Part 20 (1/2)

Dead, Actually Kaz Delaney 75800K 2022-07-22

For the first time ever, she looked nervous. A nervous ghost? But instinctively I knew she wasnt nervous for herself, but for her father. 'I helped him! Thats all I did. I heard things and I pa.s.sed them on. Hes my father! I loved him and he needed me!

'Oh my G.o.d. Its true? Youve been doing this forever, havent you? And you liked it! Thats why you did it. I shook my head in wonder. 'All this time Ive tried to work out why but it was nothing more complicated then simply doing something you knew how to do, and that you liked. You liked the power. Just like your father. My mind whirled. 'All those people you hurt. Lives youve made miserable. Disgust swept through me. 'You know, thered never be a reason I could forgive for what youve done to people but I guess I hoped it would be one Id at least understand.

'Please . . . The last thing I expected was to hear JoJo plead. 'Please. I know I havent done the right thing. She held out her hands towards me. 'It was what I knew what Id been groomed for all my life. I didnt even know it was wrong at first. You can hate me, I dont care h.e.l.l, Im used to it. But my parents . . . Hes been a good father. M-my mother is sick. Shes been really sick for a long time. She didnt ever know about his business. Dad made the money so Mum could have a good life . . . Please? Hes all shes got left. Please dont ruin them.

I stood there staring, the bag held aloft, feeling it grow heavier with every word JoJo uttered.

'Just erase the messages. Thats all you have to do. Her pleading had taken on even greater urgency. 'I should have done it. I told him I had. It would be my fault. All my fault.

'I dont know . . . I shook my head. 'Its not fair. People have been hurt. I nodded towards Chloe. 'By both of you. Pete Petes life could be wrecked.

While JoJo had pleaded, Chloe had stood silently by, but now suddenly I swear it was like Id just flicked a power switch, because in a flash all her anger was back. Eyes blazing, she stalked towards me. 'Oh no you dont, Miss Goody-Two-Shoes! I dont care what you do to her or her family but youre not going to ruin me! I havent gone through all this . . .

Eyes wide, I watched her advance on me. Mouth dry, I backed up, pressing closer to the car, subconsciously registering that it probably wasnt the best place to be with a madwoman bearing down upon me no escape route. Instinct told me I was about to get very, very hurt unless I did something.


Acting on natural impulse, my hands immediately went up to protect my face, but suddenly something snapped. Anger and frustration clawed their way forward. My jaw was set, my nails ready. No! I tossed the bag. I wasnt going to stand here and be a target! I was so over that!

I could start by pus.h.i.+ng her off her shoes . . .

When the screeching noises plural sounded in my brain it took a millisecond for me to work out that it wasnt me screaming in stereo. Words reached down to me; words that sounded like they were coming from a long way away . . . JoJos voice! 'Touch her and Ill crawl inside you and haunt you for the rest of your life!

What? I stumbled sideways. JoJo was protecting me?

My brain had trouble computing what was happening. JoJo had Chloe backed up against a tree and Chloe was begging for mercy. Honestly, she looked like she was going to have a heart attack! She was pale and even from where I stood I saw her brow and upper lip were beaded with little sweat b.a.l.l.s. When she gasped for air I knew I had to dive in and save her even though technically I was going to save her from the person whod just saved me. Spinout!

Launching forward, I felt myself grabbed by strong hands. I knew those hands . . . Seth? The other screech? That had been his car grinding to a stop.

Turning, I saw both he and Macey staring at the scene before them and in that instant I knew they could finally see JoJo. They were both transfixed, and I had to shake Seths arm, yelling at him to break through his stunned reaction. 'She needs to back off! Shes scaring Chloe to death! Seriously!

Dragging him with me, I forged forward again, yelling an order to Macey and pus.h.i.+ng Seth at Chloe to protect her while I wedged myself in between them except that I was deliberately facing JoJo.

'Its over, I said, raising my voice over her screams. 'Listen to me, JoJo! Its done. You heard it all and it was the truth. Your answers are here. No one purposely killed you. It was an accident. I hardened my voice, forcing her to really listen. 'Can you hear me? When I thought I had her attention I lowered my tone, softening to a whisper. 'Its time to let go, JoJo. Youre free.

Before me her eyes widened and held. 'But . . .

Puffing slightly, Macey appeared beside me and held out her hand. 'How did you know it was in the car?

I shrugged. 'I didnt. I was just hoping.

My eyes hadnt left JoJo. I could see her wavering, but as I stretched my hands toward her every part of me prayed this worked. This was my last shot. All I had.

Her eyes lowered and she smiled: an innocent smile, the smile of a child. 'My shoe. You found my shoe.

'The shoe was the clue, wasnt it? I think somehow you knew whoever did this had the shoe. I get that now.

She nodded, but still she looked lost, uncertain. 'The phone, Willow. You have to erase . . .

Oh G.o.d. How could I do that? But how could I not? Was it up to me? Really? Hauling in a deep breath, I nodded. 'Ill do what I can.

She stilled, her eyes still pinning me.

'JoJo? I whispered again. 'Its done. Its time. We had a deal, remember? Id find out what happened to you and youd move on. Its over. Time for you to find your peace.

This time she momentarily closed her eyes and nodded. 'But theres something I have to say first. Her voice was weaker. 'Your parents love you, you know? They got a doctor last night. They were with you nearly all night. Just sitting there. Theyre afraid . . .


'They love you, she repeated.

After all the times Id wished her gone, now was the time I wanted her to stay, to explain. But she couldnt. She was going. With the shoe clutched to her chest, she opened her eyes once more, spearing me, holding my gaze, letting out a long, long gush that sounded like a sigh. Amazingly I felt it wash over me . . . Felt the warmth that had been missing for weeks start to seep back into my bones.

And as the expulsion of energy continued, so she faded. Layer by layer she lost density, all the while staring deeply into my eyes.

At the very last I thought I saw a tear and her hand came out and touched me. OMG she touched me.

A lump formed in my throat and I mouthed the words, 'Thank you. Maybe I was just caught up in the moment, but it seemed the right thing to do. And in fairness, wed had a deal and shed kept up her end of the bargain.

And then she was gone . . .

And I knew.

It was finally over.

No one said a word for ages, but I did feel Seths warm hand on my shoulder. 'Freaking h.e.l.l. If I hadnt seen it . . . He angled his face down to look into mine. 'What was that stuff at the end? You almost seemed close. Youre not actually going to miss her, are you? His tone was incredulous.

I shook my head, trying to clear the confusion. Would I miss her? Miss the b.i.t.c.hiness? Miss the critic in my room every second of every day? I shook my head. 'Not one teeny bit, I answered softly. 'But I do have a new understanding of her. I think I finally got to know the real JoJo. And Im probably one of the only people who can say that. I shook my head. 'How sad is that?

And I really believed that. It also made me wonder about the whole parentkid relations.h.i.+p. Id had a birds-eye view of a few of them this week, and I hadnt seen one that was perfect not even close. Maybe dysfunctional was the new family black? JoJos father probably hadnt even realised that what hed made her do was so bad. Not until after shed gone. In my mind, I again saw that broken man in the church. Sure, what Id witnessed was sorrow but now I was guessing it was laced pretty heavily with guilt. Hed sent her out to another job, and shed died on the way. And he couldnt tell anyone that . . .

Maybe hed already had his punishment.

I glanced once more back at where JoJo had been and I knew Seth might think it was a sentimental gesture, and maybe it was in a small way. But Im honest enough to admit it was really to make sure shed gone. Yes, the past twenty-four hours had been emotional and thered certainly been a relations.h.i.+p s.h.i.+ft, but that didnt outweigh the fact that shed been a giant weight around my neck, and Id be lying if I said I was sad she was gone. After all that was what this had all been about. Setting JoJo on her way.

As the relief settled over me my eyes landed on Chloe, who was now crouched again, whimpering quietly. 'She was the one who sent the message, I said.

Seths sigh reached out and wrapped around me. 'How did you work it out?

'A lot of little things, I began with a frown. 'When I matched up all the so-called crimes with what Id picked up, there was nothing that matched Chloe. Not that I knew for sure. Then there was the entry about Kristie. At Teahnas that night, I thought Chloe had called Kristie a f.u.c.ker which was a weird word to use. It didnt make sense. But she didnt Chloe called her a faker. Who says ”faker”? Its just fake. It all came to me when I read the entries and there was that word faker and I realised thats what Id heard. And another thing, Chloe told Kristie that night to ”run back to your mummy”. Remember what Kristie told JoJo just before the accident? No one else knew Kristie was going to come clean with her mum. The only person who could have known was the one who had the phone; the one whod read the electronic diary. I sighed. 'So many other things just started making sense then. But still, all I could do was hope I was right. JoJo helped there.

There was that grin. 'Pretty impressive, Wills, he said softly.

Heat swirled through my body nice warm syrupy heat but only till my head cleared. 'Actually, where have you been? I didnt expect you to come; either of you. I hadnt heard from you. No replies to any of my messages.

Macey dragged her eyes away from Chloe and shot me a sideways look. 'Dont start with us, Willow weve had a tough night.

That was it! 'Youve had it tough? And what about me? Did either of you even think to just ring and see if I was okay? You dumped me! You left me to suffer all this c.r.a.p on my own and you didnt even care!