Part 17 (1/2)
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In order to familiarize the boy with the different terms used in a plane, examine Figure 277. The parts are designated as follows: 1A is the double plane iron; 1 single plane iron; 2 plane iron cap; 3 cap screw; 4 lever cap; 5 lever cap screw; 6 frog complete; 7 Y adjusting lever; 8 adjusting nut; 9 lateral adjusting lever; 11 plane handle; 12 plane k.n.o.b; 13 handle bolt and nut; 14 k.n.o.b bolt and nut; 15 plane handle screw; 16 plane bottom; 44 frog pin; 45 frog clamping screw; 46 frog adjusting screw.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 277. Details of Metal Plane._]
RABBETING, MATCHING AND DADO PLANES.--Figure 278 shows a useful form of plane for the reason that it is designed to receive a variety of irons, adapted to cut rabbets.
The detached sections of Fig. 278 show the various parts, as well as the bits which belong to it. 1, 1 represent the single plane irons; 4 the lever cap; 16 the plane bottom, 50 the fence; 51 the fence thumb screw; 61 the short arm; 70 the adjustable depth gage; 71 the depth gage which goes through the screw; and 85 the spurs with screws.
MOLDING AND BEADING PLANE.--A plane of the character shown in Fig. 279 will do an immense variety of work in molding, beading and dado work, and is equally well adapted for rabbeting, for filletsters and for match planing. The regular equipment with this tool comprises fifty-two cutters.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 278. Rabbet, Matching and Dado Plane._]
As shown in Fig. 279, the plane has a main stock (A), which carries the cutter adjustment, a handle, a depth gage, a slitting gage, and a steel bottom forming a bearing for the other end of the cutter, and slides on arms secured to the main stock.
This bottom can be raised or lowered, so that, in addition to allowing the use of cutters of different widths, cutters can be used having one edge higher or lower than the edge supported in the main stock.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 279. Molding and Beading Plane._]
The auxiliary center bottom (C), which can be adjusted for width or depth, fulfils the requirement of preventing the plane from tilting and gouging the work. The fence D has a lateral adjustment by means of a screw, for extra fine work. The four small cuts in the corners show how the bottoms should be set for different forms of cutters, and the great importance of having the fences adjusted so that the cutters will not run.
The samples of work ill.u.s.trated show some of the moldings which can be turned out with the plane.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 280. Dovetail Tongue and Groove Plane._]
DOVETAIL TONGUE AND GROOVE PLANE.--This is a very novel tool, and has many features to recommend it. Figure 280 shows its form, and how it is used. It is designed to make the dovetailed tongue as well as the groove.
It will cut any size groove and tongues to fit with sides of twenty degrees flare, where the width of the neck is more than one-quarter of an inch thick, and the depth of the groove not more than three-quarters of an inch. The tongue and groove are cut separately, and can be made with parallel or tapering sides. The operation of the plane is very simple.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 281. Fig. 282. Router Planes._]
ROUTER PLANES.--This is a type of plane used for surfacing the bottom of grooves or other depressions parallel with the general surface of the work.
The planes are made in two types, one, like Fig. 281, which has a closed throat, and the other, Fig. 282, with an open throat. Both are serviceable, but the latter is preferable. These planes will level off bottoms of depression, very accurately, and the tool is not an expensive one.
DOOR TRIM PLANE.--This is a tool for making mortises for b.u.t.ts, face plates, strike plates, escutcheons, and the like, up to a depth of 5/16, and a width of 3 inches. The feature in the plane is the method of mounting the cutter, which can be instantly set to work from either end of the plane or across it.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _Fig. 283. Door Trim Plane._]
The cutter, as shown in Fig. 283, is cus.h.i.+oned by a spring which prevents taking a heavier chip than can be easily carried. A fence regulates the position of the cut and insures the sides of the cut being parallel. The depth of the cut is governed by a positive stop. By removing the fence and locking the cutter post with the thumb screw, instead of using the spring, a very superior router plane is obtained.
The chapter on Bridge Building gives some suggestions as to form of trusses, the particular types there shown being for wide spans. Such trusses were made for one purpose only, namely, to take great weight, and they were, as a consequence, so constructed as to provide strength.
But a roofing truss, while designed to hold the acc.u.mulated materials, such as snow and ice, likely to be deposited there, is of such a design,, so as to afford means of ornamentation. This remark has reference to such types as dispense with the cross, or tie beam, which is the distinguis.h.i.+ng feature in bridge building.