Part 16 (1/2)

Dead, Actually Kaz Delaney 69140K 2022-07-22

Had Seth and I been suckered?

Everyone started talking at once, all claiming that the clues were lies. Well, why wouldnt they? It wasnt like they were going to admit to anything! It gave me a minute to look around, and what caught my eye was JoJo.

OMG she was walking through people! She was kind of slipping into them! I knew from experience that she wouldnt have much staying power away from my room, but trying to suck energy from these chicks? Bizarre!

As she popped out of Demi I shuffled closer, just in time to hear her huff, 'That was totally uncalled for!

I kept my voice low; desperate for information but afraid someone would notice me talking to air. 'What are you doing?

'Trying to read their thoughts!

Hope surged, even though I didnt want to feel anything but hate for her. 'How long have you been able to do that? Then I shook myself. 'I dont care, just tell me if you found anything that helps.

She sighed. 'Nothing I didnt know. Theyre all pretty s.p.a.ced out. Yes, well, they should have thought about the repercussions before they all took their side trips into the dark side, shouldnt they? Nothing comes without a cost, right?

I sighed . . . Was it possible to be born without a conscience? Wasnt that the definition of a sociopath?

I pulled back, but JoJo didnt notice. Probably she didnt care. She kept rattling on. 'Jade has nothing in her head like thats a surprise. Demi needs to vacuum her mind she was thinking some really nasty things about me that were totally uncalled for! And no, I totally didnt get the indignant thing not coming from JoJo. 'And Chloe is a brainless b.i.t.c.h. All she can think about is shoes. Shoes? I mean, even I would be thinking about something more than shoes if my life was about to explode right in my face!

Yeah, sure she would . . .

Id tuned out the while I dealt with JoJo, but it was getting nastier and louder. And impossible to ignore.

'I dont care what you say! Its all lies! And no one can prove any different! JoJo was my friend! Demi screamed at Jade.

Interesting. According to JoJo, Demi had not been entertaining friendly thoughts five seconds ago. So, what the . . .?

'I dont know why you all dont just drop the act! If even half this stuff is true, then JoJo was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g you all! Why dont you all just admit you all hated her? I am! Im saying it out loud right now! Teahna yelled. 'She was a b.i.t.c.h. Am I glad shes dead? You bet. Would I dance on her grave? She paused. 'Well, if it wasnt all dusty and would ruin my shoes? You bet . . .

A totally random thought went through my head that dancing on graves sealed or not was not only really bad manners but probably against the law. Which was quite bizarre, really, because at that very moment, a police cruiser pulled up, and two cops got out and headed our way.

Heart thundering, I watched their progress in the silence that had floated down over the whole crew, and my one random thought multiplied to dozens of questions. As it turned out, my thoughts hadnt even been close to the mark. It was something far more shocking. And none of us had seen it coming . . .

Funny, when the cop car had pulled up, I should have a.s.sumed they were there in connection to JoJos death. Strangely, I didnt even think of it and, in a way, that convinced me again that I really didnt believe shed been murdered.

Apart from my own stress at being blamed for the phone messages the only other emotion I felt right then was confusion, especially when the older cop introduced himself and asked for Pete Hamill.

Seth had moved closer to me again, but I felt him stiffen at the mention of Petes name. My gaze followed Seths to the guy himself, whod turned green.

The cop followed the direction of our stares and took a step forward. 'Peter James Richard Hamill? Wed like you to accompany us down to the station to answer some questions about- 'Hes not answering anything. Im Richard Hamill, his lawyer and his father.

In all honesty, I hadnt seen Mr Hamill arrive, but a quick glance showed his Mercedes Sports parked under a tree beside the police car. My eyes flicked back to Pete, who was sweating badly. Did that mean hed broken the law? In fairness, it was probably a general response to any police questions; anyone would be freaked.

'Dad! What are you doing here?

Mr Hamill wasnt looking impressed. 'They turned up at home. Your mother overheard you on the phone and knew where you were and she called me. He held up one hand. 'Just let me handle this, Peter.

The older police guy cleared his throat. 'Mr Hamill, if Peter doesnt come of his own accord, well have to take him forcibly. Which would you prefer?

Petes dad shrugged. 'Hes not going anywhere.

The silence was scary. I could hear every gasp and perhaps it was my imagination every heartbeat.

'Mr Hamill, we have information and evidence that links your son to a hit-and-run accident on Pacific Palm Road on the nineteenth of May this year. Were prepared to listen to his side, but if you make this difficult . . .

Hit-and-run? OMG the Facebook page mentioned a hit-and-run! I glanced around me, and pushed in closer to Seth. Everyone was silent but fear etched every face. A tear escaped and rolled down Kristies cheek and I remembered the shoplifting admission. One by one looks were darted my way, hatred spewing from every eye. Huge fists squeezed my chest, cut off my breathing, and my head began to swim. OMG did they really think Id done this? Seths arm crept around my waist and anch.o.r.ed me to the spot; the only thing holding me there.

Even in my distress I felt his hand stiffen as the younger policeman unhooked his handcuffs, but Mr Hamill still didnt budge. By now Petes eyes were huge. 'Dad? Lets just go and talk to them, I- 'Shut up, Peter! Youre acting like an idiot.

'But Dad, the guy was drunk! He staggered in front of the car! I want to explain that!

Mr Hamills eyes narrowed and he moved closer to Pete. 'I said, shut up! Youre making a fool of yourself! Just like you always do!

Petes face flushed bright red. 'How? By trying to be honest? He turned to the cop. 'I wanted to come to you when it happened, but I made the mistake of calling him first!

Mr Hamill moved right into Petes face. 'I did this for you! Because you wont be able to study law if you were charged, you fool. You wont be able to come into the firm. I was saving your a.r.s.e. Saving your career!

'No, you werent. You were cleaning up the mess so no c.r.a.p could fall on you! You didnt listen. You never listen. I didnt hit the guy deliberately; it was an accident!

'Peter, I think you should come with us, the younger officer said.

As Pete walked away with the two officers, Mr Hamill glared at their backs. 'Dont call me for help. Do you hear me? Im was.h.i.+ng my hands of this and you!

Pete didnt turn around; he just kept walking.

Within minutes theyd all left the cemetery, the two cars headed in completely opposite directions. Seth pulled out his phone as soon as hed noted the direction of Mr Hamills car.

'Who are you calling?

'My dads lawyer. Pete needs help. He shrugged. 'The guys a jerk at times, but hes still a mate.

I loved him for his thoughtfulness, but I just wanted him to hurry.

And I was right to worry. The silence around us broke all at once. Like someone had rung a recess bell, everyone started babbling. Arguing. My head was pounding and I was still having trouble breathing.

The sun had moved higher, bouncing off the polished marble, and I started digging in my bag for my sunnies. Maybe in my crazed mind I thought theyd help me hide . . .

Scared to take my eyes off everyone, I continued to fumble, but only one person really stood out. Not surprisingly, that was JoJo herself. There she stood, right in their huddled midst, but not angry or even satisfied as I might have expected. She was fading, but she looked thoughtful and her focus was pinned on someone; however, as people jostled and the light blinded, I couldnt pick which one. Had she remembered something? I wanted to go to her before she faded out, but I had other concerns the crowd was closing in and I knew I was the target.

Forgetting the sunnies, I stepped back, but had barely taken two strides before phones started chiming all around me.

And everyone froze.

It was like someone had dropped a bomb.

Or threatened to . . .