Chapter 715 - Seven Hundred And Fiften: Keeping Secrets From Her (1/2)
The third point of view:
”So how's the wedding preparation going?” Eden was the one to ask such questions since the children weren't interested in making conversation.
Anabelle and Julie had come to her parent's place for dinner and as well to receive their blessing. However, Julie discovered that for over a day that Anabelle has been giving him the silent treatment for reasons he doesn't know.
He wanted to confront her about it but knowing that it would lead to an argument, he kept shut hoping that she would come around. So he organized the dinner with her parents instead to show her his sincerity about their marriage thinking she must be pissed off about that. He had procrastinated settling down with her for a long time now and for that, he was truly sorry and planned on making it up to her.
However, how can he make it up to her when she wasn't talking to him at all and he doesn't even know the reason why, only that it happened after that meeting with Isabella.
”We are working on having the wedding as soon as possible,” Julie was the one that answered since his bride-to-be wasn't in the mood for questions and answers.
”Although Anabelle would be the one making major decisions for the wedding, I would always be with her along the way, assisting and making sure her decisions are met with precision and timely fashion. Moreover, this is our wedding and two heads are better than one,” He answered once again but this time while eyeing Anabelle.
Unfortunately, Allison, Anabelle's younger sister was on the table with them as well and she had been observing her sister's quiet mood which was unlike her. Her sister was always warm and exuberant unlike her lack of enthusiasm right now.
”What is wrong with sister Anabelle?” she asked with a dissatisfied pout.
Sadly, even Anabelle didn't know they were talking about her because she was lost in thought and was poking absentmindedly at her meal.
Julie laughed to cover up the awkward tension, ”Who knows, she must be in her red days,” He hinted at her being in her period.
”Nobody made you her spokesperson,” said Camille who had been quiet and observant all this while, ”That question was reserved for Anabelle,”
Camille then turned to Anabelle and called her firmly, ”Anabelle!”
That finally worked as Anabelle was startled from her reverie and she looked up to see everyone staring at her as if she was a circus animal, thereby the center of attention.
”What is wrong with you, sweetheart?” Eden asked, his gaze boring into hers. He knew his daughter was bothered about something.
”Excuse me, I need to visit the restroom,” Anabelle said and excused herself, heading to her room with everyone's gaze following her.