Part 9 (1/2)

Dead, Actually Kaz Delaney 85110K 2022-07-22

As always when I started to feel the tears well, I morphed all that self-pity into sarcasm. It was my standard defence; it was like dragging on those jeans youve got just right, you know? Comfortable, familiar, moulded to your shape.

'Choppers? Sniffer dogs? Police searching every crack of the property for signs of my missing body? I glared at one, then the other. Still nothing. The sigh was inevitable. 'Need a clue? I havent been home since seven last night. Thats like, almost fourteen hours. Ten more and it would have been official and Id be headlines. Oh thats right. Theres one teeny little pimple on the perfect face of this argument first someone would have had to notice I was missing!

'Im sure they were worried, you just didnt give them a chance to tell you.

Okay, so that was surprise number three and one I should have been ready for. I mean, my parents, both smiling, sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast like a normal family? The clues were there. Like in the extra empty mug and plate at the table which I hadnt noticed till that second.

Hed come in from the other side of the house and, framed in the doorway, he could have posed as some sort of Grecian G.o.d. Tall, tanned, broad shouldered. Blond hair, piercing blue eyes. White, white teeth which were now gleaming at me from behind a snarky smile. The poster child for genetic modification.

He was perfect. Breathtaking.

And he made my stomach curdle.

Simon: my nemesis.

Four days without having had to look at that smarmy face. 'Youre back.

Dimples appeared. 'You missed me?

OMG, I didnt have to be psychic to see into his future. Televangelist Jim Bakker had nothing on this guy; people were going to pay to watch him pray and he was going to let them do it. 'Who misses a boil on their b.u.t.t?

That smile deepened again, but surely I wasnt the only one to see that this was literally lip service? His smile didnt meet his eyes wasnt even on the same page of the atlas.

Cue the father figure, laughing. Okay, so maybe I really was the only one who saw the frost in Simons eyes. Dad threw his arm over Simons shoulder. 'I love the way you kids rib each other! I knew youd be great mates!

Mates? In what twisted universe?

Suddenly all thoughts of food or coffee fell into the 'do it at your own risk category. Mimi had joined in the merriment and so there they were: the Holy Trinity backlit by the s.h.i.+mmering haze of Gold Coast suns.h.i.+ne at its best.

Not one of them noticed when I walked out.

So I was not in a good mood when I stormed into my room. And it took just thirty seconds to be in a worse one. 'Still here? I shot as I pa.s.sed JoJo on my way to the shower. 'Oh and by the way, make yourself useful. Haunting. Third door down on the left. Knock yourself out. The names ”Simon” if you want to go for some spooky ghostly sound effects. There might have been a time okay, a nanosecond when Id weakened and begun to feel sorry for her. But learning what shed been putting Seth through wiped the slate completely clean of all that. She was bad. Evil. The devils sp.a.w.n.

When I came back out she was sitting on my bed; back straight like shed been taught. One bare foot; legs crossed. Hadnt anyone warned her about varicose veins? Ignoring her, I moved into my closet and started pulling out shorts, tops and sweaters. When I left Grans Id had no intention of going to this boat party, but after what had gone on downstairs, I was rethinking my plan. At least Id be out of the house, and avoiding the Pentecosts was out of the question anyway, because I still had to return Maceys car.

My mind was a confusion of 'should I and 'would I that kept perfect rhythm with the tops I discarded. Finally I settled on fitted cut-offs and a soft, lime, strapless top that was s.h.i.+rred in across the top and again at the bottom. It had cost me twenty bucks and was the most comfortable thing I owned. Even on fat days it felt good. I figured pulling my hair into a low pony was the best option for a breezy boat and, staring at myself in the full-length mirror, was just hoping the big hoop earrings and over-sized floppy straw hat didnt make me look like a dork, when JoJo appeared beside me. 'Shees.h.!.+ Can you knock, announce yourself or cough? You scared ten years growth out of me!

She eyed me up and down. 'Surely not as scary as seeing yourself in the mirror. Are you really wearing that in public?

'Not working, JoJo. Youre not going to bring me down.

She sighed and studied her perfect nails, painted to match the hot-pink top. 'Oh, but I could. Dont push me, Willow.

I ignored her and grabbed a hoodie for later, but she planted herself right in the doorway and wouldnt let me through. 'So, have you made any progress? I would like to move on, you know. The skin on my foot is getting rough. I need my shoe. This isnt exactly five-star accommodation.

'And that cold, damp coffin thats waiting is? I can so do spite when I want to. Effectively, too, judging by her reaction.

'Listen, b.i.t.c.h. Just find out whos got my freaking phone!

I s.n.a.t.c.hed up a huge straw bag and tried to elbow her out of the way. 'Exactly what Im trying to do, and the sooner the better. I can tell you one thing: they all hate you. Happy? Certainly narrows the field? Not.

I got past her and managed to make the door. When I turned she was right behind me. And yes, she was looking rattled. Score one to me and about freaking time! 'Oh. Come on! This can not be news to you! Youre the one who told me they all had motives. Youre the one whos been blackmailing them! I paused as her eyes widened. 'Yes thats right, JoJo. I know what youve been doing to Seth. And I know hes not the only one. I was on a roll. 'And, just for the record, Im voting with the majority youre despicable.

Whatever I was expecting, it wasnt the look of confusion that now blanketed her usual haughty, superior expression. 'What? Cat got your tongue, JoJo? I shrugged, letting all my disgust spill out over her. 'It probably has. Its not like you havent frenched everything else in sight.

But still there was nothing. No response. I shook my head and turned to leave. I was over it. Over her. Over every freaking thing.

'Wait, you dont understand. Wait!

Reluctantly I turned and glared at her.

'Where are you going?

I let my hands flop heavily to my sides. 'Like its any of your business, but Ive been invited on Demis yacht and Im deciding if I want to squander precious hours of my life hanging out with your so-called friends.

JoJos eyes widened. 'You have to go! Her jaw came forward and she kind of sucked in her top lip. She seemed to gnaw on it for a few more seconds and then her gaze dropped away from mine. This was a different JoJo. 'You dont understand. Its not about me its my family. Its my father . . . If I dont find the phone . . . Itll all be my fault . . .

'Your father? What do you mean? And why didnt you tell me before?

'I was confused! Her voice dropped. 'I have to save them and as much as I hate to admit it, youre the only hope I have.

I studied her. Carefully. 'Are you saying that your family is in danger? That finding the phone will save them? How?

She held my gaze. 'Its business stuff. Theres information in the phone that could cause a lot of damage. People could get hurt . . . One hand came up to stroke her brow. 'I have to do something. Every day just makes it worse. I dont really know how long Ive been here but- 'Way too long. Trust me on that. My words were muttered and I hated that she was diffusing my anger. 'What does your father do? What business?

'Developing. I think yes, he develops land. He gets investors . . .

That triggered a memory; one I didnt want to share. I remembered my grandmother talking about some of the Grayson deals they hadnt all been good, yet somehow JoJos father always came out with a lot of money and smelling great. 'Why would your phone have information to hurt your father?

Her eyes clouded. 'I cant remember, but I think I did some jobs for him sometimes . . . But I dont know what.

I sighed deeply. 'So, youre telling me that your familys lives are in danger, but you cant tell me who might have the phone so I can help them?

I saw it in the lift of her head, the narrowing of her eyes; the pleading was gone and the old JoJo was back. 'If I knew that Id tell you! Do you think Id deliberately put their lives in danger?

Frustration was tearing me up. I hated feeling sorry for her, but . . . 'Yet still you cant help me. Im on my own. Great. Just freaking great. So, Ill just go out and detect and youll . . .? What? Just lie around and decay?

She glared at me and, for the second time, seemed lost for words, but it didnt give me any feeling of satisfaction. In fact this whole scene with her had unsettled me even more; it also brought back those vivid images of her father so broken at the funeral. Hed really loved her. If it was my family at risk, wouldnt I move heaven and earth? Of course. It made my decision clearer; nudged me to accept what I had probably subconsciously known all along: that I was about to take a boat trip whether I wanted to or not. And that was also probably why I barged straight into the chest before Id even known he was there.

'Are you loitering outside my bedroom?

Simon raised an eyebrow before letting his gaze drop to his half-naked body, dripping with pool water that trickled down over his miniscule and totally puke-worthy Speedos.

Following that with a shrug, he lifted the edge of the towel hed slung around his neck. 'Is that what this looks like?

I was on the verge of answering when I felt that cold, clammy presence. 'Oh my G.o.d! You can leave the bedroom!

'Perhaps I just needed the right incentive, JoJo answered, her eyes glued to Simons chest.

Oblivious to the new arrival, Simon simply shrugged again. 'Leave my room? Ive done it several times now. If youd like a demonstration, Im happy to walk up there and do it again . . .?