still relatively famous in America The Pacific battle was one of the worst wars that America had participated in in the recent years The others being the North Korean war and the Vietnam War

When the japanese aro, the Philippines Archipelago, and other territories, they set up an elite defensive line The Type 92 was clai of Defense in some areas

America had a television series called ”The Pacific,” and this gun was commonly seen in the battles

Also, in Peleliu, Iwo Jied state—had delivered heavy blows to dise American troops