Chapter 647 - Six Hundred And Forty-Seven: Fallen Into His Kids Trap (2/2)
”Of course, it's amazing,” Niklaus lied through his teeth, putting down the mirror.
”My daughters are the best make-up artists the world has ever seen. Come here,” Niklaus ordered and they all climbed into the seat and he began to kiss them on the forehead one after the other, ”Muah! Muah! Muah!”
They all giggled.
Strangely, I didn't feel jealous. If anything, I was kind of proud of Niklaus. Not all fathers were this playful with their kids. Perhaps, I've been thinking too much. But then, something happened.
”Well,” Elsa, the most mischievous out of the three started and I knew at that moment it couldn't be something good, ”Since we're done with making you beautiful, it's time to pay us for our services,”
”Huh?” Niklaus was startled.
I facepalmed, that foxy sister of mine was about to rip off our father.
Niklaus laughed awkwardly, ”I never thought I would have to pay for services rendered to me by my own daughters,” He hinted that she should let him off because they were family.
”Sorry, father, but these materials cost money to acquire,” Ella was in cahoots with her sister.
”Really?” Diego said, ”I thought the makeup box belonged to Mother - ouch!” The little boy felt a pinch on his thigh.
”Sorry, that must be an ant,” Elsa smiled down at him in a fake apology. She then faced Niklaus, ”The payment, father?”
This time, Allen who had remained quiet all this while snickered at the corner. Our father just fell into his kid's traps.
”Sure,” Niklaus had no choice but to keep to their terms, ”So how much is this payment of yours?” He already brought out his wallet.
If only he knew.
”One thousand dollars, father,” Elsa announced with a smile.
Niklaus' face distorted at once, ”One thousand fucking….” He trailed off when he realized his language. He then asked with a fake smile, ”One thousand what, my dear?”
Lol, an illustrative photo of Niklaus being beautified by his kid is in the comment section ????