Chapter 664 - Six Hundred And Sixty-Four: Never Fall For Allen (1/2)
The third point of view:
”Tell me you're pulling my leg,” Ailee didn't want to admit it, it was too embarrassing.
”Why would I pull your leg?” There was a twinkle in her gaze, ”Have you forgotten that the both of twins and can sense each other's emotion?”
”Yeah, you're twins indeed,” There was a hint of sadness in Ailee's tone as she imagined she and Allen could have done so much together.
Eve didn't even notice the sudden change and went on, ”The instant he came into the class, his gaze landed on you and like those soapy scenes in soap operas, he couldn't take his gaze away - all of this happening in slow motion,” she described dramatically.
”And you would make a good script writer,” Ailee rolled her eyes.
”I'm serous here, my brother has the hots for you or don't you find him attractive?” Eve questioned her.
Ailee gulped, this girl would be the death of him.
”Well, he's fine,” Ailee said.
”Really?” Eve was not satisfied by that answer, ”Just admit the fact that my brother is hot, Ailee. This face..” she waved her hand over hers, ”has got so many men drooling,” Eve hinted that her brother was as gorgeous as she was because they shared similarities.
And did Ailee forget to add, she's a narcissist as well. A woman who knows her worth, how nice.
”Fine, he's hot,” she added immediately knowing how proud Eve felt right now, ”But that doesn't mean I like him,”
”A-ha?” Eve gave her a knowing look.
”What?” Ailee found it a bit annoying that her new best friend could read her.
”Really? I caught you staring at him that day at the parking lot,” the girl was not giving up anytime soon.
”Fine,” Ailee took the seat beside Eve and faced her saying in a lowered tone, ”Your brother is hot and totally my type and I'm crushing on you. But then I'm a pathetic little virgin who hadn't even gotten her first kiss and it's all because of her brothers who made it their life goal to never see her date,”
”Oh, that's huge,” Eve still didn't take her serious even after her explanation.
”No, you don't understand, Eve. My brothers would bully him to no end till he gives up on me,” this was the main reason she had not given the idea of she and Theodore together much thought. She didn't want to be disappointed like the other times.
However, even with that, Eve only smiled and that made Ailee more confused. She was suposed to be scared and then discourage her brother from chasing after her.
But the girl declared instead, ”Then you're in luck, my dear, my brother can surely hold his own,”
”Eve, you don't understand -”
”No,” Eve countered and cupped her face, holding it in place as she said, ”You're the one who doesn't understand. No, you should be the one that's scared because once my brother has his eyes on you, he can never give up,”
Ailee swallowed a lump down her throat, she was dumbfounded while her heart was beating too fast. This was the first time someone was boldly declaring her affection for her, and this would be the first time she dated - if things went well.